Friday, August 31, 2012

38 Weeks! 14 days!!!!!!!!!!

Wahoo!!!  The timer still says FULLY BAKED.  Doctor says otherwise! ha!

Doctor Appointment Update 38 weeks
Blood pressure good: 122/74
Peed in cup and made the shot: Check
Weight: 121
 Height: still 5'3 sigh
Baby heartbeat: 150-160s
2 cm down, 8 left.
Measured: 32cm  Head down!!!

This week has been busy.  In a good way.  I'm starting to get anxious about No 2.  I say I'm ready but you can never be ready....But I guess we are....Like John said, "No I'm not ready, but excited."  That's a great way of putting it.  I don't know what I was talking about the other week with sleep.  Forget it!  Not happening, can not get comfy, No 2 hurts, my belly itches, Jude randomly cries in middle of night, sigh...Really, I know this sounds crazy but I think the 2 straight hours I'll get with No 2 here will be better than this.  I literally toss for hours....or watch tv.  Thank goodness for Friends 3-5 am.  And thank goodness for those fabulous pregnant shows :)  Haha.

                 Jude had a GREAT second day!  (as did I hehe). Don't worry I won't show you everyday :)
                                                    This was MY second day.  I'm so spoiled :) 
                                                                     FELT AMAZING. 

                                             Then we had lunch outside at Breadco.  YUM.
                        I'm spoiled rotten, thank you! and Baby Meyer (and John and Jude :)
                                                                   Now that is focus. 
 4:00 pm.  What are your children doing?  Jude is bathed, on couch, relaxing after a school day while No 2 is tossing and turning....
 38 Weeks!  Finally....I feel as though I can say "any-day now" when people ask when I'm due :)

After doctor, we met up with Reardon's for some fun!

                                                                              Ready! GO!
                                                              SO excited to ride the "plane!"
                                          Oh right, forgot this one...Jude weighing in around 27lbs!
                                                                    A little Skee Ball!
                             There were FOUR in the bed and the little one said, "Roll over"
                                                   Just having a sucker at 8:30 am.  What?

                         Auntie Stacie spoiled him....Darn.  Now I guess I'll have to bring quarters....

OK, that concludes this week!

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