Tuesday, August 24, 2010

29 Weeks

10 LEFT! 10! Not 20, or 13, or 11 but 10 (TEN). Excited! Thrilled! Beyond belief HAPPY! (Natasha, did this make you laugh aloud? J/k...it'll get better stick with me :)

Well, as mentioned previously, I have one class on Monday. It was okay. The highlight of this semester is that I ONLY PAID 55 bucks for a parking pass, bought only ONE book, and only go ONCE a week. I mean, this is a HUGE change for me! No longer going 3 times a week and paying over 100 bucks for a parking pass! This is not entirely due to the fetus. . . no. I have ONE class left after this! O-N-E. Things are finally coming together. So I thought, "Why take two this semester?! Why not just one!" So I'm going to take one this semester and one next then intern and DONE. I know, boring to you but exciting for me! I also talked to my teacher again. I plan on having my water break all over during class (potential days being Nov 1 or Nov 8) and then making a huge, dramatic scene! Why not spice up class just a bit!? Everyone loves a pregnant woman and then the baby she brings in later :) "OMG MY WATER JUST BROKE EVERYWHERE! I ONLY HAVE A FEW HOURS..." Hahaha, priceless.

I think I already have a backseat driver on my hands. No, not John. Okay, so it's more like "rib cage driver." My buddy loves to find my rib cage and kick violently while I'm driving 70mph on the highway. Ugh. I usually put my hand there to move him down. Does not always do the trick though. But he loves car-rides already!

Here's a nice visual. I had a rough day, I usually look better than this. . . but here is the fetus and myself. Speaking of violent kicks. This kid has got a kick or punch or something! It's getting really really creepy. YES, I still love feeling it move all over but sometimes it gets real close to like my belly button, you know, not hanging out by my back, and these movements are HUGE. Creepy! I usually jump and push it back in where it should be! :) But it takes a few pushes to push the fetus back into place. He usually resists and hits me back a few. I wonder how he is laying? I really don't think he's laying the best way for delivery but he has 10 weeks to move!

Quick update: my mums are doing great! Only been a week, but they are taking really nicely to this heat, sunshine, and placement!

Baby Update/symptoms (all in one!):
Belly is increasing meaning that baby is getting bigger every day, weighing in at over 3 pounds now! He'll be packing on the weight at a rate of half a pound per week for next seven weeks! Baby's brain is growing daily. My little genius can regulate his own body temperature and turn up the heat, and start shedding lanugo,the downy body hair that's been acting as a blanket! Apparently, heartburn is highly common right now. I can honestly say I have no idea what heartburn is, so I'm going to say I'm a lucky one who has not experienced this. . .yet. Other than that, this last week, I have really hit a wall with my energy. Not sure what's going on, but there is the possibility that the third (AND FINAL) trimester may bring back the fatigue from the first trimester. Ugh...so tired again. OR I could be so tired because when I lay flat, fetus still has a heyday in my stomach. Not quite keeping me up at night but EVERY time I move, fetus moves. And I move a lot!

I love the picture comparison of the weeks! To the top is 29 weeks and to the bottom, 28 weeks! I feel so awesome saying "29 weeks." Sigh. Good times. Fetus has definitely pushed out my belly a bit this week!

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, and Uma

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