Tuesday, September 21, 2010

33 Weeks!

Funny I got that ultrasound, I honestly think I caught up already. Definitely just had a growth spurt. I mean, I'm huge! Overnight! Huge! It's great. My belly is so cute :) Starting to love it. Even if it now gets in the way, etc. It's cute :) And as of right now, very pretty. Can't imagine it staying this cute and plump without stretch marks, but we'll see. Ha, my two aunts from my mom's side came into town and I drilled them about whether they had stretch marks or not. NONE! (My mom doesn't either). So hoping but prepping myself that I'll most likely get them. However, I'm to the point now, where I really just don't care! Funny, I was mall walking with my friend Rachel (she is 3 weeks ahead of me with a baby boy!)and I told her, in the beginning I could only hope and pray our child got my eyes, John's ears, etc. And now, I could care less what this baby looks like :) Well, I mean, preferably, a bit like us and um not completely random (harhar) but you know, it can look 100% like John and it'll be adorable. Or 100% like me and umm, poor kid. Or 50/50. Just doesn't matter.

My pregnancy brain is going strong. Forgetting things left and right. BUT I will tell you not a minute passes without thinking about baby and what we'll call it, what gender it is, whether it'll have hair at birth, how the first night home will go, what labor will be like, and just how crazy about it will I be? Sigh. These next 6 weeks can NOT go by faster. I am more than ready. Ha, I'm even researching full moons (Oct 23) and wondering if I'll be a lucky one to have that gravitational pull, pull me to the hospital. After all, I'll be "full term" right around there. I'm just so excited. Excited is such a silly word too because it truly doesn't describe how I feel. I'm not sure there is a word that can.

Just cut the grass. My mom asked if I'll make the whole season. I will sure try, but man those small inclines in the back are getting rough! HA. And it doesn't help that I have Braxton Hicks the entire time I cut. Sigh. But I love it. It's relaxing, great exercise, and my mind wonders...generally to baby related things but still. Oh man though, Rachel and I did about 1.5-2 hour walk around the mall and then this grass cutting and OUCH my feet hurt. I either need the lucky hubby to umm (hint hint) rub my feet or I need to consider getting my toes done every other week. I'd be okay with either. So John, would you rather have me drop 20 bucks every 2 weeks, or rub my feet, and no I don't want a "John rub" I need a real one! Your choice. Let me know :)

I gave in, I just can't wear that gray shirt everyday! It's not even a maternity! Although, I tried for a week :) I went to Target and bought 3 maternity shirts (same shirt, in 3 different colors). Sooo for the next 6 weeks, I'll be wearing the same shirt but alternating colors! See if you can figure out my pattern :) We also found a pack n' play on sale there that we bought with our Target baby gift cards! Cross that off! Just a few more things we need! (Seriously, can you read into my excitement?)

Well I thought I'd model some of my favorite things. I'll only post a few...I can't post everything I received, granted I'd love to. But here goes some goofy pictures for your entertainment!

-Me. In my maternity top. Thought I'd spice things up and add a picture with clothes on!

-John modeling my diaper bag. Okay, he seemed against it but all I needed was a shoulder for a sec! Ha.

-Close up of diaper bag. Okay, you got me, It's not a diaper bag by any means. It's a Vera Bradley messenger bag I found on clearance and fell in love with. Little owls! My sister uses the same thing, different pattern, and so I figure I'll get by doing the same :) LOVE it!

-Gender neutral, but stylish car-seat. I practice with baby's first Teddy. He's much more cooperative than a real baby I'm sure.

-So what do you get when you have a pregnant lady, diaper bag, and car-seat?? Your mall walker/exerciser ready to go! Okay, in a few weeks, this will be me, but hopefully outside of the house without a belly protruding, and even maybe a baby (not fetus) in the car-seat! :)

Oh man, funny moment of the last week. So I had the worst Monday ever. The fetus and I nearly had a fist to fist (if this would only be possible). No matter how I laid down, sat up, walked, smashed, etc. the little thing was MAD at me. Would NOT stop moving and hurting me. I mean, you know it's bad when I'm sitting in my night class of 35 individuals listening to my professor lecture and abruptly jerk, throw my hand on my ribs, and moan aloud. Sigh. I think I scared my neighbor seats! Painful! I need to get fatter so this baby will have more room. It was non-stop for the entire 3 hour class. Sigh. Then I found myself thinking, "I just wish there was a way to get back at it..." WOW what a bad mother I am!! Already trying to plot how to get back at my unborn child for painful things. Haha. I have a lot to learn I suppose.

Holy Cow, I'm getting off topic. Baby Update:
Baby could be 20 inches right now and 5 pounds. However, we all know that we have a pumpkin head with little legs. So probably right around 4-4 1/2 lbs and umm not 20 inches long :0 Oh awe, baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertip. I think I feel this nightly. Sometimes, I wonder if baby is clawing out. Ouch.

Okay, this may be enough. Meeting at my sisters house to take girls to mall to play! Haha, "may be enough" you're probably thinking, "geez be done with this week!" Ha.

Your favorite family of four
J,K,Fetus, Umadog

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