Tuesday, July 13, 2010

23 Weeks down! 6 Months!

Well we have reached the 6th month mark. How exciting! I was a bit overwhelmed the other day thinking "only 3 more months YIKES!" then I was talking to Rob, brother in law, and listening to him "only 3 more weeks!" YIKES. More so YIKES for him than me! But all so exciting! Can't wait to find out what we are having and them!


Well, Tuesday July 13, 2010, I went to put on my nicely washed, cleaned pants, and what do you know. A bit tight! And so by tight I mean, I could have buttoned them, but thought it'd be best if I stretched them out first with a day of wearing. Sooooo, I did it. I did the classic rubber-band around the button! It was either that or pop that button off. But honestly, the rubber-band is doing little good. So I'm hoping I'll stretch them out a bit then go back to buttoning them but I also realize that I am most likely dreaming. I am getting fatter!

What else is new? Oh just the usual, John and I have no flooring. We drastically decided that we wanted hardwood floor, and when John and I get crazy ideas in our head, we usually just like to go with them! No holding back. So last weekend, with the help of family (thank you again!!!) we tore up the entry-way, hallway, family room, and kitchen. All ready to lay wood now! Okay, I can't take any credit. Because Rob was here, I felt as though my services would be put to greater use by hanging out with my sister (due in 3 weeks!!!) and her two girls. So we went swimming, played ponies, etc. The usual things you do with little girls :) But we are floor-less until this Friday when it will be installed or whatever you call! Then the project is only halfway done. I suppose we also need to buy and put on new baseboards, etc. Because of this disaster zone in the house, I did not have to clean this week! That's a plus. But we also have to wear shoes 24/7 and hand-wash our dishes.

Baby Update:
Baby is about 8.5 inches long and weighs one and a half pounds! Gaining steadily at a rate of six ounces per week! By now, that fabulous face is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair! How sweet huh? According to what to expect, almost every expectant mom's pregnant belly button pops at some point as her swelling uterus pushing everything in its path. I really think my belly button is starting to look funny. I mean, I can only imagine what it will look like as an outie, simply by pulling it out, but I can't wait to see it "really" an outie.

I mean look at it. It's nearly "popping out" on top. I think I'll be the only pregnant person I know with an actual outie like this!

Which leads me to my next point. "Oh she really popped out." For so long I have been confused on what "popping out" means. Did I miss it? Have I popped? What is going on with me? Will I ever pop? I love blow pops! Well, after reviewing my weekly updates :) I have decided it is safe to say "I HAVE POPPED OUT!" this week. What do you think? Am I not adorable? I mean come on, cutest pregnant person ever! (You have to agree with me...that's the rule...John follows it...you should too :)

This is also the month where my weight gain should rocket!! Love it...okay not really but all worth it. Just weird to me! So this morning I weighed about 116-117 lbs. I actually forgot which one (ha-forgetfulness is part of being pregnant apparently) but some huge number like that! I'll obviously update on Friday the baby status and weight gain, cause you can never trust a home scale. I go to the doctor on Friday, so what do you know, there will most likely be an update Friday! I have the glucose test that morning. Can't eat or drink after midnight. Going to be hard! I love food. But after we're done, John and I are going to Crackle Barrel to stuff my face with pancakes :) LOVE that place!!!

Also, feeling baby move constantly. Rarely quits! Lou is either playing hockey in my stomach or Stella is rocking the ballet floor! Regardless going to be one active baby! I only hope it's during the day that its most active :) I can't wait to meet it in November. Hoping it comes a week early so A we could potentially have a Halloween baby, B I just can't wait to see what it'll look like and be! Red hair? Brown? No hair? My eyes? John's nose? Chubby? Regardless, it'll be perfect to John and I.

Also, I think it's time I give in. Becky and I are off to the mall Friday to buy some fat clothes. I think I'll slowly ease myself into this. Starting with the belly band thing so I can just undo my button and zipper, then as I grow, progress to official fat pants. We will see. Wish us luck!

Your Favorite Family of Four
J, K, Fetus, Uma

I just realized Uma did not make the blog this week! Oh poor dog. I knew she was acting weird around me today. Next week she'll have a special showing!

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