Tuesday, September 14, 2010

32 Weeks

32 weeks! Doctor appointment early tomorrow. Can't wait to check up on this little person! I had two fabulous showers this last weekend! John, fetus, and I have the best family. We are so blessed in that we had wonderful showers! They were both perfect and beyond what I imagined! So sweet. This picture pretty much shows my excitement for the showers! I mean minus the pearly white teeth, giant mouth, and blond hair, I looked exactly like this :) The decorations, cake, family, friends, food, just made the days so perfect! Thank you everyone!! Unfortunately, I didn't get too many pictures, but I will grab my mom's and post some next week! I did get great things for baby, making the nursery complete, adorable, and perfect! Here's some pictures of it. Personally, I think it's better than the pottery barn kids one in the catalog. They may want to consider paying me and taking pictures of ours because it's far cuter! :)

It is soo much sweeter in person also! Funny though, I go back to these pictures myself and look at them constantly. Then I realize, hello...I have the real room to go in and look at! Therefore, I am currently writing the update in the room, on the comfy glider :) Now that the room is done for the most part, I am totally ready and want this baby NOW! Okay, maybe in a 5 weeks. Then I'll be technically "full term." Crazy exciting to think! But besides that, John and I just have a few items needed to get before baby, then we're ready for the worst. And by worst, I mean best thing in life to come!! Haha.

So what has happened this week? Hmm besides the great showers, it was really low key. Which is good. I love Wednesdays, recently they have been showing up quickly :)

I think I have put on about 5 pounds last week. I will let you know after doctors. I mean, between the great food and the cake... OH the cake. I have to rant. I have such a sweet tooth! I love anything with sugary goodness. John knows, donuts, cakes, cupcakes, anything sweet I eat and want more of. But Mama Cook Cook brought in this fabulous cake from Susie G's. TO. DIE. FOR. If I did not eat it all that day and morning after for breakfast, I'd go get another piece now. Ahh. I am like a dog. Writing about food makes my mouth salivate. I will post a picture when I borrow my mom's camera later. IT was not only adorable, but delicious. Thanks again Cook! You know how to win my heart! <3 Hmm, no wonder I get those crazy fetus movement videos. Haha. Ha, funny, on Tuesday Carol asked how John liked the cake. Funny, I did not even think to offer him a piece or let alone a bite...

My brain is becoming more and more pregnant these days. I forget the stupidest things and say the stupidest things. Ugh. I have to write everything down or I immediately forget. Sometimes, I go to write things down and forget what I'm suppose to be writing down :( Onward!

Baby Update:
Third-trimester insomnia strikes more than 75% of expectant moms-I really hate to be a statistic. Oh well. Well anyways, this week baby is anywhere from 17-19 inches in length and weighs more than 4-4.5 lbs. Umm I doubt my fetus weighs 4.5lbs, maybe but nah. The level of amniotic fluid in my uterus has reached its maximum this week! Making it likely that I have more baby than fluid now. Baby has also developed his/her immune system that will be able to provide from mild infections. Go fetus!

Well have a good week :)
J,K,Fetus, and Uma

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