Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love - we'll give it a shot

Ohh We're half way there
Woah Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Woah Livin' on a prayer
Livin' on a prayer

Only appropriate for today's occasion. 20 Weeks in! Oh how the time flies! I think these next 20 weeks will be much more. . . interesting I will say! (No longer fitting into clothes, swimming in my 2 piece in public with belly, cutting the grass, using my stomach as a coaster, and much more I'll inform you about I'm sure.) As for clothes not fitting, I had class last night and felt I needed to at least put on jeans for it, well, YIKES, haven't worn those for a few weeks and man, they are finally getting tight. Granted I like to call these my granny pants because they come up to like an inch below my belly button but regardless, tight. No more jeans for me. Not to mention how hot I was in them-temperature.

19 Weeks left! Wooohooo!

Some day last week I was on the couch in the AM eating breakfast and watching something stupid on TV when the fetus punched me. Not once, but repeatedly. And at this point, I don't know whether I can just feel it or if John or anyone else could if I put their hand up to my stomach. So after much much much movement,I ran into the bedroom to where John was sleeping and put his hand where its been moving. I was like "John did you feel that! That's your baby! Can you feel it! He won't stop moving!" John said yes, then rolled over. What just happened?!?! I mean come on, you finally feel your baby move and I get a yes and roll over? Later I found out John was more than out of it and had no idea what was going on. (It was like 10 in the morning LOL). So back to just me feeling Al moving around. I mean he could not get that opportunity to feel that again for another month! We'll see. Fetus seems highly active. Especially when I'm sitting down and still. LOL. During class, I think about it the entire time and wait to feel it. Usually doesn't happen then, but it occupies the 3 hr long class :)

Baby Update:
7 inches long and almost 11 ounces in weight! Baby is the size of a large banana! Fetus is also swallowing amniotic fluid each day for hydration and nutrition. I can only imagine what he tastes: Chinese food, BBQ, everything sweet I can get my hands on, etc. Yep tons of room for twisting, turning, and an occasional somersault. Maybe fetus is no longer breech! Fetus also sleeps 12-14 hrs a day. Wow doesn't that sound great!

My scale read 112.2 this morning. But usually 114ish my nighttime. Lol. I go back July 22 or something like that. A long time! Booo.
1. Uma dog! We have officially started the baby room and Uma came in from outside one night at like 1 am with this moth attached to her nose! She didn't mind! Snack later.
2. Belly bump!!!
3. Ditto!!!

If you haven't noticed, I generally call the baby "he, Al, etc." I can tell, it's a boy. I just know these things :) If not, the baby may come out with a gender identity crisis. Good things I'm in counseling :)

Your Favorite Fam of Four!
J,K,Fetus, and Umadog

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