Friday, August 24, 2012

37 Weeks!

Booya!  37 weeks!  FULL TIMEish.  I am fine with baking a few more weeks now.  I'm starting to get sad thinking it'll never be the same.  Never be just us 3 or just me and Jude during day.  Don't get me wrong, thrilled to have No 2 finally here, find out who it is, braid HER hair, but yeah.  I'm pretty sure it's all normal at the time point.  Starting to sleep better.  That actually worries me.  Ha, I almost prefer to have awful sleep so that the adjustment to being up is easier. Never mind, I take that back :)  Guess it'll all fall into place!  Enjoying Jude "sleeping" in now and getting some much needed rest.  But man, by the end of the night, my back kills me!  I guess it's from playing with Jude all day and holding him.  I don't recall back pain with him.  But at this time, with Jude's pregnancy, I recall eating/craving donuts and sweets.  I think I still crave those, I just refrain from even attempting to eat (most times :)

                                                               That's a big fat belly! 
                                              Hmm a tad higher than Jude...Drop baby drop!

This time with Jude we had our last ultrasound. He was 5 lbs 10 oz so I'm assuming this one's around there...?

Doctor Appointment Update 37 weeks
Blood pressure good: 120/74
Peed in cup and made the shot: Check
Weight: 120
Height: still 5'3 sigh
Baby heartbeat: 145s
1 cm down, 9 left.
Measured: 32cm  Head down!!!

This is from Jude's entry (pregnancy):
Baby Update:
Close to 7 pounds now and 21 inches long! (Edit...most likely not quite that big yet or tall...) Baby swallows that amniotic fluid (which tastes sweet like chocolate long johns duh (Edit, hahahaha, which tastes like oyster crackers and oatmeal) and some of it wind's up in his/her intestines where it-along with other shed cells, bile, and other waste products-will turn into our baby's first bowel movement! NOT IT JOHN! HA, I called it! (Edit, John this STILL applies) Lungs are maturing more and that's about it. Fetus is STILL moving like crazy, taking my breathe away, and driving me nuts! Hiccups are still in the butt! I told my doctor I need to be fatter so that I don't feel these kicks b/c they hurt bad now!!!! Psh, decrease in movement. Yea maybe in me but NOT in fetus :)

Now on to Jude.  Oh my, the kid cracks me up now.   Of course he mainly does his talking with me at home but believe me, the kid likes to talk!  He is so funny.  Here are some of our latest conversations.

Me: "Jude, we're going bye bye, go get your socks and shoes."
J: "Bye bye?  Socks.  Where at?"
Me: "In your room like always."
J: "Room!" Then runs to room with his hands up!  He's still really into naming everything by colors...

It's just funny that he is comprehending what I am saying.  Too bad his shoes where hidden in the closet...

Last night:
Me: "Jude, I can't read anymore because it's too dark.  It's not light out, it's dark."  (We're working on some opposites).
J: "Light...on please." Points to the light.  WOW.  He cracks me up!  I think I actually laughed out loud to which he did also.  No, I didn't turn on the light (too bright), but I may have read that book one more time :) He is reading along with me too.  And by along with me...I mean I have read this library book 102938 times so he knows what Elmo says... "Achoo"  I encouraged him to say "achoo" instead of me and he did about half the time! So cute.  I love him!

                                  This is his "happy, excited face"...he may have got that from me....
                               Went to the festival with my mom and Carol!  Loved his balloon!

 I gave in and treated him to a bath in the Jet Tub!  He LOVED it, unfortunately, when No 2 comes, a piece of plywood will be covering the tub and a bouncy seat will be on top. Yeaaaa, that's how I showered, crazy I know.  Don't worry totally safe :)  So probably a bad idea to do this.  Sigh. 

                                       Nothing like a back to school haircut with a hairy sucker!
                                                                    "Hi daddy, luv you"
                                                         OUCH.  No 2 doing the box step...?

Jude had his open house for his Mothers Morning Out!  He walked in smiling and SO thrilled to see the toys.  A lot I recognized :)  But the "teachers" smiled and said "Oh hi!"...I said "Yea, you won't have a problem with him he'll love this!"  He immediately branched out looking at all the toys bringing the ladies blocks, etc.  I'm so lucky he's so easy going like this!  John and I are both excited!  His teachers are sweet and the playground looks awesome!  We had a brief parent meeting where the kiddos played (without us)!  All went well.  He was playing by himself when we walked in drenched in sweat!  Guess it was fun!  Can't wait to see how his first day goes next Tuesday!  I also can't wait!  Haircut scheduled and then lunch with my mom!  Gotta take advantage of being "single" before No 2 arrives!  I'm pretty lazy now so I'll have to post his day and schedule next week :) 


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