Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Swim of many :)

Took Jude to the pool the other day. Too cold for the big pool though. He had a good time in the baby pool once he got used to it! Hot day!

We are so cute aren't we. I heart Cheeks!

SOOO big!

Happy guy!

He can't wait to jump in!!

He's styling now: )

I will add, those swimming trunks were actually a little big! This is the first time I can say BIG! He's such a big boy that usually things get so small so fast. Nope, these trunks should last the WHOLE summer! Who am I kidding, he needs at least 2 more pairs. We had a great time! :) Can't wait for our trip to the beach now!! Okay here's a few more. I didn't realize I haven't been posting these! Man you get an overload of cuteness today!!

Ugh don't know why this is turned but there's the tooth! Just one for now! Came in about 2 weeks ago. Right when he was about 6.5 months old.

He is happy here, just chewing on his tongue! I love when he does this!

See, happy!

Got milk!?

Well sadly this will probably be the last update until we get back. Unless I seem to squeeze in some free time but that does not sound promising with all the packing I need to do. Enjoy the sun! We'll come back lobsters I'm sure!

Your Favorite Family of Four

John, Kate, Jude, and Uma!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Veggie Garden Update

John and I, okay I won't lie, mainly John has worked his hiney off by moving dirt. Ha, "small dump truck of dirt will do it." Little did I know what we were in for :) Just a reminder, we had these bricks for about a year. We just could not decide what to do with them. There were so many options! So finally, John decided on a veggie garden! Okay, sure, that we can do! Then we spent 2 weeks deciding where to put it, how big to make it, what to grow, etc. Well, finally, FINALLY, we have done it! YAY! Oh don't worry, I took pictures with the different steps we did! :) You already saw Step One! Here's more.

Step One: laying the first layer. Most crucial part of the whole wall.

Looks great John!

Uma approves.

It's much straighter than this, don't worry. Just the angle I took this pic.

Step Two: Line with weed liner...or whatever you call you it :)

3 high. Trying to keep the bunnies out. I'm thinking that won't be enough but hopefully with Uma...

Uma really enjoyed all the time we spent with her outside...

But after a few days out there with us, she pooped out. And look where I found her (she is NOT allowed here obviously)...

Then comes Step Three. The TOP SOIL. YIKES! I have never seen that much soil in my life in one driveway. I will admit, there was a few minutes that I flipped out thinking "what are we going to do with all that soil!" But John did a great job. He put in in the garden, around the trees in the back, in the sod area, in the neighbors (behind us) yard, in the neighbors (down the street) yard, in the neighbors (right next to us) yard, and all around random trees. Haha. And it was so nice of our neighbors to just put a shovel and wheelbarrow and start helping!

TADA! (Out of order) but here it is!!!

A LOT OF WORK later, it's done!!! Pool update tomorrow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vegetable Garden! and more...

Well you know that awesome fort? It's destroyed. A small army came by and attacked! Yikes. Okay I finally made us restart this fort thing. For the third time, here goes. Our thought is to make a small vegetable garden. John wants to make sure the bunnies and Uma get the best nutrition. Oh wait, no that's not the reason, he wants to make his own salsa! These aren't in the right order, but you get the picture!


Even though the pictures only have John in them, I DID A LOT.

Bet these bricks are here for awhile...:/

What it started as...

Cheeks helping! He bossed us around.

Got Jude's 6 months pictures done. Hard to pick so I only bought 3. They are so expensive. Wish I could have afforded more. Ha. I had to take a picture of the picture to show you so they don't look the best now.

I LOVE this. He's looking at me blowing bubbles!

This is the one you all get a copy of :)

He's so freakin cute isn't he!? Let's see recently my chin has taken place of a teether. I mean who needs Sophie the teether when you can have human flesh?!

It's okay for now but once that tooth really comes up, it's over Jude. :) I'm still waiting for it's pair to make an appearance. I can't even see it in the skin yet. In fact, he's found other things to teeth on...

Shifting into gear...

What else have we been up to? I've done some reading on Baby-led Solids. So here is Jude's first experience with banana!

He was pretty unsure what to do at first. Just looked at it for about 5 minutes before touching.

Note: he ate none of it...

Check this out! Working on his "pincher" grasp. Not bad!

And this is Jude "eating" a banana!

Also, side note, Jude's favorite color is GOLD.

Your Favorite Family of Four
J, K, Jude and Uma.

