Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Almost 25.

ALMOST 25 weeks and 19 months.  We've both been very busy feeding our bellies.

John has a way of taking pictures and making me look short and not pregnant.  Wonder if this talent will still exist 35 weeks pregnant?

Just playing old school little people with Joey!

Best neighbors ever!  Asked if we wanted their "old" swing-set.  We are thrilled.  Okay, maybe I'm more excited.  He LOVES it though.  Still working on the latter but loves sliding over and over and over :)  We're so lucky to have great neighbors!       
Just relaxing poolside.    

Yep, just wanted to share some pictures because believe it or not, Jude is still sleeping!  Andddd I still think it's an evil girl, I mean sweet, precious girl. 

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