Wednesday, August 11, 2010

27 Weeks!

27 Weeks. WOW. Lol. Funny this seems to be my post weekly ("WOW"), and yet each week I really think "Wow!" 12 weeks left! Where has the time gone? I think I'm thinking about nesting, I mean haven't exactly got to that point yet. Okay, okay, ask John, I'm always a little OCD with the house being picked up before I go to bed and if I know someone is "stopping by." BUT I'm waiting for the time where I make list after list, then edit the list because I crossed out a word sloppily, and then go nuts! It should be entertaining! You know, highlighters are usually involved, chairs, and lightbulbs :)

Had a rough night the other night. John and I went to Breadco. After my chicken poppy-seed salad, slice of baguette, and shared muffin, I will admit. . . I had the hardest time painting my toe nails! I mean talk about uncomfortable! I could barely reach them! Hahaha. I'm hoping this is because I ate a ton and not because my belly is that big! Maybe it is. Sometimes I forget I have a belly and think that I have a flat stomach :( Then Lou gives me a swift kick in the ribs. Regardless, my obsession is weighing myself every couple hours. I just don't understand how our scale can read 118, then 123, then 120. All within 2 minutes of each other!! I guess I should just average them all throughout the day, or hide it and not weigh myself! HA. Sounds like the best bet. I think once a month is fine.

Go to the doc on Thursday! I love our doctors visits. Usually involves John and I talking about the others in the waiting room and guessing how far along everyone is, the weigh-in where the nurse screams "YOU'RE AT . . . ," me still grinning because I'm 7 months pregnant and most likely significantly less than the nurse, then hearing that sweet little heartbeat for 45 seconds, and chatting with the doc. Best 5 minutes of the month! Wish we had to go weekly!

I almost forgot! Third Trimester officially today!!! 3!!! No longer in second. I wonder how different it will be. . .? Will I have to stop sleeping on my stomach anytime soon? Will my feet swell? Will I put on 15 pounds in these next 12 weeks? Will my tan belly fade? Will my stomach get fuzzier with hair? Will this baby come at 38 weeks? OH WOW. Exciting to think there is no "Fourth Trimester" Haha. Okay I know, postpartum but I'm not counting that!

My belly button is the same. Only the top part is out. It's funny really. I'm used to it out though! It's funny! I sorta think it's cute half out. . . What else is new?! Oh my, I was investigating my legs the other day. . . Varicose veins. Yep, finally something pregnancy related. Apparently they develop (and get worse) because of all the blood pumping through my body and the growing uterus pressing against veins in the pelvic region, allowing all that extra blood to pool in the legs. I can honestly say, "Oh well" I mean I've had such an easy 15+ weeks that I can't complain. Some ladies just suffer and get everything! I haven't so I mean, at least they are on the back of my legs, at least there's only two that I see, at least they are very light (so far) and small, and at least I'm already married! Ha, sucks for John! Just kidding. I showed him, he seemed uninterested. They are hereditary, thanks mom!

Baby Update:
Apparently, baby is settling into the proper position for birth, head facing downward. LIES! This kid is at my belly button. Loves my belly button. Always hangs out there. There must be something cool there I'm missing...besides lint. But baby is now 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. Blinking now!! Also dreaming!! Most likely about me and how torturous I'll be! I have felt it under my right ribs also the last week. Strange feeling, but he has moved to my belly button again! I think his favorite time of the day is bed time. I lay down and BOOM, kid thinks he's got all the room in the world and makes his bed, practices hockey moves, jumps rope, who knows! But he is generally ALL OVER for a long time before I fall asleep! John and I enjoy feeling this time!

Well, I have successfully finished another class with an A. Woohoo! And with John and I in our childbirth classes on Wednesdays, well just pray we pass it. John and I aren't umm the best at attending these things. We have failed out of ballroom-dancing and a few others. But the good thing is, is that there are only 4 total! So technically, we're 1/4 the way done! Haha, and after tonight we'll be 1/2 done! Lol. I will proudly admit though, John and I go on nightly walks and practice our breathing. "Hee, hu. Hee, hee, hu. Hee, hee, hee, hu. Hee, hee, hee, hee, hu. Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hu." Then repeat and go back down. Maybe easier said than done. I truly can't imagine a calm, quiet delivery room where John is counting and breathing with me. I'd rather be throwing lamps, phones, screaming, etc. Just kidding. I promise St. Joes nurses, I'll do everything in my power to make this an enjoyable moment for you too :) Just can't guarantee anything :)

Oh Uma. Oh my, I have created a monster. I get up, right after John leaves for work, brush my teeth-the usual, open the door to welcome Uma, and then it begins. She whines and stares me down until I ask her "if she wants to go..." She knows. Most mornings she does not even give me a chance to eat breakfast! Every morning now for the last who knows weeks we have been going on morning walks. Weather depending on how far. She can't quite hack the heat. I mean we're out by 8:00-9 but man, it is hot hot hot out! She's so cute though, she lays in all the shadows of everything. THEN we go on a nightly walk with John and it's usually twice as long as the morning. Uma and I are keeping our figure! That's for sure.

OH man, talk about lack of sleep! I have no idea what going on...maybe I'm pregnant. BUT I can not sleep!!! Yes, I'm exhausted, lay down, then just lay there. Forever, for hours. I was up every hour last night peeing. I wasn't even peeing though. I was just trying to just because I was up! Does that make sense? I'm sick of it! Because of not sleeping, I have a twitchy left eye and a sty in my right eye! Poor eyeballs...hope this gets better. :)

Meeting Becky for breakfast so you only get one picture...But don't I look great! Cheers, have a great week :)

Your Favorite Family of Four

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