Friday, May 20, 2011


When John and I first started living together I remember him trying to get me to match his right sock with a left sock. Right, that's correct. He actually had designated socks with feet. He told me it felt weird if he put a left sock on the right foot. He also told me he'd walk in a circle if he put on two left socks. He was completely seriously. Needless to say, he got over this real fast :) In fact, he's lucky if I call him the right name :)

Belly Button

Remember how ALL throughout my pregnancy I would report my belly button changes?! Oh you know I posted a ton of it! When it popped out, the fact that I can pop it out, etc. I once had a really cute belly button. That was even maybe, just maybe, my best feature. WELL, I would like to report back 6 1/2 months later, that it has NOT returned to it's original being. :( I shouldn't complain, for the most part, everything else went right on or pretty close to what it was before, but my belly button. It's now a half outtie gross looking thing. Eww. I know. Guess I'll have to get over this real fast with the summer approaching.

Post baby

Pre baby

Yea, I see a huge difference. Don't lie to me. It's okay. I can only imagine by the 9th child what it'll look like..............;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

TEETH! and Jumping! and Tough Love

He's growing so fast I thought I'd raise the Jumperoo. What do you think? Maybe just a bit to high, eh? Doesn't stop him from attempting to jump though :)

Tough Love~ As I mentioned in an early post, Ped said it was okay to just let him cry at night. So I started Friday night because I had the Rehearsal Dinner. I came home so tired and with a pounding headache that I decided I wouldn't get up that night. I went to bed around 11:30 and woke up at 7. I didn't hear a peep. Saturday night was a little different. He went to bed around 7:40 at my mom's then we grabbed him around 12:30. Laid him in bed around 1 (this is where he rolled over!) but then I did nurse him back to sleep but didn't get up until 7! Last night, Sunday, piece of cake. Bed at 7:20 then I got up at 6:30 b/c the girls were calling. Jude was NOT up yet. Slept until 7. Piece. Of. Cake. Or I just have this perfect baby. How did I do it? Two very loud box fans in both our room and his, both doors closed, and no monitor. :) I'm sure he gets up at least once and must cry but the weekend has made me exhausted that I don't hear. So really, I have no idea. He may get up but I doubt he screams b/c I can hear all. Ha. I think he's good to go now. That was FAR easier than I ever thought it would be. New task: developing naps. He takes a nap every morning at 9 on the dot pretty much. They are getting longer and longer also. This I can handle. I think he's putting himself on a 2 naps a day schedule that are longer than before. Awesome. I don't need to do any work, Jude's got it covered!

Teeth!! Yep it's almost here! I can see it on the right side ready to come through. Not quite but maybe in the next few days! I tried to get a good picture but just can't. Pretty soon though once it's through I'll get a picture of it!

Going Wednesday to get his 6 month pictures. John does know that this means he gets a new outfit don't ya think? :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well, here's a good one with lots of pictures! Had Becky's rehearsal and wedding Friday and Saturday night. How fun! Great time, beautiful wedding, and pretty bride! Congratulations to you Samper! :) Thank you for letting me be apart of your big day! Everything went absolutely perfect!

Here's what you wear...Yep those are safety pins.

Here's how good looking we really are :)

Such a pretty bride eh!?

And thank you mom for watching Jude! Picked him up and went home. We got home around 1:15 am (Right I know, isn't this 5 hours past my bed time...yep) but laid him down then I came back to check on him and what do you know! Little stinker rolled to his belly for the first time from his back! I tell you, ONE month of head reshaping, ONE week of sleeping normal on back, and BOOM he's a roller now! Both ways! Check at his amazingly shaped head!

SO round! SO Perfect!

So there you go! We've been very busy doing that stuff! Looking forward to this relaxing week and doing nothing! Okay, maybe a few things but taking it easy with my baby! I missed him! I was gone Friday night and most of Saturday. Used 25 ounces of milk (total, both days) while I was gone and managed to pump out 24 while I was gone. I was one ounce shy of breaking even. Right, I am still addicted I know :( I had to. I was that lady talking to people in the stalls at the reception two different times. I just had to. My baby deserves the best, he's worth it, and what can I say, I'm cheap :) It was funny actually. Just in case you are wondering, I have about 960 ounces frozen still. Guess he'll be one and half drinking it. Not necessarily adding to it, but somehow am managing to maintain that number. Okay enough about the girls.

More pictures!!!

Is it just me or he not the cutest thing ever! Love the shirt, tongue, and fuzzy hair.

Found his new hobby. Piano banging and finding the lights

Just like mommy, playing then singing the ending :)

Introducing the cup. Which pretty much means I just sit it in front of him. John and I both tried to drink from it. WOW hard to suck. May have to ask my pediatrician Stacie which ones are best for learning!
Cousin Joey is pretty uninterested in this song, but Jude loves it. Hope he doesn't start to go by Joey. . .cheeks. . .and Jude :/ I do sing this about 20 times a day.
He takes after me.

Well there you go! :) Cheers!

Your favorite family of four!
J, K, Jude, and Uma!