Thursday, August 26, 2010

29w2d Suprise Update: Weed-whack/Veins

It all started last night. . .typical minimal hours of sleep. John got up at 6am and I got up at 7am. I worked 9-4 today at John Weldon. As much as I love that place, I couldn't help but complain just a little bit to Carol about how tired I was. UGH! I even told her how I looked forward to a movie and bed. I got home around 4:30. The fetus and I could not wait for John, so we had leftovers around 5:30 because man, we were hungry but I was also too lazy/tired to cook something new. Then at 6:30 BOOM, up I jump. I need to cut the grass! So I gear up, and cut the grass. After I finish the front, I couldn't help but keep looking at those darn weeds in the bricks. Next thing I know, I'm squatting down (Yes, I can still do this!!) picking all those. Then I think, you know, I might as well weed-whack and get the edges good. It looks soooo nice when I do. Pull out the weed-whacker and start whacking away. Half way done, I realize my leg starts itching. Not any ol' part of my leg, but right by my pregnancy varicose vein! So I'm itchy and itchy and then realize "HOLY COW, MY VARICOSE VEIN ITCHES! IT'S NOT JUST THERE, BUT NOW ITCHES!" Ahh I freak out for a few minutes. I really only thought they would just be there for decoration and cause me no trouble. I call John out...sigh...he says EWWW. Then my knee itches and other leg. PHEW. Good news, mosquitoes all over me! In fact, there are about 3 ON my vein. Phew. Back to just having veins. I mean, this was a huge night for me. Those veins could have taken this to the next level...and although I'm not sure what that next level is, that could get ugly. And speaking of ugly, yes, my vein has spread a bit. But this I can handle. Other than that, the fetus is very very picky. I feel like I ate a house today. UGH. Fluid retention maybe? Any solutions? Ugh, I'm suffering! Photos included for your entertainment! Cheers!

Side Note: Weed-Whack (verb) to destroy weeds in yard. But do you Grass-Whack? Because sometimes grass can grow out of hand and if they aren't true weeds, then you're not necessarily "Weed"-whacking, but rather grass-whacking...

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