Wednesday, August 18, 2010

28 Weeks

Thought I'd add a picture of me with clothes on! I rarely do this...

28 Weeks!! Yikes!! 11 Weeks left. I am SOO EXCITED to meet fetus. It's really getting closer. Each week that goes by, I think, "Oh no...I only have XX potential weeks left!" Then I subtract two from that, and think " could potentially be only XX weeks!" Take this week for example, "Oh no. . .I only have 11 weeks left!" (subtract 2) " could potentially be only 9 weeks!" There ya go :) WOW. There's that word again, WOW.

So this week I was invited to two showers for myself. That was exciting! I hope I can attend them both. I'm getting really happy thinking in about a month, I will have more baby things to clean and organize, thus making this extremely real! Wondering where everything will go! Oh well, exciting times. Can't complain.

I start my next semester of classes Monday. Sigh. BUT I have decided to take only one. So I have it prearranged with the teacher my papers, tests, etc. That's a relief too. Will make this semester/class real easy. Looking forward to having my water break all over my desk during my night class, then having to drive 45 minutes home. I mean, you know this will happen to me! Haha. On another school related note, I am now a Missouri Certified Counselor!!! I passed the test, with flying colors and now just need to finish up classes! Funny, Umsl's requirements are far more difficult than the state of Missouri's! OH well, I see the finish line. So I am soo happy I don't have to buy a study guide or pay more money to take it! It was expensive!! If you recall, I took this test on about 4-5 hours of sleep. This was the morning that my nephew Joey was born. Ha, so that was one rough test that morning! Oh well, it's behind me now. Maybe I do best on lack of sleep? This could come in handy in November...

I also weed whacked for the first time this week. I know, should have learned sooner. But I'm one of those nervous-wreck people who only do things/learn things when there is no sign of life watching me. So today was the one was out, and it was perfect weather. Started with the back, kept it in-tact, and so moved on the front. I have to say, I did a decent job. Could be better, but decent for first time ever! Am no longer afraid to do this in public! Also, I know soo soon, but I planted new window box flowers. My petunias, although the pride of my house, just did not last this summer. The soil, the heat, the sun??? I don't know. But I went to Home Depot and bought some Mums. I know, it's so early, but the lady said they'd do fine in a window box, and need 6+ hours of sunlight, and I will bring them in if they start to burn up. But I'm happy to have color back to my home. Not sure if John has noticed yet :)

I love this house :) The second picture you can see my weed work. Beautiful isn't it. And the first one, I just thought looked good. I'm thinking we'll paint our shutters in September or next spring. Oh the work we find to do here!

Best part of MY/YOUR week: (brace yourself, you may need a change of pants. . . )
So John and I have been going on nightly walks, umm I think you know this actually, but regardless we went on one on Monday night. It was beautiful out. There was a slight breeze, sun going down, etc. John and I were talking about our childbirth class-you know how it can be pretty funny; our teacher speaking about sneezing and peeing on yourself. John and I laugh to ourselves just a bit. Yea, it's true, I'll admit, a handful of times I have sneezed and just a bit of tinkle came out. Totally normal, pregnancy related, and annoying! Then we change topics to Uma and how she pulls us a bit more than we'd like when we take her on walks. We're at the top of the street and John decides to let her lease go but use the command words to keep her walking close to us. Okay, yea, sure, fine, whatever. Well I'm saying "You know this would work but I'm afraid she'll see a bug, or bird, or..." John interjects "BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Uma darts off like a lightening bolt around a house, up the back hill in a yard, with John chasing after her!!! I couldn't help it. I mean what a coincidence! I couldn't move, just stood there, peeing all over myself. It was the funniest thing. Priceless really. There was even a nice family walking the opposite way to laugh at us. I don't think we'll be trying the "not holding the lease method" again. And I think when I'm laughing with John I'll make sure to put on my pull-ups or depends!

Baby Update:
Fetus weighs nearly 3 pounds now and measures 17 inches long. Getting closer to the birth length! In the next 11 weeks, fetus will more than double-or even come close to tripling-its weight! Let's hope for the doubling and NOT tripling! I do not want a 10 pound baby!! I suppose that the more fetus grows, the room inside will get tighter. And I'll be less likely to feel those big kicks and get poked by an elbow or jabbed by a knee. I secretly hope my fetus has more room because I can't imagine not feeling those big movements. Those are the BEST! Well as for myself, varicose veins still there, but I have to say, no pain related! Thank goodness. Or so far, no pain. Waiting for the stretch marks to make their appearance. Oh the joys of pregnancy! :) Other than that, still sleeping on my stomach, back, and side. I know, I probably shouldn't, but fetus doesn't mind I swear! This little thing is VERY active at night. The second I lay down it's like "OH MAN, there's so much more room mom I'm going to do jumping jacks, flips, and double toe-loops inside you until you move!" Then I move, and he's like "WOW the side of your body, this is great I'm going to stretch out!" Then to my stomach and he says "MOM, I'm smashed, move back over NOW!" One night, I was on my back laying there and the fetus's movements creeped me out to an extent that I actually got up and walked around. They were the biggest kicks ever! It caught me off guard! Scary, creepy. Well I hate to say it, but John and I are still sorta hoping for a boy. Because we have little Joey now (will be 3 months older) we're thinking two boys, close in age would be a lot of fun! And since I felt it's a boy recently, I think we have a good chance! About 50/50! Ha.

I know, I haven't done this for awhile, but I haven't had any for awhile. Well recently, I eat a small container of yogurt (right like the 5 oz thing) in the morning and then can not function or move, until like 2 pm! I am full beyond belief. It's awful. All I want to do is feed my face with fatty goodness but fetus says "NOOO". Ugh. Besides this, I feel soo fat lately. I pull weeds and strangely balance on my feet LOL. It's all odd to me. But great! I can't wait until fetus actually limits me from doing something. I mean don't get me wrong, it's getting harder to move however I want, but it has not exactly limited me wrong doing anything. . .yet.

Uma, Mommy, and Fetus. What could be better. No, John couldn't be on the couch there was not enough room, and we had to have someone take our picture :)

My baby (currently). She is obsessed with me and the time we spend together being a stay-at-home mom (minus the mom). Her new thing is to visit me on the couch and just sit with me for a few minutes or make out with me.

Your Favorite Family of Four

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