Monday, July 19, 2010

24 Weeks!

Doctors Appt Update:
So we went to the doctor last Friday as mentioned (July 16). Everything is great! Baby's heartbeat is at 145-150 right now. Measuring at 23 cm which I wish was more but oh well, right on. Weight at 117 lbs as I expected. So far up 2 in the first trimester I believe, and 5 in the second so far. I can't believe there's not much left in the second trimester! So really it was a fast, five minute appointment once again! Also did the umm blood sugar test or whatever that's called. Results came back normal for everything! Glad to hear! So here's a chart I go by. It's great really! So I am a full 24 weeks! That means if you ask me how many weeks I am, I will most likely say 25 because I'm in the 25th week and b/c it sounds more accomplished than 24. Apparently a lot of pregnant women do it this way. So then I guess you could say I am either 6 months (24 weeks) or 6.5 months (25 weeks). I do not usually cheat on this though, I'll wait until next Wednesday to claim 6.5 months :)

Man, I really am thankful, so far at least! Of course I'm an active member of the What to Expect website where ladies post questions, comments, stories, etc. about their pregnancies. And I have to say "WOW"...some of these women really struggle with day to day activities :( I can honestly say I can not relate to a lot of their "concerns" -in a good way! No hip pain, baby kicking low or high, baby keeping me up at night, swollen feet, headaches (anymore!), hair loss, cramping, problem shaving my legs (haha-yet) etc. I mean man, this could get ugly! LOL. I hate to mention I'm only up 7 lbs, sleeping on my stomach still, no stretch marks (yet), still cutting grass and moving around as though I'm not pregnant, full head of gorgeous locks, enjoying all the kicks I feel, and could still hide the baby bump if I want! I'm sure my time will come, but for now, enjoying what I have :)

Recently, my mom and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond where we were approached by the sales associate, "Are you planning for college??" Hmm, okay I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, I was wearing a Mizzou t shirt (like always), but it was still funny! Of course, then my mom chimed in "Yes! And I'm in high school!" (She was wearing a FHC track shirt! Ha.)

We have floor! It is the prettiest of all the pretty floors also! We love it and couldn't be happier. Uma could-she strongly dislikes the hardwood and finds a need to go into our room or the nursery to sleep, chew on bones, etc. Sad. I believe this weekend we are going to finish it up and put the baseboards up. Sooo, still not 100% complete, but much better than living on plywood! I'll post pictures when it's done! Speaking of flooring, we get our second extra long dresser for the nursery Monday! Can't wait to place that and move the furniture 384 times until it's perfect! Yay.

I'm keeping busy, don't worry! Just finished up my summer babysitting with Helen and now moving on to subbing in Francis Howell. First job starting Friday! Can't wait to get back into the schools!

Baby Update:
Fetus is reaching nine inches in length and passing the pound and half mark! What a chunker! Baby's tiny nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open, and its vocal chords are getting ready to roar! I think I still have a few days until I thought my belly button would pop out. I'll keep you posted. Looks the same though.

~Ode to the Blank Pants~
I did it! My mom told me about yoga pants at Express so I went and bought both one pair for each of us! They are very comfy and more so lounging pants for me. I mean come on, I don't do Yoga! As my mom said, "They are perfect for our activity...sitting." Haha, I will post the pictures of me in them for the 24 week update! I am not completely sold though, on giving the other one back just yet...I just look so good in them...

1. 24 weeks! Growing...Yes! No, that is NOT the belly band thing I bought...those are the new Yoga pants! What do you think? They have a nice gray band for style! Haha. Disregard my crazy hair, I know, I never do this! But I just cut the grass and this was the first time I got my hair in a pony forever! I'm headed to my mom's to go swimming now!

Your Favorite Family of Four

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