Wednesday, September 8, 2010

31 Weeks

Last Thursdays doctor's appointment: Well if I haven't already told you, things went good. Got there at 8:15am (too early), sat there awhile, weighed in (121!), blood pressure, measured, left. This is the first time in my life I have made it over 120. Or 115 for that matter. What an eventful day! Hah! My doctor wanted me to measure at 31cm and I was at 29cm. Although this is okay and normal to be -2 or +2 of the number of weeks you are, he wants me back in two weeks. So I'll go back next week. He said he wasn't worried but I measured behind at the last doctor's appointment also. Sooo, just to make sure everything is good to go, I'll go back and hopefully measure at 33cm by then. If not, there could be a potential ultrasound in the future to make sure Baby Meyer is growing adequately. I don't see how this fetus could not be growing adequately because all I do is feel it kick, move, all day long! Big kicks too! So in the mean-time, I am eating up to grow my uterus. Not sure it quite works that way, but I'll it my best try :)

31 weeks! Fetus has been hiccuping like crazy! Not the best at swallowing yet :) Well I told my doctor about the BH and he indeed agreed. He actually said the ones with pain I've been having are mild contractions. Nothing to worry about but just deal with them. Ha. Said I can feel them b/c I'm small and they will get only get worse :) Something to look forward too :)

Baby Update:
Fetus is nearly 4 pounds now and 19 inches long! Hopefully baby has settled into the head-down position, bottoms-ups! Well honestly, this is all the website said that happens this week. Ha, boring week but good! Develop away fetus, can't wait to meet you! Around Halloween would be great but not too soon!

I chose the dress almost everyone picked. The black, v neck. Felt highly unattractive but oh well!! On a different note, I think my belly button will develop stretch marks around it in the near future...mentioned this to John and he said "Kate, I don't'll look great with them." Okay or something like this. Phew. Thank god for a good guy:) Should have worn my hair completely down. OH well, it was a beautiful, fun wedding!!

Here are your pictures for the week!!

Umadog giving fetus kisses already! She loves fetus! I know, don't I look huge! I swear I'm huge when I'm doing anything but laying down or standing up real nice and straight in the "traditional weekly" picture. Really! Bending over is actually getting challenging ;) I can however, still see my feet, but see myself feet-less in the next few weeks! 31 weeks, wow I actually look pretty good in this one! I must have not retained much water (or got rid of that possible? Lol)in the last week! Haha. OH I almost forgot the symptoms! Ha, funny. I know, this is all be jumbled in one section-not like me. BUT John knows, I totally have "pregnancy" brain. I have to ask John hundreds of time what we talked about. I'm awful but funny. I really try but forget everything! Sleep...where are you!? My body is def prepping for baby time. I mean, I do NOT sleep. It's awful. But somehow, still manageable. And sometimes the fetus does sleep me sleep on my stomach for a bit without kicking me. Such a nice guy :) Nice to stretch out. I miss being able to stretch and bend however I want. ITCHY! No, my skin is NOT dry. Not after my routine: Bath wash with soap made for itchy skin, followed by a good lathering with a half a bottle of heavy duty lotion...then wake up multiple times in night to reapply. Ugh! Sorry John, I know I have spent like 100 dollars on lotion.

Well I have a great day ahead of me: Laundry, cleaning (Delana coming to stay!!!!), shopping at Target!, homework, staying home, and enjoying this weather. No, really. I got up early to start enjoying my day! :) And I just may visit my new fur-niece Francine! She's an adorable Boston Terrier that my brother Brett and favorite SIL Jess bought! :)

Have a fabulous week friends and family!!
Your favorite family of four

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