Saturday, August 4, 2012

34 Weeks Baked

 We went to the ballgame last night to celebrate our 34th week.....Jude chewing on the ice pack. 
                                        He is OBSESSED with the timed setting on my camera. 
                                                          He wanted "on" in the picture.
                                          Guess I know how to get him to "cheese" every picture....
                                                       Sweaty heads.  Pizza and fruit snacks!

34 weeks....this is where I get huge overnight, nightly :) I'm pretty sure I put on 2 lbs Mon-Friday with John gone.  I was spoiled by breakfast out, lunch out, you name it :) 

And then this is a little bit of what we did while John was gone.

                                Play center in Wentzville.  Great deal, 2 bucks to get in, hours of fun! 

                                                              They had a GREAT time!


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