Thursday, June 10, 2010

18 Weeks (and 3 days)

Well what can I say? Things could not be better (well, nah I won't even mention it!). I feel great, look great, and can't wait for this baby! Still think about it all the time and how loved it is! I can't wait to feel it for the first time! Sometimes, I sit on the couch real still and focus on feeling something, but nothing ever happens :( I think our baby is very calm and sleepy, considering I really do only drink water and try to limit my sugar intake. Guess I'll take that as a good sign. But each week goes by and I get more and more excited as though that is possible! Soo technically in the 19th weeks so really almost 1/2 way there! Woah, where did the time go! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was writing 1/4 of the way there! Haha.

What's going on this week? Celebrating my 25th birthday on Thursday! Well, at least, Helen, Ellie, Claire, and my mom will be! Then I have class that night so what a fun birthday! Ha, I think this happened last year oh well. Maybe Baby Meyer will make a move on Thursday for my birthday!!!

21 Weeks left!

Baby Update:
Fetus is now the size of a large mango! SOO freaking cute! Is 6 inches long! And weighs in at .5 lb. WOW, baby is really packing the pounds now! Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. Should feel the kicking, stretching, and body surfing soon! Baby's skin is now covered in vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and made up of lanugo (downy hair), oil from baby's glands, and dead skin cells. Protects the baby from amniotic fluid so that my baby is not that wrinkly at birth! Regardless, wrinkle or not, it'll be adorable!

Weight: 112 lbs according to the doctors scale. I feel fatter than a mere 2 lb gain thus far. (and look it) But hey I'll take it.
Thoughts: Heard if you drink grapefruit juice you are less likely to retain water...

Far to busy and lazy to post anything! Sorry. Just look at the 17 week and imagine me slightly fatter. There ya go!!! I promise I'll post the fetus's picture here soon! Just had such a busy day running around. I'm tired :)

Doctor Appt!!!! IT'S A BABY MEYER!!

Got there around 1, walked right into the ultrasound room. Very nice lady. What a great job she has. She agreed it's awesome actually. And immediately lubed my belly up with that gel and off she went! Baby's butt was the first view! What a cute fetus butt!!! Saw all parts of baby. 4 chambers, all the arms/legs parts, head, eye sockets, mouth (moving open closed the entire time), and everything! It was the coolest 50 minutes of the last 18 weeks. Couldn't stop smiling really! Sooo freakin cute. Okay it was not really that cute, baby has no fat so it's sorta scary but when it's your own, it's the most adorable fetus ever! Feet keep pushing on my bladder. IT was adorable really at times the arms would fly up and legs would move. The tech said the baby would not stop moving! Truly utilizing all the room in there! I would too. But it was just awesome. It'd cross arms or legs and move so fast. Too cute. We loved all 50 minutes of it and she printed off like 15 photos for us! She took pictures of gender and placed them in an envelope. So no, we still don't know however, I am still feeling a boy. With all the boy dreams, etc, I just feel a boy. So I often refer to the fetus as a boy. In fact, my doctor and I had this conversation and agree that most people who don't know refer to their babies as boys. Odd really. So now I don't feel so bad if I do it and it's really a girl. LOL. He measured me up 19 cm (right on track) and took blood pressure, etc. EVERYTHING checks out and looks great! Next appointment in 4 weeks. Sit tight baby Meyer!

Well, come to think of it, I bet I have felt the baby move. The tech said she could feel the baby kicking the wand thing so I bet I just have no idea what I'm looking for. So that's cool. I now know what I'm looking for! Love it.

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, And Umadog

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