Thursday, August 26, 2010

29w2d Suprise Update: Weed-whack/Veins

It all started last night. . .typical minimal hours of sleep. John got up at 6am and I got up at 7am. I worked 9-4 today at John Weldon. As much as I love that place, I couldn't help but complain just a little bit to Carol about how tired I was. UGH! I even told her how I looked forward to a movie and bed. I got home around 4:30. The fetus and I could not wait for John, so we had leftovers around 5:30 because man, we were hungry but I was also too lazy/tired to cook something new. Then at 6:30 BOOM, up I jump. I need to cut the grass! So I gear up, and cut the grass. After I finish the front, I couldn't help but keep looking at those darn weeds in the bricks. Next thing I know, I'm squatting down (Yes, I can still do this!!) picking all those. Then I think, you know, I might as well weed-whack and get the edges good. It looks soooo nice when I do. Pull out the weed-whacker and start whacking away. Half way done, I realize my leg starts itching. Not any ol' part of my leg, but right by my pregnancy varicose vein! So I'm itchy and itchy and then realize "HOLY COW, MY VARICOSE VEIN ITCHES! IT'S NOT JUST THERE, BUT NOW ITCHES!" Ahh I freak out for a few minutes. I really only thought they would just be there for decoration and cause me no trouble. I call John out...sigh...he says EWWW. Then my knee itches and other leg. PHEW. Good news, mosquitoes all over me! In fact, there are about 3 ON my vein. Phew. Back to just having veins. I mean, this was a huge night for me. Those veins could have taken this to the next level...and although I'm not sure what that next level is, that could get ugly. And speaking of ugly, yes, my vein has spread a bit. But this I can handle. Other than that, the fetus is very very picky. I feel like I ate a house today. UGH. Fluid retention maybe? Any solutions? Ugh, I'm suffering! Photos included for your entertainment! Cheers!

Side Note: Weed-Whack (verb) to destroy weeds in yard. But do you Grass-Whack? Because sometimes grass can grow out of hand and if they aren't true weeds, then you're not necessarily "Weed"-whacking, but rather grass-whacking...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

29 Weeks

10 LEFT! 10! Not 20, or 13, or 11 but 10 (TEN). Excited! Thrilled! Beyond belief HAPPY! (Natasha, did this make you laugh aloud? J/'ll get better stick with me :)

Well, as mentioned previously, I have one class on Monday. It was okay. The highlight of this semester is that I ONLY PAID 55 bucks for a parking pass, bought only ONE book, and only go ONCE a week. I mean, this is a HUGE change for me! No longer going 3 times a week and paying over 100 bucks for a parking pass! This is not entirely due to the fetus. . . no. I have ONE class left after this! O-N-E. Things are finally coming together. So I thought, "Why take two this semester?! Why not just one!" So I'm going to take one this semester and one next then intern and DONE. I know, boring to you but exciting for me! I also talked to my teacher again. I plan on having my water break all over during class (potential days being Nov 1 or Nov 8) and then making a huge, dramatic scene! Why not spice up class just a bit!? Everyone loves a pregnant woman and then the baby she brings in later :) "OMG MY WATER JUST BROKE EVERYWHERE! I ONLY HAVE A FEW HOURS..." Hahaha, priceless.

I think I already have a backseat driver on my hands. No, not John. Okay, so it's more like "rib cage driver." My buddy loves to find my rib cage and kick violently while I'm driving 70mph on the highway. Ugh. I usually put my hand there to move him down. Does not always do the trick though. But he loves car-rides already!

Here's a nice visual. I had a rough day, I usually look better than this. . . but here is the fetus and myself. Speaking of violent kicks. This kid has got a kick or punch or something! It's getting really really creepy. YES, I still love feeling it move all over but sometimes it gets real close to like my belly button, you know, not hanging out by my back, and these movements are HUGE. Creepy! I usually jump and push it back in where it should be! :) But it takes a few pushes to push the fetus back into place. He usually resists and hits me back a few. I wonder how he is laying? I really don't think he's laying the best way for delivery but he has 10 weeks to move!

Quick update: my mums are doing great! Only been a week, but they are taking really nicely to this heat, sunshine, and placement!

