Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy times!

WOW. Graduation day went by quickly.  Which is perfectly fine.  It was a struggle to make it awake throughout the hour long ceremony with a wedding the night before! Holy moly, I'm getting old!  I was EXHAUSTED.  Felt like I had been up with a newborn all night!  Yikes, guess I should get used to that??  Anyways, it was great.

           Took this from my dads phone so it didn't transfer right...John wore pink to honor the thoughtful. 

But thank you everyone!  I couldn't have done this without the support from family and friends.  I'm so glad this long 4 year journey is OVER.  Just today I checked UMSL and my professor gave me a "s" meaning satisfactory.  DONE for good!  Everything it reported and closed! 

Tomorrow we go back to the doctor for the glucose, regular appointment, and u/s to get that artery picture.  Wahoo, hope the tech will be nice and maybe get us another face shot in 3d....!! Back now from Doctor...everything was great.  We have a stubborn someone on our hands though!  Tech could NOT get the Artery picture, so decided to retake all in hopes to see it later.  That was awesome!  So the 5 minute u/s turned into a 50 minute one!  Saw baby attempting to suck on fingers, miss mouth and hit eyes :)  Saw baby's eye open with lens moving around! At least that's what she said.  I believe just about anything she says.  I even asked her to look at toes for me.  So cute.  BIG big toe :)  Big nose.  John says it'll grow into it though :) Hope he's right!  The tech knows what it is. I asked...but we don't.  I am very anxious to find out but I guess John's right...only 16 weeks left.  Anyways it was great and gave me an energy burst...or now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it's that pure sugar drink I had to drink?  YUCK.  Hope I don't have to do that again! 

                                                Look at all of these!  The tech was Awesome!

 Ugh I can't figure out how to change this.  But babies mouth is open trying to suck/eat fingers.
                                                                          Side profile.
                                                                      BIG nose..
                                                      On the left side, the foot!  With toes!

                                Auntie Jess and Uncle Brett did a great job watching Jude. 

 New shoes!  They are so cute! I showed him this morning and he insisted on putting them on immediately!
                                                       On our walk..  Beware of horse...?

Ahh 23 weeks...well almost. I just noticed there are ALWAYS cars sitting on our bathtub HA!  He is 100% boy, isn't he.
                                        At least I look pregnant in these maternity tanks now!

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