Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Almost 25.

ALMOST 25 weeks and 19 months.  We've both been very busy feeding our bellies.

John has a way of taking pictures and making me look short and not pregnant.  Wonder if this talent will still exist 35 weeks pregnant?

Just playing old school little people with Joey!

Best neighbors ever!  Asked if we wanted their "old" swing-set.  We are thrilled.  Okay, maybe I'm more excited.  He LOVES it though.  Still working on the latter but loves sliding over and over and over :)  We're so lucky to have great neighbors!       
Just relaxing poolside.    

Yep, just wanted to share some pictures because believe it or not, Jude is still sleeping!  Andddd I still think it's an evil girl, I mean sweet, precious girl. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

24 Weeks!

I think I can say "I"m in the 6th month of pregnancy!!!!"

Umm, is it just me or is that green, pregnant lady that clocks how far along I am super tiny for 24 weeks? Hehe.  Yea, I may be slightly more pronounced than her belly.

Delana came to visit this last week.  We were VERY busy going to the zoo, main street, park, shopping, and making some crock-pot freezer meals for September!  I just hope I can hold off until September to sample the meals :) Ha.  Oh we also made Zucchini bread.  6 lofts.  They may be my favorite thing ever currently.

Baby is getting HUGE.  I mean, I lifted up my shirt and Delana goes "I can see it moving!"...from the other couch!!  No 2 is crazy already.  I'm getting nervous thinking about a 6-8 lb baby in me kicking.  OUCH.  Very cool though. It's the size of an eggplant this week!

Did I mention my son LOVES goats? 

He's telling the goat a story I believe.

                                                                 The goat didn't get it.
Do you see that?!

Fish! Fish! Fish!


Train ride.

Pointing out the trees!

No. 2.  Need I say more?

Water fun!

More zoo!

The goat was nibbling on my sun glasses!

LOVED cheetah, for about half the ride.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

23 weeks.

 I went to find a picture and started reading my past (way past) posts about Jude's pregnancy.  Just blew my mind.  THIS is what my 24 weeks update with JUDE read:

 Doctors Appt Update:
So we went to the doctor last Friday as mentioned (July 16, 2010). Everything is great! Baby's heartbeat is at 145-150 right now. Measuring at 23 cm which I wish was more but oh well, right on. Weight at 117 lbs as I expected. So far up 2 in the first trimester I believe, and 5 in the second so far. I can't believe there's not much left in the second trimester! So really it was a fast, five minute appointment once again! Also did the umm blood sugar test or whatever that's called. Results came back normal for everything!

23w1d with Jude and NO 2
What's interesting about this is that it is nearly IDENTICAL to this pregnancy :)  Everything from weight, measurement, and HEARTBEAT.  Is that not that crazy!?  I think it is.  Maybe this is totally normal and I'm just crazy..?  Oh well.  Results came back normal for everything this time too by the way.  The only thing different, is I may be slightly bigger :)  But holy cow!!!

Oh yes, I could not for the life of me find that swim suit.  Had every intention of wearing it but I can't remember where I put it :( I love that suit too.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy times!

WOW. Graduation day went by quickly.  Which is perfectly fine.  It was a struggle to make it awake throughout the hour long ceremony with a wedding the night before! Holy moly, I'm getting old!  I was EXHAUSTED.  Felt like I had been up with a newborn all night!  Yikes, guess I should get used to that??  Anyways, it was great.

           Took this from my dads phone so it didn't transfer right...John wore pink to honor the moms...so thoughtful. 

But thank you everyone!  I couldn't have done this without the support from family and friends.  I'm so glad this long 4 year journey is OVER.  Just today I checked UMSL and my professor gave me a "s" meaning satisfactory.  DONE for good!  Everything it reported and closed! 

Tomorrow we go back to the doctor for the glucose, regular appointment, and u/s to get that artery picture.  Wahoo, hope the tech will be nice and maybe get us another face shot in 3d....!! Back now from Doctor...everything was great.  We have a stubborn someone on our hands though!  Tech could NOT get the Artery picture, so decided to retake all in hopes to see it later.  That was awesome!  So the 5 minute u/s turned into a 50 minute one!  Saw baby attempting to suck on fingers, miss mouth and hit eyes :)  Saw baby's eye open with lens moving around! At least that's what she said.  I believe just about anything she says.  I even asked her to look at toes for me.  So cute.  BIG big toe :)  Big nose.  John says it'll grow into it though :) Hope he's right!  The tech knows what it is. I asked...but we don't.  I am very anxious to find out but I guess John's right...only 16 weeks left.  Anyways it was great and gave me an energy burst...or now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it's that pure sugar drink I had to drink?  YUCK.  Hope I don't have to do that again! 

