Wednesday, June 30, 2010

21 Weeks down!!

Woah! 18 Left!

Went to the park yesterday with Ellie and Helen (my two favorite little people) and meet a lady with 3 boys. I swear, John and I will have 3 boys. I see this everywhere! I'm doomed to 3 boys! I just know it. Regardless starting talking to her, got into 3 boys, babies, you know the usual conversation when there are so many kids surrounding us. Told her I was expecting...5 and a half. Then she said, "Oh 5 and a half weeks. Awesome!" Haha. I was like "umm months!" So there. I suppose if you're not family or close friends, you'd STILL have no idea. But I notice, John, and our families! Otherwise, I'm just fat to everyone. Do I take this as a compliment or what? I will today. I have to say though, I look only 5.5 weeks pregnant because of my outstanding diet and exercise. For example, last weekend at my parents house not only did I rock my bikini, but also watched my diet closely by only eating 5 cookie/brownie bars, 2 pieces of pizza, about 5-100 calorie packs, and maybe a root beer. I mean "Yea, how could I look further than 5 weeks with that diet???" HAHA.

Baby Update:
Apparently, the baby has broken the one-pound mark!! I completely believe this! Look at my picture! I'm huge! All a sudden fetus and I have started to look fat!!! I know, I know, this is inevitable but hey it's odd for someone thin to begin with! Baby's eyes, the eyelashes and eyebrows are now well formed! Even hair is sprouting. I can't decide whether I want a baby with crazy awesome hair everywhere or a bold baby. I think both are adorable. Good thing it's not a choice really :)

Weight: 113 lb! I think I've put on a pound since the 18 week appointment! Exciting. So maybe up 2-4? Apparently, I should gain one pound per week for the remainder of the weeks! So 20 pounds in 19 weeks! Doesn't that seem like a lot in a little bit of time! Yikes. I welcome you stretch marks! No, I don't have any yet...Apparently that is about 90% genetics. Which gives me high hopes because my mom has ZERO! However, my mom was also one of those stick people who gained no more than 13-15 lbs for all 5 of us kids! I know. I asked my doctor multiple times how much I should gain, "25-35." Well see how much I hit! It'll obviously be the highest I have seen myself. And hopefully, will see myself! HA.

Photos! (best part for you, getting embarrassing for me!)
1. See, I feel huge and fat here! I mean look at the growth in one week! Yikes!
2. Traditional
3. I thought it'd be funny to take a "back view"...this way we can chart whether or not I look pregnant from the back! Ha.
4. Uma giving mommy kisses! She loves me. She knows baby is coming. She brings her bone in the baby room and just sits and chews. Soo funny.

Side Note: Art teacher from the school I worked in is here TODAY, RIGHT NOW, painting the baby room! I can't wait to see the final product. Yep, don't worry I'll put up pictures of course! Can't wait to see it then place the bed and dresser back in there! Soo cute:)

Your favorite family of Four!
J,K,fetus, Umadog

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot

Ohh We're half way there
Woah Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Woah Livin' on a prayer
Livin' on a prayer

Only appropriate for today's occasion. 20 Weeks in! Oh how the time flies! I think these next 20 weeks will be much more. . . interesting I will say! (No longer fitting into clothes, swimming in my 2 piece in public with belly, cutting the grass, using my stomach as a coaster, and much more I'll inform you about I'm sure.) As for clothes not fitting, I had class last night and felt I needed to at least put on jeans for it, well, YIKES, haven't worn those for a few weeks and man, they are finally getting tight. Granted I like to call these my granny pants because they come up to like an inch below my belly button but regardless, tight. No more jeans for me. Not to mention how hot I was in them-temperature.