Baby Update/symptoms (all in one!):
Belly is increasing meaning that baby is getting bigger every day, weighing in at over 3 pounds now! He'll be packing on the weight at a rate of half a pound per week for next seven weeks! Baby's brain is growing daily. My little genius can regulate his own body temperature and turn up the heat, and start shedding lanugo,the downy body hair that's been acting as a blanket! Apparently, heartburn is highly common right now. I can honestly say I have no idea what heartburn is, so I'm going to say I'm a lucky one who has not experienced this. . .yet. Other than that, this last week, I have really hit a wall with my energy. Not sure what's going on, but there is the possibility that the third (AND FINAL) trimester may bring back the fatigue from the first trimester. tired again. OR I could be so tired because when I lay flat, fetus still has a heyday in my stomach. Not quite keeping me up at night but EVERY time I move, fetus moves. And I move a lot!

I love the picture comparison of the weeks! To the top is 29 weeks and to the bottom, 28 weeks! I feel so awesome saying "29 weeks." Sigh. Good times. Fetus has definitely pushed out my belly a bit this week!

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, and Uma

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

28 Weeks

Thought I'd add a picture of me with clothes on! I rarely do this...

28 Weeks!! Yikes!! 11 Weeks left. I am SOO EXCITED to meet fetus. It's really getting closer. Each week that goes by, I think, "Oh no...I only have XX potential weeks left!" Then I subtract two from that, and think " could potentially be only XX weeks!" Take this week for example, "Oh no. . .I only have 11 weeks left!" (subtract 2) " could potentially be only 9 weeks!" There ya go :) WOW. There's that word again, WOW.

So this week I was invited to two showers for myself. That was exciting! I hope I can attend them both. I'm getting really happy thinking in about a month, I will have more baby things to clean and organize, thus making this extremely real! Wondering where everything will go! Oh well, exciting times. Can't complain.

I start my next semester of classes Monday. Sigh. BUT I have decided to take only one. So I have it prearranged with the teacher my papers, tests, etc. That's a relief too. Will make this semester/class real easy. Looking forward to having my water break all over my desk during my night class, then having to drive 45 minutes home. I mean, you know this will happen to me! Haha. On another school related note, I am now a Missouri Certified Counselor!!! I passed the test, with flying colors and now just need to finish up classes! Funny, Umsl's requirements are far more difficult than the state of Missouri's! OH well, I see the finish line. So I am soo happy I don't have to buy a study guide or pay more money to take it! It was expensive!! If you recall, I took this test on about 4-5 hours of sleep. This was the morning that my nephew Joey was born. Ha, so that was one rough test that morning! Oh well, it's behind me now. Maybe I do best on lack of sleep? This could come in handy in November...

I also weed whacked for the first time this week. I know, should have learned sooner. But I'm one of those nervous-wreck people who only do things/learn things when there is no sign of life watching me. So today was the one was out, and it was perfect weather. Started with the back, kept it in-tact, and so moved on the front. I have to say, I did a decent job. Could be better, but decent for first time ever! Am no longer afraid to do this in public! Also, I know soo soon, but I planted new window box flowers. My petunias, although the pride of my house, just did not last this summer. The soil, the heat, the sun??? I don't know. But I went to Home Depot and bought some Mums. I know, it's so early, but the lady said they'd do fine in a window box, and need 6+ hours of sunlight, and I will bring them in if they start to burn up. But I'm happy to have color back to my home. Not sure if John has noticed yet :)

I love this house :) The second picture you can see my weed work. Beautiful isn't it. And the first one, I just thought looked good. I'm thinking we'll paint our shutters in September or next spring. Oh the work we find to do here!

