Wednesday, August 4, 2010

26 Weeks!

Take me out to the ball game! I guess I really didn't have a choice did I?

13 weeks?!
WOW. I just realized that next week we'll be in the 3rd trimester! Wooohooo! Time is flying. So what's new? Uma is my new best friend. She follows me around everywhere, we enjoy tanning, our morning walks, and random kisses throughout the day. She's really going to be lost when I have a new buddy to do that with. John said he'd take on the role of Uma's best friend though. Phew, glad we have that covered. Debbie let us borrow the Jungle-Friends Rug she bought for the baby room, well Uma has a new favorite spot. . . Nightly, she'll grab every toy in her toy-box and individually bring them into that room, on the new rug. So funny! But she's so cute:) Don't worry, rug vacuums up real nice!

Sometimes she gets snaggletooth. . . fits in perfectly at Wentzville!

Nothing like last minute! I signed us up yesterday for Childbirth Preparation Class. I know what you're thinking?! Seriously Kate? You? You are totally prepared. And you know, I completely agree with you. It's more so for John's sake :) Haha. I can just see us now!

John: "Hey babe, how you feeling?"
John: "Well, I can get you another one, don't worry! No need to yell."
Kate: "NO! Drive me to the hospital ASAP!"
John: "OH okay!"
Minutes later. . .
Doctor: "Okay, I need you to push, Kate."
John: "PULL PULL PULL, I need to check this baseball update real quick!"

Well I just read that to John...apparently he doesn't get it. HA. These classes are much needed! So mainly, we're looking forward, not to the class at all, but to the individuals we will meet in the class!!

Well onward!

Baby update:
Baby still likes to snuggle in the fetal position! However, I am starting to feel something up under my ribs. What a different sensation! This just started this's length from top of head to toe is nearly a full 15 inches now. And just over two pounds, fetus has doubled in weight from four weeks ago! Grow baby grow! Baby's taste buds are very developed now too! I bet it'll love Chinese food! LOL. Can't wait for the hiccups to come! Fetus is also a moving man (or lady). This kid never stops!

Last class tomorrow! Yet another one done! I love it! Only 3 left! Also exciting, Doctors appointment next week! Lots of good things next week! Come on Wednesday!!

This was taken around 12:30. Which means, I'm bigger! YAY
Your Favorite Family of Four

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