19 Weeks left! Wooohooo!

Some day last week I was on the couch in the AM eating breakfast and watching something stupid on TV when the fetus punched me. Not once, but repeatedly. And at this point, I don't know whether I can just feel it or if John or anyone else could if I put their hand up to my stomach. So after much much much movement,I ran into the bedroom to where John was sleeping and put his hand where its been moving. I was like "John did you feel that! That's your baby! Can you feel it! He won't stop moving!" John said yes, then rolled over. What just happened?!?! I mean come on, you finally feel your baby move and I get a yes and roll over? Later I found out John was more than out of it and had no idea what was going on. (It was like 10 in the morning LOL). So back to just me feeling Al moving around. I mean he could not get that opportunity to feel that again for another month! We'll see. Fetus seems highly active. Especially when I'm sitting down and still. LOL. During class, I think about it the entire time and wait to feel it. Usually doesn't happen then, but it occupies the 3 hr long class :)

Baby Update:
7 inches long and almost 11 ounces in weight! Baby is the size of a large banana! Fetus is also swallowing amniotic fluid each day for hydration and nutrition. I can only imagine what he tastes: Chinese food, BBQ, everything sweet I can get my hands on, etc. Yep tons of room for twisting, turning, and an occasional somersault. Maybe fetus is no longer breech! Fetus also sleeps 12-14 hrs a day. Wow doesn't that sound great!

My scale read 112.2 this morning. But usually 114ish my nighttime. Lol. I go back July 22 or something like that. A long time! Booo.
1. Uma dog! We have officially started the baby room and Uma came in from outside one night at like 1 am with this moth attached to her nose! She didn't mind! Snack later.
2. Belly bump!!!
3. Ditto!!!

If you haven't noticed, I generally call the baby "he, Al, etc." I can tell, it's a boy. I just know these things :) If not, the baby may come out with a gender identity crisis. Good things I'm in counseling :)

Your Favorite Fam of Four!
J,K,Fetus, and Umadog

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Surprise Update

Happy Father's Day! Well, for fathers day we celebrated it with our fathers. Actually John went to the ball game with his dad, my dad, and my brother. I went poolside with the ladies, Stacie, Ellie, Claire, and my mom. Of course, I'd choose the pool over sweat outside watching baseball. However, I did manage to break a Powderly record today. See, last summer, my brother, Nate, and I decided it'd be entertaining to see how long we could tread water. Our record was 92 minutes or an hour and half. Not bad I do say. However, today was so hot and boring, that I challenged myself to break that record. I thought, I can easily do 93 minutes. Well I surpassed 92 minutes and went until 120 minutes. Or 2 hours of treading water. Rules: can not float, no swimming, ears above water, no food, no going underwater. This is a sport we take seriously. Unfortunately my brother Nate only did 45 minutes with me, Rob (brother in law) just did a mere 3. And with the help of Ellie (3 yr old niece) throwing ice cubes at me, I was successful. I mean I have to attribute some of this to the help of my fetus. I have the strength of both a full grown woman and unborn fetus. I can tell the fetus is exhausted but will also be up for the challenge of treading water when its older. It may even surpass my record...if I let it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a comic strip!

Even though you already see all these, I got bored, I mean creative tonight and thought I'd play with this and see if it's worth my time or not. I know I could only put weeks 4-16 and clearly I have more. I'll wait to make more later :)

19 Weeks

Hmm I just realized for the 18 week update that I wrote 21 weeks left. Then I went to see how many were left and I think it's 21. No no it's 20. Ugh John knows, I'm awful with numbers. Counting backwards has always been my downfall. I hope fetus has John's math ability and my, umm good looks? You know what, we'll go with this....

20 weeks left!!!

because technically I'm in the 20th week so there!

Baby Update:
I've decided that I have finally felt baby move. In fact, it was last week. On the way to the ultrasound, I felt 3 thumps in the same spot after each other. John and I were talking about it and then I felt it. He was saying, "Hey this is great talk about me yes!!! And buy me things!!!" And of course this really leads me to believe it was fetus because the ultrasound lady said she could feel it! I must have. Other than though, fetus sleeps a lot or I'm really focused on being a 50's housewife that I don't realize. Our fetus is up to 10 ounces! That's a 2 ounce gain in one week! Woah! Makes up for my 10 lb gain to come this month! LOL. Baby is also 6.5 inches now. Cantaloupe size. That's a cute baby.

