Wednesday, July 28, 2010

25 Weeks!

25 Weeks!?! Where has the time gone? Well lots to update today!

Thanks to the help of Aunt Jan and John's grandpa, we have baseboards! Well, half of them at least! Thanks for the help! Here's some proof!

I am so pleased with the choice we made! We just love it! It's really beautiful and goes great with all the different wood we have at our house! Can't wait to finish up the baseboards and be done with this never-ending project!! Also thanks to my parents who gave us their rugs because I am too cheap to go out and spend more money! And, I sorta just loaded them in my car one day. . . They are SO pretty! We've actually already gotten compliments from them! No, you can't have them back :)

July 23, 2010 Robert Joseph Reardon V made his way into the world! What a cutie pie! Of course, big sisters Ellie and Claire were ready to welcome him home Sunday! What an awesome experience! He weighed 7lbs 8 oz and has dark hair! Can't quite figure out who he looks like yet but what a cutie. Of course, we are all soooo happy it's a boy! I suppose the pressure is on now for John and I. . . we'd prefer a boy to be best friends with Joey, but not saying we won't love a little girl also. I keep telling Stacie and Rob though, "two girls (Ellie and Claire) and then our new two boys (Joey and Lou)." Maybe I am right! Ahh 105 more days to find out!!

Isn't he adorable! Finally, a bit of blue in that house!!

And finally, we received our last piece of furniture on Monday! WOW, big piece. I need Becky to come into town and rearrange all three pieces with me for an hour. So Becky, let me know when you are free to do that :) But it's very pretty. So now, just waiting on the changing table topper.

I am unsure what our next project is...maybe bricks in the backyard but I'm trying to convince John we should do that in September, you know when I will be completely worthless and only be able to shout orders from the lounge chair, while drinking frozen lemonade! Haha. Thank goodness John laughs at this. What a great guy!

Ha, so other random things. My stomach has never been more comfortable! Odd isn't it. I sleep great on it! And every-time I roll over, I think, "Am I smashing the fetus?" I guess he'd tell me. And the other night, he did. I rolled over, must have woke him up, and he punched me a few times on my stomach to the point where I was creeped out and rolled back over! It was such a strange, odd, creepy feeling! Fetus must be getting BIG because I am starting to feel these movements that are HUGE. Almost to the point where I believe "that was a head or butt or foot" no doubt. John felt it last night too! Ask him! They are HUGE! Fetus is taking over my body! I think he'll be bigger than everyone thinks. But as always, LOVE feeling it move and also think or say "Hi baby, good morning to you!" Such a cutie.

Went back to work last Friday. Okay, had my first sub job. It was great! I love that school and miss it! Everyone is so nice! I have another job lined up next week then a bunch after that! I tell you, this is the best job! I can pick my days, work Mon-Friday or none, make decent money, and the best part, everyday the job is different! I love it!

Baby Update:
Well, before the fetus update, I have to say, I was wrong. I think I said by the end of July my belly button would be popped out completely. It's still just odd looking, half out. Not all the way out yet. Still looking forward to that day!
Holy Cow! Baby is now a full two pounds and measures nine-plus inches. So this weight gain. . . I can now subtract 2 pounds of baby! Ha! This week, little Lou or Stella, is opening its eyes! Not much to see, but baby can respond to what it sees inside. So when John and I have a huge party with loud music, fetus may get mad at me! Just kidding.

Weight: Oh my. . .I keep getting fatter and fatter. LOL. I guess it doesn't help what I bought at the grocery store yesterday... Regardless I hit an ultimate high last night. I weighed in at about 9 pm at 119.8! OMG 120! I keep forgetting that the scale will read 120 and most likely 130! SO HIGH! As of the 25th week, whattoexpect says I should have gained 13-19 pounds. 19 seems a bit high doesn't it? I think I'm at about a 9 pound gain. So I have an extra 4 pounds to eat today! Hmm, hello donuts! Although this morning, 116.5. It's wrong! But I'll take it!!

Well, do you like the new ticker I found. The fetus floating around strangely. I noticed that my fetus LOVES to ultize his space, and I do not blame him! He can usually be found right around my belly button! Just a few times now, he's hit me high in the ribs. Thank goodness, still too tiny to hurt but definately a different sensation! Haha, odd I know! You can click on the numbers on the clicker and it'll tell you how far along I am in weeks and days and how long I have left in days and weeks! Cool huh? You know for people like me who get confused counting backwards...Ha also, this week, well next week really, I will be finishing up my summer class! Thus another class down! Only 3 left!!! I am sooo excited. This is the longest program ever. Love it, but such a great feeling to say "another class down." Can't wait until next Thursday to say that! Then I have two full weeks off until the fall semester starts! Just taking one then!

1. Much difference from last week? I can't tell!
2. I look so fat in this all black!
3. Aww I told Uma she'd make this week! Isn't she adorable! Since she hates the floor she only lays on the rug and this case, the pillow! Silly dog! Surprised she fit!

***Let's compare this week with the last week! On the left is LAST WEEK (24 weeks) and on the right is THIS WEEK (25 weeks).***

Hmm, I don't really notice a "size" change, but I notice a uterus moving! As you know, it gets higher and higher each week! This week it reaches 2 inches above my belly button and I can definately see that in the pictures! No wonder Lou/Stella is always kicking around my belly button! Cool huh?

Well I'm off to do my stay-at-home duties today! Grass cutting before it's 110 outside!

Your Favorite Family of Four

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