Wednesday, June 30, 2010

21 Weeks down!!

Woah! 18 Left!

Went to the park yesterday with Ellie and Helen (my two favorite little people) and meet a lady with 3 boys. I swear, John and I will have 3 boys. I see this everywhere! I'm doomed to 3 boys! I just know it. Regardless starting talking to her, got into 3 boys, babies, you know the usual conversation when there are so many kids surrounding us. Told her I was expecting...5 and a half. Then she said, "Oh 5 and a half weeks. Awesome!" Haha. I was like "umm months!" So there. I suppose if you're not family or close friends, you'd STILL have no idea. But I notice, John, and our families! Otherwise, I'm just fat to everyone. Do I take this as a compliment or what? I will today. I have to say though, I look only 5.5 weeks pregnant because of my outstanding diet and exercise. For example, last weekend at my parents house not only did I rock my bikini, but also watched my diet closely by only eating 5 cookie/brownie bars, 2 pieces of pizza, about 5-100 calorie packs, and maybe a root beer. I mean "Yea, how could I look further than 5 weeks with that diet???" HAHA.

Baby Update:
Apparently, the baby has broken the one-pound mark!! I completely believe this! Look at my picture! I'm huge! All a sudden fetus and I have started to look fat!!! I know, I know, this is inevitable but hey it's odd for someone thin to begin with! Baby's eyes, the eyelashes and eyebrows are now well formed! Even hair is sprouting. I can't decide whether I want a baby with crazy awesome hair everywhere or a bold baby. I think both are adorable. Good thing it's not a choice really :)

Weight: 113 lb! I think I've put on a pound since the 18 week appointment! Exciting. So maybe up 2-4? Apparently, I should gain one pound per week for the remainder of the weeks! So 20 pounds in 19 weeks! Doesn't that seem like a lot in a little bit of time! Yikes. I welcome you stretch marks! No, I don't have any yet...Apparently that is about 90% genetics. Which gives me high hopes because my mom has ZERO! However, my mom was also one of those stick people who gained no more than 13-15 lbs for all 5 of us kids! I know. I asked my doctor multiple times how much I should gain, "25-35." Well see how much I hit! It'll obviously be the highest I have seen myself. And hopefully, will see myself! HA.

Photos! (best part for you, getting embarrassing for me!)
1. See, I feel huge and fat here! I mean look at the growth in one week! Yikes!
2. Traditional
3. I thought it'd be funny to take a "back view"...this way we can chart whether or not I look pregnant from the back! Ha.
4. Uma giving mommy kisses! She loves me. She knows baby is coming. She brings her bone in the baby room and just sits and chews. Soo funny.

Side Note: Art teacher from the school I worked in is here TODAY, RIGHT NOW, painting the baby room! I can't wait to see the final product. Yep, don't worry I'll put up pictures of course! Can't wait to see it then place the bed and dresser back in there! Soo cute:)

Your favorite family of Four!
J,K,fetus, Umadog

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