Weight: I've been thinking a lot about weight. Currently it's at 111. Which is legit I suppose but it's more fun to see on the "real" doctors scale and the next one isn't until July something. Wow so far away boooo. Just wait, I know you're thinking "Man Kate, you are soo hot and skinny but need to gain weight." And mostly, I agree. But like my doctor said, "It'll hit you here in the 6-9 month when baby starts packing on the pounds." So please, don't be jealous of my nothing (but trying) weight gain, but jealous of my hair and its bountifulness! Just kidding :)
Craving: It's funny I still add this because cravings are suppose to disappear after the first trimester. Well I still love FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT. I bought an entire party fruit tray from the store yesterday and guarantee it'll be gone by me. No doubt. Then after I carted the fruit tray, I saw another lovely mix that included watermelon, honeydew (my favorite), and cantaloupe. Couldn't resist. . . and then bananas of course. Good thing fruit treats me right! Ha. On another note, I'm sure you will love hearing this, feel as though I've really started to "show." For me at least. Don't ya think? I mean I just couldn't resist. My moms house is the worst. It's has all the yummy goodness. Went over there to swim and found myself drinking a root-beer (not diet), eating princess fruit snacks, iced animal crackers, piece of left over pizza (just ok), M & M's ice cream bar (could have ate 3) and then some other crap she forced down me. Okay didn't force, totally was voluntary and appreciated but man, I gotta stop this! Must stay away from my mom's house!!

Photos: (the best part)
1. Innie!!!
2. OUTTIE!!! Omg it's popped out last night before bed it was the strangest thing. I was finishing up my spaghettios, mixed with ice cream and fruit when it just went POP. And out it came! Isn't it cute?? HAHA. Okay totally kidding. For those who don't know me very well, I have this strange, disgusting talent of popping my belly button out...Yes, I could do this long before baby. It was actually on Ripley's Believe it or Not! Soo yea, just one of my many hidden talents. I wonder how many will come forth with this pregnancy. Regardless, I can pop it out but then it goes back in. So my belly button will DEF pop out at some point on it's own...Haha.
3. Feel like I just look fat here...
4. Ditto 4.
5. Uma dog can't hack the walks...she lays on the air then haha. She's so cute :)

Just wanted to tell everyone my plan of the day, that's right I have a plan each day. After the grass dries, cutting it! Then washing my car, much overdue, doing laundry while doing both and possibly juggling, oil change later and I'll catch up on my own book for enjoyment, greeting the hundreds of people who John called for estimates for mud-jacking back patio while trying to convince them that the fort made of bricks in the back is for entertainment and that we do play pirates in it, reading chapters 1-3 (right don't forget, still taking classes Tues/Thurs), entertaining Uma dog (most likely we'll go on a walk but man, she can't last as long as I can!), and then working on baby's room! Baby's room is a lot of work! Especially doing it myself daily but I can't wait to have all the furniture and it painted! Soo cute. Phew, now I just need this photos to upload so I can move onward!!!

Till next time. Special update next time! It's the 20th week! We're celebrating big! Balloons, banners, music etc! Haha.

Your favorite family of four
J,K,Fetus, and Uma Dog

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sweet baby Meyer 18w3d

1. Fetus's face. Mouth opened. Nose and big eye sockets...there's hope baby will have my eyes!
2. Fetus and some body

Okay, I know, these are really creepy pictures, but from my view, they are the sweetest, most adorable fetus pictures ever! These are the only two that I could figure out how to take a picture of and not have it be blurry. Not sure how everyone gets them online, I just received a hard copy but here ya go!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

18 Weeks (and 3 days)

Well what can I say? Things could not be better (well, nah I won't even mention it!). I feel great, look great, and can't wait for this baby! Still think about it all the time and how loved it is! I can't wait to feel it for the first time! Sometimes, I sit on the couch real still and focus on feeling something, but nothing ever happens :( I think our baby is very calm and sleepy, considering I really do only drink water and try to limit my sugar intake. Guess I'll take that as a good sign. But each week goes by and I get more and more excited as though that is possible! Soo technically in the 19th weeks so really almost 1/2 way there! Woah, where did the time go! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was writing 1/4 of the way there! Haha.

What's going on this week? Celebrating my 25th birthday on Thursday! Well, at least, Helen, Ellie, Claire, and my mom will be! Then I have class that night so what a fun birthday! Ha, I think this happened last year oh well. Maybe Baby Meyer will make a move on Thursday for my birthday!!!

21 Weeks left!

Baby Update:
Fetus is now the size of a large mango! SOO freaking cute! Is 6 inches long! And weighs in at .5 lb. WOW, baby is really packing the pounds now! Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. Should feel the kicking, stretching, and body surfing soon! Baby's skin is now covered in vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and made up of lanugo (downy hair), oil from baby's glands, and dead skin cells. Protects the baby from amniotic fluid so that my baby is not that wrinkly at birth! Regardless, wrinkle or not, it'll be adorable!