Best part of MY/YOUR week: (brace yourself, you may need a change of pants. . . )
So John and I have been going on nightly walks, umm I think you know this actually, but regardless we went on one on Monday night. It was beautiful out. There was a slight breeze, sun going down, etc. John and I were talking about our childbirth class-you know how it can be pretty funny; our teacher speaking about sneezing and peeing on yourself. John and I laugh to ourselves just a bit. Yea, it's true, I'll admit, a handful of times I have sneezed and just a bit of tinkle came out. Totally normal, pregnancy related, and annoying! Then we change topics to Uma and how she pulls us a bit more than we'd like when we take her on walks. We're at the top of the street and John decides to let her lease go but use the command words to keep her walking close to us. Okay, yea, sure, fine, whatever. Well I'm saying "You know this would work but I'm afraid she'll see a bug, or bird, or..." John interjects "BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Uma darts off like a lightening bolt around a house, up the back hill in a yard, with John chasing after her!!! I couldn't help it. I mean what a coincidence! I couldn't move, just stood there, peeing all over myself. It was the funniest thing. Priceless really. There was even a nice family walking the opposite way to laugh at us. I don't think we'll be trying the "not holding the lease method" again. And I think when I'm laughing with John I'll make sure to put on my pull-ups or depends!

Baby Update:
Fetus weighs nearly 3 pounds now and measures 17 inches long. Getting closer to the birth length! In the next 11 weeks, fetus will more than double-or even come close to tripling-its weight! Let's hope for the doubling and NOT tripling! I do not want a 10 pound baby!! I suppose that the more fetus grows, the room inside will get tighter. And I'll be less likely to feel those big kicks and get poked by an elbow or jabbed by a knee. I secretly hope my fetus has more room because I can't imagine not feeling those big movements. Those are the BEST! Well as for myself, varicose veins still there, but I have to say, no pain related! Thank goodness. Or so far, no pain. Waiting for the stretch marks to make their appearance. Oh the joys of pregnancy! :) Other than that, still sleeping on my stomach, back, and side. I know, I probably shouldn't, but fetus doesn't mind I swear! This little thing is VERY active at night. The second I lay down it's like "OH MAN, there's so much more room mom I'm going to do jumping jacks, flips, and double toe-loops inside you until you move!" Then I move, and he's like "WOW the side of your body, this is great I'm going to stretch out!" Then to my stomach and he says "MOM, I'm smashed, move back over NOW!" One night, I was on my back laying there and the fetus's movements creeped me out to an extent that I actually got up and walked around. They were the biggest kicks ever! It caught me off guard! Scary, creepy. Well I hate to say it, but John and I are still sorta hoping for a boy. Because we have little Joey now (will be 3 months older) we're thinking two boys, close in age would be a lot of fun! And since I felt it's a boy recently, I think we have a good chance! About 50/50! Ha.

I know, I haven't done this for awhile, but I haven't had any for awhile. Well recently, I eat a small container of yogurt (right like the 5 oz thing) in the morning and then can not function or move, until like 2 pm! I am full beyond belief. It's awful. All I want to do is feed my face with fatty goodness but fetus says "NOOO". Ugh. Besides this, I feel soo fat lately. I pull weeds and strangely balance on my feet LOL. It's all odd to me. But great! I can't wait until fetus actually limits me from doing something. I mean don't get me wrong, it's getting harder to move however I want, but it has not exactly limited me wrong doing anything. . .yet.

Uma, Mommy, and Fetus. What could be better. No, John couldn't be on the couch there was not enough room, and we had to have someone take our picture :)

My baby (currently). She is obsessed with me and the time we spend together being a stay-at-home mom (minus the mom). Her new thing is to visit me on the couch and just sit with me for a few minutes or make out with me.

Your Favorite Family of Four

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Doctor Appointment Update!

Ahh, love these days. Just makes the month so much better. Did the usual, you know, peed in a cup, weighed me (no gain this month. . . must have hit a growth spurt last month)so I am still up 7-8 total, blood pressure normal, measured right on, and fetus's heartbeat is perfect! It was rather a quick appointment, like all of them. AND then, he said he'll see me in 3 weeks!!!! Okay, I know I'm good looking but he must think I'm REAL good looking. He can't even wait 4 weeks to see me again. He wants to see me sooner! Now, if I could only pick a day when John will be super busy so that he can't join. . . Haha. I'm kidding of course! Routine, he said we're getting there and will gradually start seeing me more. How exciting is that? I mean, I feel like I JUST got pregnant. (By the looks of me I mean.) AND now, the appointments will be more frequent. WOW. I'm excited. So we go back September 2. That will be here before we know it really. I can't wait! Well that's all for now. Enjoy your Thursday!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