                                                Look at all of these!  The tech was Awesome!

 Ugh I can't figure out how to change this.  But babies mouth is open trying to suck/eat fingers.
                                                                          Side profile.
                                                                      BIG nose..
                                                      On the left side, the foot!  With toes!

                                Auntie Jess and Uncle Brett did a great job watching Jude. 

 New shoes!  They are so cute! I showed him this morning and he insisted on putting them on immediately!
                                                       On our walk..  Beware of horse...?

Ahh 23 weeks...well almost. I just noticed there are ALWAYS cars sitting on our bathtub HA!  He is 100% boy, isn't he.
                                        At least I look pregnant in these maternity tanks now!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Graduation Day is approaching fast! TOMORROW.  I think I may cry.  That is all.

Friday, May 11, 2012

22 weeks...right?

Oh man, I've lost count?! 

                                                Looks like I need to branch out of this top huh?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fire Vomit.

Hello fire vomit, oh how I've missed you.  I look forward to seeing another baby with a full head of hair.  That is all.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Toddler Brain

Jude has really been maturing lately.  Popping out new words left and right; his new favorite is "yellow."  In fact, we went to the pediatrician today and here's a picture of his brain activity. 

No really, here are his stats: 31 inches short (25th%), 25 lb (40th%-slowing dropping off that big, fat baby stereotype :), and BIG HEAD.  He had to get his ears flushed b/c of all the wax he has....from daddy.  Poor baby. HATED it.  Screamed entire time.  It was pretty bad.  Took me and two nurses to do...2 shots also. Rough morning.  Didn't make it home for lunch, he fell sleep and is resting now. 

Jude also went with me to Umsl (different day) to drop off my last paper, log, and evaluation forms!!! Wahoo!! It was quite a workout.  Right, I thought he'd enjoy climbing the 4 flights of stairs after sitting in the car for 50 minutes, nope, I carried him up all 4 flight.....needless to say, we took the elevator down to which I took us 2 levels too low....so then I carried him back up those.  Sigh.  Totally counteracts the 700 calorie sandwich I had at breadco right?  Wrong. Oh well.

We recently had a playdate with Eli.  They are so cute together.  I really think they play great together.  Jude was SO happy to see Eli! 

Rachel didn't have to twist my arm to get me to go to Pizza Hut for lunch :)  Great lunch deal!  I felt sorta bad though...I think Jude ate for free....after two pieces of pizza, a breadstick, and a cinnamon stick Jude was full.

                                 Then we got home where the boys performed their first duet. 

                                                              THIS is how they roll.

                                                 Hi!  He looks like me here.  Just agree.

Umm tomorrow is free, large trash pickup in Wentzville.  John, Jude and I went for a walk to find trailers, cars, trucks, you name it "shopping" along each house!  I can't believe it, but I can.  My neighbors put out a wicker patio set, ladder, and broom all to which were taken by the end of the walk.  We also noticed an infant seat with base gone by the time we left the corner, toddler mattress hanging out of a cobalt's trunk, and tons of stuff in the back of pickups.  I think what cracks me up is that they are not willing to pay a buck for the thing at a garage sale a few days but will go out in daylight and "shop" from house to house!!

Back to the playdate, Eli was outside playing when Jude got up.  He was so excited to get out there with Eli he walked straight into the pool! Diaper and shorts and all!  Just sat down, played, then got up and noticed his pants were nearly dragging to his feet!  Those diapers hold A LOT! Ha. 

Ahh refreshing!  Umm, yea the white is sun block that I didn't get to smooth in b/c he was so eager to swim!

                                                      Yep, they insisted they both ride...

                                                                        Beep Beep


                                    Should have figured he's steal my Popsicle and sample Rachels.

Caught fetus movement on video!! It's one of those things though where only I really "see" it.  Ha.  It was too large to let me upload though :(  But currently, fetus loves fruit snacks and apple juice. 
