Monday, August 2, 2010

100 Days left!

I think it's only appropriate to share what I am most excited about, have felt in these last 6 months, struggled with, and the many joys I cannot wait for in a 100 countdown.

100. Feb. 27 Positive Test
99. 7:11 a.m. Asked John if he saw the faint two lines I did
98. Texted Becky immediately
97. Tried to run at the gym/have a successful workout but my mind was a bit preoccupied
96. Went to Walmart to buy a more accurate test than the dollar one
95. John finally confirmed we are in fact pregnant once that test read +
94. Vowed to not tell anyone until March 6
93. Told nearly the entire world before March 6
92. Uncontrollable smiles always
91. Happiness
90. Nervous
89. Immediately bought 5 "pregnancy" books
88. John laughs at me and my purchases
87. Read all 5 "pregnancy" books in a matter of a day
86. So excited to share this time my pregnant sister
85. Started the baby email
84. Changed the baby email to a blog due to popularity:)
83. Thought about what these 9 months will hold
82. Went to doctors office March 10
81. Upset but highly confident when doctor could not find baby
80. Relieved when went back in two weeks to hear heartbeat and see baby
79. Shocked, we're having a baby!!
78. Are we ready?
77. Too late to be questioning, we're ready
76. Supportive family and friends
75. Wondering what it'll be like to "get fat"
74. John can not wait till I "get big and pregnant"
73. Wonder whether my appearance now is considered "big and pregnant" enough for John
72. Caboodle days helping me take pictures
71. Update day change to Wednesdays
70. Wednesdays are now my favorite day of the week
69. Florida trip with belly
68. Compliments
67. Drastic 8 lb weight gain
66. Relieved when 8 lb weight gain was wrong, phew
65. Gaining weight
64. Love doctors appointments
63. Looking forward to every two week appointments
62. Finishing up school with fetus kicking me
62. First kicks felt on way to ultrasound June 11
61. Fetus has not stopped kicking since then
60. My little buddy :)
59. Wanted a girl to steal all my sisters clothes
58. Strangely changed and felt it is a boy
57. Set on having a boy
56. What if we have a girl??
55. The wonder
54. Excitement
53. Little morning sickness
52. Going to bed at 8 some nights due to exhaustion
51. NO more Mexican
50. Rough Chinese night recently
49. Bigger boobs!
48. Maternity shopping for not clothes :)
47. Maternity experience with Becky
46. Maternity dress
45. Baby bedding-Jungle Friends
44. Furniture
43. Painting the room late at night
42. The adorable jungle theme
41. Buying random baby clothes without telling John
40. Hiding those random baby clothes from John
39. Practicing being a stay-at-home mom
38. Love being a stay-at-home mom
37. Taking crazy pictures everywhere fetus has been
36. Blog
35. Lou
34. Stella
33. Thinking about future Disney World trips
32. Wondering what it'll look like
31. Wondering what gender it is!!!
30. Hoping it has tons of hair at birth
29. Will it be as smart as John?
28. Hopefully it doesn't get my math abilities
27. What will it be when it grows up?
26. How much will it weigh?
25. What time will it come?
24. Hoping it'll come early because I just can't wait
23. No real symptoms . . . yet
22. Fruit cravings
21. Having a girl according to Chinese calendar
20. Having a boy according to Walgreen's test
19. Seeing the first smile
18. Can't wait to hear you laugh
17. Share this moment with family and friends
16. Spoil you rotten
15. Carry you home and show you your new home
14. Hear you cry the first time
13. Attempt to control my own tears
12. See John hold you for the first time
11. Family photos
10. Love you to death we'll probably want 20
9. Teach you everything I know
8. Encourage your dreams
7. Share your life
6. Grow with you
5. Confident we can handle this now
4. More than ready to see you
3. Stare into you for hours
2. Love you
1. Can't express how I can not wait for this day! I <3 Baby Meyer

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