27 Weeks!

27 Weeks. WOW. Lol. Funny this seems to be my post weekly ("WOW"), and yet each week I really think "Wow!" 12 weeks left! Where has the time gone? I think I'm thinking about nesting, I mean haven't exactly got to that point yet. Okay, okay, ask John, I'm always a little OCD with the house being picked up before I go to bed and if I know someone is "stopping by." BUT I'm waiting for the time where I make list after list, then edit the list because I crossed out a word sloppily, and then go nuts! It should be entertaining! You know, highlighters are usually involved, chairs, and lightbulbs :)

Had a rough night the other night. John and I went to Breadco. After my chicken poppy-seed salad, slice of baguette, and shared muffin, I will admit. . . I had the hardest time painting my toe nails! I mean talk about uncomfortable! I could barely reach them! Hahaha. I'm hoping this is because I ate a ton and not because my belly is that big! Maybe it is. Sometimes I forget I have a belly and think that I have a flat stomach :( Then Lou gives me a swift kick in the ribs. Regardless, my obsession is weighing myself every couple hours. I just don't understand how our scale can read 118, then 123, then 120. All within 2 minutes of each other!! I guess I should just average them all throughout the day, or hide it and not weigh myself! HA. Sounds like the best bet. I think once a month is fine.

Go to the doc on Thursday! I love our doctors visits. Usually involves John and I talking about the others in the waiting room and guessing how far along everyone is, the weigh-in where the nurse screams "YOU'RE AT . . . ," me still grinning because I'm 7 months pregnant and most likely significantly less than the nurse, then hearing that sweet little heartbeat for 45 seconds, and chatting with the doc. Best 5 minutes of the month! Wish we had to go weekly!

I almost forgot! Third Trimester officially today!!! 3!!! No longer in second. I wonder how different it will be. . .? Will I have to stop sleeping on my stomach anytime soon? Will my feet swell? Will I put on 15 pounds in these next 12 weeks? Will my tan belly fade? Will my stomach get fuzzier with hair? Will this baby come at 38 weeks? OH WOW. Exciting to think there is no "Fourth Trimester" Haha. Okay I know, postpartum but I'm not counting that!

My belly button is the same. Only the top part is out. It's funny really. I'm used to it out though! It's funny! I sorta think it's cute half out. . . What else is new?! Oh my, I was investigating my legs the other day. . . Varicose veins. Yep, finally something pregnancy related. Apparently they develop (and get worse) because of all the blood pumping through my body and the growing uterus pressing against veins in the pelvic region, allowing all that extra blood to pool in the legs. I can honestly say, "Oh well" I mean I've had such an easy 15+ weeks that I can't complain. Some ladies just suffer and get everything! I haven't so I mean, at least they are on the back of my legs, at least there's only two that I see, at least they are very light (so far) and small, and at least I'm already married! Ha, sucks for John! Just kidding. I showed him, he seemed uninterested. They are hereditary, thanks mom!

Baby Update:
Apparently, baby is settling into the proper position for birth, head facing downward. LIES! This kid is at my belly button. Loves my belly button. Always hangs out there. There must be something cool there I'm missing...besides lint. But baby is now 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. Blinking now!! Also dreaming!! Most likely about me and how torturous I'll be! I have felt it under my right ribs also the last week. Strange feeling, but he has moved to my belly button again! I think his favorite time of the day is bed time. I lay down and BOOM, kid thinks he's got all the room in the world and makes his bed, practices hockey moves, jumps rope, who knows! But he is generally ALL OVER for a long time before I fall asleep! John and I enjoy feeling this time!