Weight: 112 lbs according to the doctors scale. I feel fatter than a mere 2 lb gain thus far. (and look it) But hey I'll take it.
Thoughts: Heard if you drink grapefruit juice you are less likely to retain water...

Far to busy and lazy to post anything! Sorry. Just look at the 17 week and imagine me slightly fatter. There ya go!!! I promise I'll post the fetus's picture here soon! Just had such a busy day running around. I'm tired :)

Doctor Appt!!!! IT'S A BABY MEYER!!

Got there around 1, walked right into the ultrasound room. Very nice lady. What a great job she has. She agreed it's awesome actually. And immediately lubed my belly up with that gel and off she went! Baby's butt was the first view! What a cute fetus butt!!! Saw all parts of baby. 4 chambers, all the arms/legs parts, head, eye sockets, mouth (moving open closed the entire time), and everything! It was the coolest 50 minutes of the last 18 weeks. Couldn't stop smiling really! Sooo freakin cute. Okay it was not really that cute, baby has no fat so it's sorta scary but when it's your own, it's the most adorable fetus ever! Feet keep pushing on my bladder. IT was adorable really at times the arms would fly up and legs would move. The tech said the baby would not stop moving! Truly utilizing all the room in there! I would too. But it was just awesome. It'd cross arms or legs and move so fast. Too cute. We loved all 50 minutes of it and she printed off like 15 photos for us! She took pictures of gender and placed them in an envelope. So no, we still don't know however, I am still feeling a boy. With all the boy dreams, etc, I just feel a boy. So I often refer to the fetus as a boy. In fact, my doctor and I had this conversation and agree that most people who don't know refer to their babies as boys. Odd really. So now I don't feel so bad if I do it and it's really a girl. LOL. He measured me up 19 cm (right on track) and took blood pressure, etc. EVERYTHING checks out and looks great! Next appointment in 4 weeks. Sit tight baby Meyer!

Well, come to think of it, I bet I have felt the baby move. The tech said she could feel the baby kicking the wand thing so I bet I just have no idea what I'm looking for. So that's cool. I now know what I'm looking for! Love it.

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, And Umadog

18 Weeks 1 Day

Yeaaa, sorry fans. Went to Fort Walton Beach (by Destin) and just got back last night around 10pm. I know, no excuses play like a champion and get this update on here right? Well good news, I feel pleasantly plump (and look it) and will get you your update by Friday. "What? Why?" you may be thinking? Well EXCITING!!! We are going for the "half way there" 1 hr long ultrasound Friday afternoon and so I figured it would be more fun to post pictures of our sweet baby in 2d/3d/4d! Pray everything looks healthy and well.

I suppose I can fill you in on our Florida trip. Good news, nothing really out of the ordinary happened. Left Friday night after my last day of work and stayed half way at the Days Inn Hotel. Classy let me tell you. Drove the rest to Fort Walton beach to be welcomed by a HUGE storm including thunder, lightening, heavy rain, and strong winds. Perfect right? So John and I spent everyday beach side playing catch, Frisbee, and of course, playing in the ocean and pool. Very relaxing and very nice. Fetus seemed to have a great time! Not one complaint which is surprising really! In fact, after we got home last night and I was unpacking, strong dizziness attacked my body. I believe fetus was trying to tell me that it was happier in Florida and there is no need to unpack. . .

Well today is my first day of retirement, however, it's hard for to really count today because John is home. But regardless, I have been on the move! Already managed to trim the plants in front, rejuvenate my limp flowers, cut the yard (I love cutting the grass yes) and now I'm off to clean my car from the trip. And you think "What will I do all the time now?" Haha, I can't help but laugh. I will do everything you do in the weekend during the week so that John and I can have a nice, long relaxing weekend. You know, cleaning house, grass, subbing, watching my favorite little person Helen Tues/Thurs, class also Tues/Thurs night, walk dog, exercise myself, organize all those drawers in the house that are "junk drawers" (you know you have them), prepare the baby room, grocery shop, prepare hot meals for dinner (hah), and of course update my blog, all without the TV on too. Yep I hate TV... so when you come over, please DO put your finger on the mantel, check the back drawer in the fridge, lick the toilet seat, but I promise you, you will be amazed by how busy I will be! As mentioned previously, my car is calling my name! Look for official baby update Friday! Cheers!

