Friday, August 17, 2012

36 weeks, the NINTH month

                                           Because I'm 9 months pregnant now, we parked here.  :) 

So I have noticed my energy has picked up!  Well some days at least.  I still have pajama days quite often :) I have been going out (a bit) and not feeling awful!  Wahoo!  AND...knock on wood, I can sleep.  And by sleep, I mean I do not toss and turn for hours only about an hour, then pee 3-5 times, but then by 3 am I don't get back up!  Which is a huge improvement!  I would much rather be getting up with a purpose, baby, instead of feeling the urge to pee.  Guess with time!

Cravings.  Absolutely anything!  You name it.  Sometimes I splurge because hey I'm pregnant, I'm entitled to right....?  Then may regret later.  Ha.  Lately instant oatmeal and oyster crackers have hit the spot.  Right odd right?  BUT delicious.  

So wow, only a few more weeks.  It has been a fast but long, easy but awful, crazy but joyful pregnancy thus far.  The first 25 weeks flew.  I felt great, looked decent, then boom 26 weeks and started feeling bad.  That part made up until this time long.  Easy early on, challenging now.  It's hard moving around with a bowling ball in front of you :)  Awful....well fire vomit, real vomit, lack of sleep, lack of food intake, etc but totally worth it I know! AND if this child does not come out with hair I can braid, be boy or girl, I may cry.  Seriously.  I want a head of THICK, LONG, BLACK hair.  So I welcome you last few weeks.  Let's get this show on the road!  :)

A little recap for Debbie :)  With commentary :) Don't forget I have almost every week documented...if you want different ones...

                            "OH crap!  I think I may be pregnant!!" --John Meyer this is NOC :)

                                             "Yep, the first month-I got the flu at one point..."

                                          "The start of 3rd month, 12 weeks. Jude not thrilled."

                                                           "16 weeks, start of 4th month"

                                               "WOAH, we're half-way there!!!!! 20 weeks"

                                                           "24 weeks, start of 6th month"

                                                          "28 weeks, start of 7th month"

                                                          "32 weeks, start of 8th month!"

                                              "36 weeks, start of NINTH, and FINAL month!"
                   "Side view, baby is A LOT lower than Jude's ninth month pictures...just saying :) "

                                                            This is what I "go by"...sorta. Ha.

Had doctors appointment on Thursday and will until DD.
Blood pressure good: 124/76
Peed in cup and made the shot: Check
Weight: 122lbs
Height: still 5'3 sigh
Baby heartbeat: 135s/140s (really dropping :)
1 cm down, 9 left.
Measured: 32 cm (same as Jude)
Head down!!!

Our last week....
                                                                       A true rocker.

                                 I told him it's time for dinner....He insisted on sharing with his new cars.
                                                 New cars.  Never gets old, just amazes me.

I slaved over a hot oven to make these....Only lost 3-4 in the making too :)  For John's work shower, not all me.
 John and I are spoiled.  New double, umbrella stroller.  It's like the Escalade of strollers.  I'm still finding new features.  Now, I really want to use it!!!!

                                                                   Just lounging around.

 At this I was watching him right? Best part is when he puts his ear to the outlet to say "hello" HAH.
                        Ahh, we're all settling down for bed now.  Sigh.  I need this evil child OUT.


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