Thursday, September 16, 2010

32w1d Doc Update

Well, as you know, we had a doctor appointment again just 2 weeks out because I was measuring just a bit small last time. 29cm instead of 31cm. So then today, walked in, played some wheel-of-fortune on John's phone before being calling in! According to doctor scale, gained one pound since the last two weeks! HA. Maybe I should keep my diet to unhealthy but delicious shower foods and cake!?! I'm considering! Blood pressure checked out, then he measured me. 30cm...Only up one from the last two weeks. Generally, it's common to see one cm growth each week. Soooo....He said "yea you're small...we can do ultrasound to ease your worries or just wait until next time (2 weeks)and see what you measure again." After asking a few hundred questions and looking at my record, I have measured small all along pretty much! But we opted for the ultrasound...not that he really had to pull my arm! To my surprise, I was a bit anxious about it...but once she put the goo on my belly, she said "measuring small? Nah, this baby is right on, fine!" Phew. So then she did all the measurements and we found out baby is head down (ready to go!!!!) with a giant pumpkin head and small arms/legs. Haha, no really. Our babies head must be full of brains because the head due date measured at October 20 while the arms/legs measured at December 20! Haha. Sooo...pumpkin head with short legs! And we're just fine with that! But it was sooo sweet! We saw the leg that is in my ribs kicking me constantly, the butt that moves, the arm that I videoed moving across my stomach, etc. We saw a cute little chin, nose, and juicy, big, plump lips! No clue where those came from! But what a cute face. We did get some pictures but nothing really good. We'll just have to wait for the real thing in a few weeks! Oh and baby is measuring in the 32 percentile. SOOO NOT a big baby. Anything less than 10% is worrisome, but 32% is just fine. Just a bit smaller than other babies at 32 weeks. Baby is right at 4 pounds now also! (Give or take 10 oz)...which is a lot but this is mostly based on the head measurement and the tech got great head measurements because the little one was in position, and steady! So I'm truly thinking, baby is right around 4 pounds.

So after telling my family this, my sister thinks it's a girl. "I'm too small to have a boy.." And I think the majority of John's family thinks girl now. Who knows! I guess I still think boy or girl. I mean it could be either! Alright, more to come next Wednesday at 33 weeks!

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