Wednesday, June 16, 2010

19 Weeks

Hmm I just realized for the 18 week update that I wrote 21 weeks left. Then I went to see how many were left and I think it's 21. No no it's 20. Ugh John knows, I'm awful with numbers. Counting backwards has always been my downfall. I hope fetus has John's math ability and my, umm good looks? You know what, we'll go with this....

20 weeks left!!!

because technically I'm in the 20th week so there!

Baby Update:
I've decided that I have finally felt baby move. In fact, it was last week. On the way to the ultrasound, I felt 3 thumps in the same spot after each other. John and I were talking about it and then I felt it. He was saying, "Hey this is great talk about me yes!!! And buy me things!!!" And of course this really leads me to believe it was fetus because the ultrasound lady said she could feel it! I must have. Other than though, fetus sleeps a lot or I'm really focused on being a 50's housewife that I don't realize. Our fetus is up to 10 ounces! That's a 2 ounce gain in one week! Woah! Makes up for my 10 lb gain to come this month! LOL. Baby is also 6.5 inches now. Cantaloupe size. That's a cute baby.

Weight: I've been thinking a lot about weight. Currently it's at 111. Which is legit I suppose but it's more fun to see on the "real" doctors scale and the next one isn't until July something. Wow so far away boooo. Just wait, I know you're thinking "Man Kate, you are soo hot and skinny but need to gain weight." And mostly, I agree. But like my doctor said, "It'll hit you here in the 6-9 month when baby starts packing on the pounds." So please, don't be jealous of my nothing (but trying) weight gain, but jealous of my hair and its bountifulness! Just kidding :)
Craving: It's funny I still add this because cravings are suppose to disappear after the first trimester. Well I still love FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT. I bought an entire party fruit tray from the store yesterday and guarantee it'll be gone by me. No doubt. Then after I carted the fruit tray, I saw another lovely mix that included watermelon, honeydew (my favorite), and cantaloupe. Couldn't resist. . . and then bananas of course. Good thing fruit treats me right! Ha. On another note, I'm sure you will love hearing this, feel as though I've really started to "show." For me at least. Don't ya think? I mean I just couldn't resist. My moms house is the worst. It's has all the yummy goodness. Went over there to swim and found myself drinking a root-beer (not diet), eating princess fruit snacks, iced animal crackers, piece of left over pizza (just ok), M & M's ice cream bar (could have ate 3) and then some other crap she forced down me. Okay didn't force, totally was voluntary and appreciated but man, I gotta stop this! Must stay away from my mom's house!!

Photos: (the best part)
1. Innie!!!
2. OUTTIE!!! Omg it's popped out last night before bed it was the strangest thing. I was finishing up my spaghettios, mixed with ice cream and fruit when it just went POP. And out it came! Isn't it cute?? HAHA. Okay totally kidding. For those who don't know me very well, I have this strange, disgusting talent of popping my belly button out...Yes, I could do this long before baby. It was actually on Ripley's Believe it or Not! Soo yea, just one of my many hidden talents. I wonder how many will come forth with this pregnancy. Regardless, I can pop it out but then it goes back in. So my belly button will DEF pop out at some point on it's own...Haha.
3. Feel like I just look fat here...
4. Ditto 4.
5. Uma dog can't hack the walks...she lays on the air then haha. She's so cute :)

Just wanted to tell everyone my plan of the day, that's right I have a plan each day. After the grass dries, cutting it! Then washing my car, much overdue, doing laundry while doing both and possibly juggling, oil change later and I'll catch up on my own book for enjoyment, greeting the hundreds of people who John called for estimates for mud-jacking back patio while trying to convince them that the fort made of bricks in the back is for entertainment and that we do play pirates in it, reading chapters 1-3 (right don't forget, still taking classes Tues/Thurs), entertaining Uma dog (most likely we'll go on a walk but man, she can't last as long as I can!), and then working on baby's room! Baby's room is a lot of work! Especially doing it myself daily but I can't wait to have all the furniture and it painted! Soo cute. Phew, now I just need this photos to upload so I can move onward!!!

Till next time. Special update next time! It's the 20th week! We're celebrating big! Balloons, banners, music etc! Haha.

Your favorite family of four
J,K,Fetus, and Uma Dog

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