Well, I have successfully finished another class with an A. Woohoo! And with John and I in our childbirth classes on Wednesdays, well just pray we pass it. John and I aren't umm the best at attending these things. We have failed out of ballroom-dancing and a few others. But the good thing is, is that there are only 4 total! So technically, we're 1/4 the way done! Haha, and after tonight we'll be 1/2 done! Lol. I will proudly admit though, John and I go on nightly walks and practice our breathing. "Hee, hu. Hee, hee, hu. Hee, hee, hee, hu. Hee, hee, hee, hee, hu. Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hu." Then repeat and go back down. Maybe easier said than done. I truly can't imagine a calm, quiet delivery room where John is counting and breathing with me. I'd rather be throwing lamps, phones, screaming, etc. Just kidding. I promise St. Joes nurses, I'll do everything in my power to make this an enjoyable moment for you too :) Just can't guarantee anything :)

Oh Uma. Oh my, I have created a monster. I get up, right after John leaves for work, brush my teeth-the usual, open the door to welcome Uma, and then it begins. She whines and stares me down until I ask her "if she wants to go..." She knows. Most mornings she does not even give me a chance to eat breakfast! Every morning now for the last who knows weeks we have been going on morning walks. Weather depending on how far. She can't quite hack the heat. I mean we're out by 8:00-9 but man, it is hot hot hot out! She's so cute though, she lays in all the shadows of everything. THEN we go on a nightly walk with John and it's usually twice as long as the morning. Uma and I are keeping our figure! That's for sure.

OH man, talk about lack of sleep! I have no idea what going on...maybe I'm pregnant. BUT I can not sleep!!! Yes, I'm exhausted, lay down, then just lay there. Forever, for hours. I was up every hour last night peeing. I wasn't even peeing though. I was just trying to just because I was up! Does that make sense? I'm sick of it! Because of not sleeping, I have a twitchy left eye and a sty in my right eye! Poor eyeballs...hope this gets better. :)

Meeting Becky for breakfast so you only get one picture...But don't I look great! Cheers, have a great week :)

Your Favorite Family of Four

Monday, August 9, 2010

More Dreams. . .

So I've been avoiding this. I mean, John and I want a boy, need a boy so that my sisters Joey can be best friends with our Louie! It's a done deal, we've both signed on. We have them playing T-ball together, potentially going to the same school, etc. HOWEVER, the last few nights, I've had GIRL dreams. GIRL!?!?! Yikes. I actually think the poll is tied now. I sorta lost count but I think it's like 5-5! TIED! Who knows what I'm having now! I'm having my doubts that it is in fact a boy. Good thing we only have 12 weeks left to find out. Phew. Okay, just thought I'd share that! :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

26 Weeks!

Take me out to the ball game! I guess I really didn't have a choice did I?

13 weeks?!
WOW. I just realized that next week we'll be in the 3rd trimester! Wooohooo! Time is flying. So what's new? Uma is my new best friend. She follows me around everywhere, we enjoy tanning, our morning walks, and random kisses throughout the day. She's really going to be lost when I have a new buddy to do that with. John said he'd take on the role of Uma's best friend though. Phew, glad we have that covered. Debbie let us borrow the Jungle-Friends Rug she bought for the baby room, well Uma has a new favorite spot. . . Nightly, she'll grab every toy in her toy-box and individually bring them into that room, on the new rug. So funny! But she's so cute:) Don't worry, rug vacuums up real nice!

Sometimes she gets snaggletooth. . . fits in perfectly at Wentzville!

Nothing like last minute! I signed us up yesterday for Childbirth Preparation Class. I know what you're thinking?! Seriously Kate? You? You are totally prepared. And you know, I completely agree with you. It's more so for John's sake :) Haha. I can just see us now!

John: "Hey babe, how you feeling?"
John: "Well, I can get you another one, don't worry! No need to yell."
Kate: "NO! Drive me to the hospital ASAP!"
John: "OH okay!"
Minutes later. . .
Doctor: "Okay, I need you to push, Kate."
John: "PULL PULL PULL, I need to check this baseball update real quick!"

Well I just read that to John...apparently he doesn't get it. HA. These classes are much needed! So mainly, we're looking forward, not to the class at all, but to the individuals we will meet in the class!!

Well onward!

Baby update:
Baby still likes to snuggle in the fetal position! However, I am starting to feel something up under my ribs. What a different sensation! This just started this's length from top of head to toe is nearly a full 15 inches now. And just over two pounds, fetus has doubled in weight from four weeks ago! Grow baby grow! Baby's taste buds are very developed now too! I bet it'll love Chinese food! LOL. Can't wait for the hiccups to come! Fetus is also a moving man (or lady). This kid never stops!