1. and the bullfrog jumps from bank to bank saying...Sooo was cutting the grass this am and stumbled across the largest bullfrog I have ever seen. As you can see, the bullfrog is bigger than my camera case by far. How is this related to fetus? The fetus kicked as I was taking this picture. Ha, just kidding, nope unrelated.
2. "Fetus hearts Destin" I believe this was taken one day before exactly 18 weeks...
3. Group we went with. Horrible picture. I would rather put together a contraption than have a stranger take pictures. Clearly she did an awful job.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

17 Weeks

I like to think I feel great now! Finally picking up the slack I've created in the last 16 weeks. (And that's a lot of slack, ya know). Ha. With the exception of today (Tuesday) I have been staying up past 9:30 pm, getting up early, eating whenever I am hungry (not first thing in the morning), and spending time going going going! We went to Chicago to see my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins over Memorial Day weekend. How fun! Driving wasn't the best but we toured the city with a 90 minute boat ride and then walked around for hours. It was awesome! I am so happy that fetus truly cooperated! Poor John got burnt on the boat. . . I wonder if our child will have his delicate, pasty white skin tone. . . or my beautiful brown? Just one of the many things I think about with the fetus. Saw a 2 week old baby today also, how adorable and small. Can't wait to see my own.

22 Weeks left! We're almost half way there! Well I suppose if you do it according to months, we are half way there! 4.5 months! But if you go by weeks, we're still down by 2.

We can technically find out the gender in 10 days!!! 10 days!!! How exciting. No, we're not, But cool to think we could. We'll have the ultrasound tech put the pieces of gender in an envelope. LOL. Currently, my uterus is the size of a cantaloupe. Pretty large. Strange also. Lately I can not get enough FRUIT! For breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, all day long. All kinds. I have grown to love cantaloupe (hated before baby). Interesting huh? My usual mixed fruit lunch consists of grapes, strawberries, bananas, pineapple, honeydew, cantaloupe, blueberries and anything else I can buy that John won't complain about. I don't like the cups, but rather I prefer the work of mixing them myself. Fresh fruit. May need to grab some now!

Baby Update:
Baby is hitting the height chart at five and a half inches long and weighs about five ounces (the weight of the boneless chicken breast I made for dinner last night). Yawns! Baby (and me) can now yawn! We may even be able to see it on the ultrasound next Friday. We will also be able to see twists, rolls, kicks, punches, etc. I think this will really make it real. I still don't really "look pregnant" so by seeing our baby move and it's face (we get to see it in 3d/4d) it'll all be more real to me and John most likely. Maybe I'll be more likely to feel movement once I see it is indeed moving!

Weight: The scales I use read the same really. 108ish in the morning (sometimes 110) and then 110 during the day. We go June 11th so I'll be interested to see what that scale says. But according to the "more official scale where you move the top," yea I had the school nurse weigh me, it read 109.5. Soooo the same?
Symptoms: Hmm, I seemed to write about these throughout the entry. You get it. Buy me fresh fruit and I'll be happy.

1. City
2. Getting thicker can you tell? I most certainly can!

Boy: Little Al. Can't wait.
Girl: Stellaaaaa!

Random side notes: I can still fit into all my clothes with ease. Woohoo. But find just a few shirts tighter.

What am I having!?!
Clearly, this consumes my mind. I figure I might as well share my story behind it. Forever, I have dreamed (not literally) of having a girl. I'd love a shopping buddy, girl to do her hair (I'm fabulous at hair, really), and just someone like me. So the first few weeks, early on, I thought it was a girl. But then I realized, I have a 50/50 chance and may have a boy. Don't get me wrong I want one of each! But I have this fear that I'll be the mother of 4 boys and never have my little girl. But then I hang out with friends who have little boys and they are adorable!! So now, if you ask, I'll most likely say I think it's a boy. But that's just the thing, I only THINK it's a boy, I truly don't feel as though it's either...yet. Ugh LOL. It's going to be hard to not find out in 10 days! So no idea what I'm having, but think it's a boy.

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, and UMA!