Thursday, July 1, 2010

Surprise Update!

I thought I should record my dream. Here goes. So the other night I had a dream I went to my doctor and he said I can either deliver RIGHT NOW or wait until AFTER Thanksgiving to have the baby! I was said, "OH man, I do not want to wait that much longer to have my baby. I want to see it now!" Then he said ok! The next thing I know I'm in the delivery room and out pops Little Al. He was adorable :) And 2 weeks early so I was soo happy I didn't have to wait till 40 weeks. So boy dreams are up by about what? 3-4 now. It's a boy. There's prof. Also getting more and more excited if that's possibly to find out what my sister is having! She's due Aug 5 but says she's got the biggest one yet. I can't wait to see if she'll have 3 girls or 2 and a boy! I'm personally hoping for the boy because I know mine is...Okay Chinese gender calendar is wrong I say! I just know these things... Cheers!

Photo: See, after I eat...usually a lot, I look pregnant! Isn't that hippo adorable! This is in the room but don't worry I'll do an entire entry for the room later :)

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