Wednesday, September 1, 2010

30 Weeks!

Here's my word:

30 weeks. I LOVE IT. Fun updates this last week!
August 30 around 11 pm I felt baby's first hiccups. Okay, maybe they weren't the first but the first I noticed to be hiccups! I went to bed around 10:30 and was just laying there playing with Lou. You know, he is SO active all night. So then I kept getting this odd sensation that I haven't felt before. I put my hand there to feel him move but there was no movement. It was a bump, bump, bump, bump that occurred rhythmically for a few minutes. I thought nothing of it and closed my eyes. Well, after a few minutes when it didn't stop, I abruptly opened my eyes and realized that the fetus may have had the hiccups! It melted my heart. Then stopped...haha. I even debated whether to wake John up, but he was so sleepy I let him be. It was quite the thing though. It was in my lower left area. Which is also good! Means (I think), that the little person is actually laying in the right position: head down, chest where I felt them, then the kicks in the ribs!!! Woohoo, that's my fetus :)

John, Uma, and I were laying on Uma's rug (Debbie I promise it'll be baby's rug once he/she arrives!!!) and John made the comment that I don't look pregnant laying down :( So, I just thought to take a picture today (29w5d). So here is a picture of me flat, on my bed, of my pregnant belly :)

You can most definitely tell where my fetus is laying! More recently he has been utilizing the space up high. So I would say I look pregnant laying down, or that I ate too much :)

I tell everyone about my Braxton Hicks that I have been having since week 20 pretty much, but I don't think everyone believes me! Everyone asks if it's gas, or fetus movement or ligament stretching! NO, trust me, although I'm a first timer, I am well educated on this and can DEFINITELY tell when these occur. Here's a picture of a pretty strong one: note the ROCK hard stomach. This one only went up to my belly button, sometimes I get them where they go past it. I swear this is not fetus!! It stayed like this long enough for me a get a couple pictures. Okay, you know how I am, I got about 20 pictures. This being the best one :)
Now I have another video for you! I call it: "Knock, Knock" fetus answers "Whose there?"

So now you know, when you ask "Kate, what do you do as a stay-at-home-minus-the-mom-but-brewing-to-be-a-mom" you have the answer! Play games with my fetus :) And of course, keep you happy with Wednesday updates. You know you'd be lost without these and you know you love this hump day pick me up :) I think in the next 9 weeks it'll get real good too!! Doctors appointment Thursday!

Well...Uma is a great dog. Sorta trained I like to think. Sometimes, just gets overly excited. BUT recently...I have gotten really picky with her. Because she is such a great dog, I have decided to pick on all flaws. Her biggest, most annoying one, is that she sleeps on the couch then we leave her out during the day/night. I can't stand this. My blanket on the couch gets all messed up and the cushions get hairy. Ugh. Then I have to vacuum the couch, wash the blanket (again), etc. Well I researched how to prevent this. So here goes!

Viola! Instance doggie proof couch! I know, funny looking and ridiculous but guess what?! It works! She does not jump up, move them, eat them (yet). John thinks she will eat them...but good news too: the purple one I bought at Walmart like 9 years ago for 5 dollars, the green polka-dot one I found at MU under a desk a few years ago, and the red one I must have stolen! So regardless, even if she eats them, they are old, free, and stolen!

Alright onward to more "baby-related" things!
Baby update: Movin' on up! Uterus is now 4 inches above belly button! Should be measuring at 30 now! I will update on Thursday after appt. Apparently, my stomach should feel like its in my chest...I feel like my stomach is the size of a pea. I eat a stupid yogurt cup and OMG laying down, near death of being full. UGH! Baby is now more than 3 pounds and measuring at 18 inches long! Holy cow! Baby can now perceive information from all five senses too. In the meantime, fetus is keeping busy daily by making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet, and sucking thumb! Some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb! I'm totally looking for this immediately after birth! :)

Well, we have a wedding Sunday! Yay (Congratulations!) Stephanie and Link! BUT being pregnant for this wedding is sad in a few ways. One, I can't wear my favorite dress, two I feel fat in a dress, three I can't drink :( Soo I can not decide which dress to wear. I just feel frumpy in all these. So I will leave it up to you to pick the best one! So let me know before Sunday which is best for me!! Really, honest opinions! I'm so pregnancy brain and hate them all. . .

** Don't forget you can click on the picture and it'll get larger, so that you can truly judge.**

The first one:
1. Not actually a maternity dress (John will like this! I can return the others!)
2. Most comfortable
3. Look a bit frumpy, not quite form fitting

The second one:
1. From Target, bought for 6 dollars!!
2. I look the thinnest in this one-not that this matters, I am PREGNANT.
3. Need to pin the top part so I don't flash the world...
4. It does have cute pleats in the front, ties in the back.

The third one:
1. This ones gray! If you know me, you know I only wear black!
2. Cute sequence thing on sleeves
3. It's different...not sure I'm confident enough to pull this one off!
4. Most expensive, NOT on sale at Target.
5. Look "biggest" in this one

I didn't tell John and nearly held this off, but we were watching some stupid movie, Dreamer, and I was nearly in tears at the end. If you know me, I DO NOT CRY. But ahh brought a tear to my eye. I think I'm getting more watch what you tell me!! Haha. But really, getting so excited to finally meet this little person! I know, I'm nuts. But every hour that I get up to pee in the night, I honestly think "Yea, I'm awake enough I could do a feeding now..." really, pathetic yes and I'm sure I won't feel this way after 2 days of it...ha. Was on this kick to make our own laundry detergent recently. Well after going to Walmart, Target, and Lowes, I have been told Arm and Hammer Washing Soda does NOT exist. As a stay at home mom, I WILL find this key ingredient if it's the last thing I do! Funny, also making pepper jack meatloaf tonight for dinner, I DON'T even like meatloaf, HA! Must be pregnant!

WOW, long enough.
Your Favorite Family of Four
K,J,Fetus, UMA

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