Wednesday, September 29, 2010

34 Weeks (6 weeks MAX left)-I've decided :)

Getting closer! Really, just around the corner. I have been organizing most everything. But not nesting. I still have no desire to have the house spotless. . . yet. I mean the babies room is ready to go :) Everything is in place, washed, and ready for use, but no need to clean entire house, label, and organize yet. Strange. I thought I'd start this around 20 weeks! HA.

I have however, had strange cravings, like hot chocolate. The best part was that I wanted this LAST week when it was still 90 degrees! But if you really know me, you know I can't even drink coffee in the summer time b/c it's just too hot! Strange. So as we speak, I am on my second cup of hot chocolate and it is delicious :) Also been craving any food in general. BOY. I read that you tend to eat more if you're carrying a boy. The only problem is that I get completely stuffed early on but still...any food sounds great! Can't wait for Thanksgiving, hope I can go back to stuffing my face. Sigh. I mean, I still do this, but I never felt this awful afterwards.

Still getting kicked but after the last few updates and posting that this kid is nuts, I think he understands and has chilled now. Just kidding, he's not that understanding, but I threatened to stop eating sweets so we've compromised. Still wakes me up in the morning and in the middle of the night last night but hopefully during class I won't need to shout out during lecture :)

Oh and finally...I mean 34 weeks later. . . Rachel and I went to Breadco (I got the creamy tomato soup) and the lady who checked me out asked when I was due!!!! This is the first time a stranger has EVER said anything pregnancy/baby related to me! Really, the first time. THEN my mom and I went to the Mills Mall a few days later and were in the Carter store and the lady asked when I was due! Two times in two days! Finally...I look pregnant :) It actually shocked me b/c I have received NO comments until now from a stranger that is. Perhaps, now I have "popped?" Haha.

Tradition (or at least we're starting one) that my mom and daughter go to store and pick out a take-home outfit for the first baby. My mom did this with Stacie but now it was my turn :) Haha, it was hilarious. When I got home and showed John the two outfits he comments, "Well, I hope it's a girl..." Ha. Guess he's not too fond of my boy outfit.

I like the boy outfit! He got socks and shoes because his outfit didn't come with booties connected. Okay, maybe a little dorkish but hey, it's his first outfit. John can come home and dress him in the Mizzou apparel!

I'm getting huge! Okay, for me huge! What do you think? I spiced up the pictures this week because I was lighting my Pumpkin Spice candle (YUM) and thought "spice" I need that in my life. So here goes :) Yea, my normal picture spot may have to be changed. The sun's rays were not quite agreeing with my picture. Oh well, still turned out :)

Holy soccer ball batman! Or rather basketball! I like this one! My belly looks SO round and strangely, being that it's my pregnant body, I don't get to see this pose too often.

Oh and also, after our talk, fetus and I had a great class on Monday. It was funny too, perfect strangers in my class asked how the baby was, whether it was kicking me or not :) Ha, I told them I compromised a deal with the fetus and he is behaving!

Well, not my feet, hands, ankles, legs, but rather, my face is getting swollen! Actually in these pictures I look good...but somedays I look awful :( It's sad. I mean something bad had to happen right? Oh well, hopefully less than 6 weeks and I'll just deal with it by dressing up with a mask on and claiming I'm prepping for Halloween. That will most likely work!

Baby update:
20 inches long and 5.5 lbs! Yikes. Maybe close to 5 lbs because I can't imagine this fetus being 5.5! Maybe it is! Baby is now packing on the fat! Making those skinny arms and legs now plump! So cute. I love the fat babies with rolls! Soo cute!

Well besides being forgetful, I wish all these "symptoms" meant I would go into labor around 38ish weeks and not 40! Maybeeee but I doubt it. Sigh. Braxton Hicks come with my every move, Rachel and I tried to count them when we did our mall-walking but I got too annoyed so stopped, ha. I believe I know now what heartburn is. A fire-vomit burp? Yes? Not that bad really, I deal but yea I guess that's part of heartburn? Oh and I have been meaning to write this (for my sake really) that I would say around 30-31 weeks, I stopped sleeping on my stomach completly. Sad night but it's over. Looking forward to resuming position after baby :) Umm on another note, I really think fetus is in the right position. I have been feeling the hiccups in my be-hind, meaning its chest and face are facing down, etc. Sooo although it's quite the strange sensation now, I think this is potentially a good sign! So I'm determined to walk this child out of me! I may be mall-walking when my water breaks, while burping fire-vomit, but don't worry, it'll be great! Ha.

Doctor appointment Thursday, if I could only coordinate these with my Wednesdays updates to make my life easier. Ha, who am I kidding. Gives me something to do on Wed. and Thurs! HA.

Cheers, look forward to the doctor appt update...

Your family fam of four
J,K,Fetus, and Umadog

Ugh and also, remember how I found a few pregnancy shirts at Target on sale?? Well, if I haven't told you, I found out they are NOT pregnancy shirts. Apparently, Target puts the clearance items in the maternity section. Regardless, my favorite Non-Maternity shirt but shirt that I wear as Maternity got two small holes in it:( I suppose that's what I get for A buying the shirt for $2.50 and B wearing it as a maternity shirt. Sad day. I wonder if I can go back and find another, similar one for $2.50. If you find it for me, you can have first baby holding rights!!!

Oh and John and I have a special surprise for you next week! I am beyond myself with excitement with this! I can't wait!!

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