Last class tomorrow! Yet another one done! I love it! Only 3 left! Also exciting, Doctors appointment next week! Lots of good things next week! Come on Wednesday!!

This was taken around 12:30. Which means, I'm bigger! YAY
Your Favorite Family of Four

Monday, August 2, 2010

100 Days left!

I think it's only appropriate to share what I am most excited about, have felt in these last 6 months, struggled with, and the many joys I cannot wait for in a 100 countdown.

100. Feb. 27 Positive Test
99. 7:11 a.m. Asked John if he saw the faint two lines I did
98. Texted Becky immediately
97. Tried to run at the gym/have a successful workout but my mind was a bit preoccupied
96. Went to Walmart to buy a more accurate test than the dollar one
95. John finally confirmed we are in fact pregnant once that test read +
94. Vowed to not tell anyone until March 6
93. Told nearly the entire world before March 6
92. Uncontrollable smiles always
91. Happiness
90. Nervous
89. Immediately bought 5 "pregnancy" books
88. John laughs at me and my purchases
87. Read all 5 "pregnancy" books in a matter of a day
86. So excited to share this time my pregnant sister
85. Started the baby email
84. Changed the baby email to a blog due to popularity:)
83. Thought about what these 9 months will hold
82. Went to doctors office March 10
81. Upset but highly confident when doctor could not find baby
80. Relieved when went back in two weeks to hear heartbeat and see baby
79. Shocked, we're having a baby!!
78. Are we ready?
77. Too late to be questioning, we're ready
76. Supportive family and friends
75. Wondering what it'll be like to "get fat"
74. John can not wait till I "get big and pregnant"
73. Wonder whether my appearance now is considered "big and pregnant" enough for John
72. Caboodle days helping me take pictures
71. Update day change to Wednesdays
70. Wednesdays are now my favorite day of the week
69. Florida trip with belly
68. Compliments
67. Drastic 8 lb weight gain
66. Relieved when 8 lb weight gain was wrong, phew
65. Gaining weight
64. Love doctors appointments
63. Looking forward to every two week appointments
62. Finishing up school with fetus kicking me
62. First kicks felt on way to ultrasound June 11
61. Fetus has not stopped kicking since then
60. My little buddy :)
59. Wanted a girl to steal all my sisters clothes
58. Strangely changed and felt it is a boy
57. Set on having a boy
56. What if we have a girl??
55. The wonder
54. Excitement
53. Little morning sickness
52. Going to bed at 8 some nights due to exhaustion
51. NO more Mexican
50. Rough Chinese night recently
49. Bigger boobs!
48. Maternity shopping for not clothes :)
47. Maternity experience with Becky
46. Maternity dress
45. Baby bedding-Jungle Friends
44. Furniture
43. Painting the room late at night
42. The adorable jungle theme
41. Buying random baby clothes without telling John
40. Hiding those random baby clothes from John
39. Practicing being a stay-at-home mom
38. Love being a stay-at-home mom
37. Taking crazy pictures everywhere fetus has been
36. Blog
35. Lou
34. Stella
33. Thinking about future Disney World trips
32. Wondering what it'll look like
31. Wondering what gender it is!!!
30. Hoping it has tons of hair at birth
29. Will it be as smart as John?
28. Hopefully it doesn't get my math abilities
27. What will it be when it grows up?
26. How much will it weigh?
25. What time will it come?
24. Hoping it'll come early because I just can't wait
23. No real symptoms . . . yet
22. Fruit cravings
21. Having a girl according to Chinese calendar
20. Having a boy according to Walgreen's test
19. Seeing the first smile
18. Can't wait to hear you laugh
17. Share this moment with family and friends
16. Spoil you rotten
15. Carry you home and show you your new home
14. Hear you cry the first time
13. Attempt to control my own tears
12. See John hold you for the first time
11. Family photos
10. Love you to death we'll probably want 20
9. Teach you everything I know
8. Encourage your dreams
7. Share your life
6. Grow with you
5. Confident we can handle this now
4. More than ready to see you
3. Stare into you for hours
2. Love you
1. Can't express how I can not wait for this day! I <3 Baby Meyer