Thursday, September 30, 2010

"It's just going to be a small baby"

Appointment went as it typically does, which is good to report. Weigh in, 2 pounds heavier than the last two weeks. I am extremely good at gaining one pound a week! Blood pressure good. Measuring at 31cm. Ha, I seriously thought it would read closer to 34 because I feel like these last two weeks were huge for me. Guess not. Maybe just a lot of water. Who knows, but he isn't worried. He continues to tell us, "It's just going to be a small baby." Ha. He estimated 5-6 pounds. He did a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby was head down because I guess he couldn't feel it. He pressed a bit on my stomach to get a feel for things but couldn't figure it out. I was thinking "Really, you can't figure this out! Legs are in these ribs, he high-fives me here, and butt is well here!" Oh well! Baby is in correct position, just pray it stays! Remember when the ultrasound tech at 18 weeks told me my baby was breech in a worrisome tone. My baby is ready to go. Not sure why, but he did check me. Nothing. Nothing to report. Which is what we figured. I mean I'm only 34 weeks! However, I have now made the once a week club. Looks like every Thursday morning we will be busy! I mean, how is this suppose to help my anxiety of wanting the baby now! This will only make it worse! Ha. Still different to us, so very exciting.

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