Friday, March 30, 2012

16 week appointment

16 weeks! 109 lbs, up 2. Blood pressure good, 114/68. Heartbeat at 158 and I believe measuring at 16 weeks. I forgot to ask. But fetus is doing great! Looking forward to thumps here shortly! That was it really. Go back in 3 weeks for scan! That's always exciting and may be the last time we see fetus on an ultrasound. With got a couple bonus's with Jude's pregnancy...but who knows this time.

Just got back from the farm tonight. It was a blast! We ate the most delicious food, toured Delana's town, farm, school, home, and was just surrounded by great company all weekend. Actually, we were spoiled rotten! Can't wait for round two! Jude did great. Well once we got there and he could run anywhere outside that is :) Such a boy with energy! Jude also got a pet a calf and hear them "MOOOOO." Jude was absolutely thrilled to see Uma though once we got home! Chased her in basement for long time, ran to his book pulling all out to read, and just missed his toys! So funny. Going to be a long, hard week of work for me. 3 work days, class at night, and I'm pretty tired from the farm fresh air! But only a few short weeks left of work, then not for awhile!!!!

Tractor ride!

Didn't realize how big it was until he stood in front. Yikes, scary!
He shoots, he scores!

Jude got a splinter that Mama M managed to get out without a peep!

Yep, I think we have a new favorite sport!
A little after bath playing.

Well hello!!

Dr. Young teaching Jude about Ob....
Two of my favorites!

Dad: Man Jude, let's go back inside! Jude: Just chase me for a few more hours, pleeeease!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not quite 16 weeks...

But I have a busy couple of days coming up so I thought I'd update now and then so that your eyes don't pop out from reading my novel. Ha.

Here goes: Last update, pretty sure I mentioned the "great quality" of motherhood maternity clothing store. Fast forward two days after that purchase. I'm getting ready for work, thinking "Oh I know I'm not fat, I mean that pregnant, but those tanks are so long, I'll throw that under my work shirt." So I throw it on, examine my stellar body and "WHAT! A giant hole in the side!" Ugh. Took that back and returned. She did take it back, I did get another, but I retract what I said about their "great quality."

OH OH that basement is finally done! It's beautiful. I would post pictures, but there's really no point...right? But it's everything I thought it would be and more.
Breaking in the basement tomorrow with an Eli and Jude playdate! Can't wait to see how much two kiddos can destroy! Ha, just kidding, that's the whole point right?! Can't wait! We also have the outside prepped for summer time! Sand and water table assembled, picnic table, coupe car, chalk, you name it. Bring on May!

Friday we have the 16 weeks appointment! Can't believe I can say I'm "16 weeks pregnant!"...feels so far. Last time was so slow! Let's talk about the fetus. Already had braxton hicks. Believe me or not, I have had multiple ones! Started closer to 15 weeks...I didn't even believe it myself. But yep, there they were. Did some research, tend to come earlier and earlier with each pregnancy...much like the various veins that are popping out already. Yep. But hey, I don't care! Fetus is the size of an avocado! Thank goodness, but with all this bloat...I feel like a house...with a billion avocados inside. Really. I'm starting to wonder if I am showing "sooner" than with be the judge. But regardless of the answer, you do know that when ANY pregnant lady asks this, the correct answer is ALWAYS, "Omg, no you look phenomenal. Can't even tell you're pregnant." So now you know.

Oh there's the 15 week picture.

Let's practice! How do I look? "OMG, not even pregnant Kate! Do you workout?!"... Then I will answer, "NO I don't workout. And those are tags on my shirt...from trying on clothes! DUH."

So can't wait for Friday. Big weigh in, blood pressure check, umm answer my very important questions (last time it was "How did you decided to become a Ob?",) listen to heartbeat, and set up appointment for 19 week scan!!!! This is the biggest, possibly last, best scan. They spend about an hour checking on fetus. We get to see in 3d/4d also if the fetus corporates! Can't wait until April! Then we are off to Appleton City to stay with Ms. Delana and her family on the farm for the weekend! Can't wait for some country living and cooking :) Jude will LOVE all those animals, without a doubt.

Well here's the rest...
Yep, he just realized he LOVES dipping fries, chicken or cheese in Ketchup.

Yep he is becoming a cuddler!
I mean, come on...he's so adorable!

Oh right. I know exactly what you are thinking!!! "Kate, you really did rock that last pregnancy. Your skin, your clothes, your LACK OF STRETCH MARKS....just amazing, do you plan to do everything the exact same." Well that's a simple answer. Absolutely not! I mean come on, I have to eat fast food at least every other day to stay happy. I don't know, don't ask it's just what my body is making me do!!! Jude, so totally healthy. So no I plan to use a different "stretch cream." I do however, have every intention of gaining the same way. And thus far, have been. Haven't gained a pound, but well see what happens at the 16 week appointment. But if I have gained anything, it's 2 pounds and by 16 weeks with Jude, I was up 2. So there....
Last years regiment to prevent stretch marks.
This years regiment to prevent stretch marks ;)
Now that's a semi my boy!

LOVES running with Uma.
Loves his tent. Clapping!
What would he do without his Umadawg.


Friday, March 23, 2012

15 week quickie.

Just thought this was a funny thing that occurred today.

I went into Motherhood Maternity. Totally overpriced but the quality is good. Really lasts. My nursing tank tops lasted about 12 months with Jude. And I wore those everyday. Anyways, I'm looking at tank tops when the sales lady comes up to me, "Hello, what are looking for." Me, "Oh just looking at tank tops to see what I am in for for this summer." Saleslady, "Oh you must have just found out." Me, "Yes, 15 weeks ago." Haha I love those moments.

That is all.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

15 Weeks Down!

Well...15 down! What an accomplishment! We have a busy week ahead of us though. Sadly, spring break is over. It was amazing. I forgot what it was like to have no obligations, alarms (besides Jude), etc. So nice. I even managed to get a light tan from being outside so much! What a great two weeks it was. Jude and I enjoyed the last week by doing absolutely nothing! Carpet is to be installed tomorrow, so this weekend will be dedicated to staying cool, dusting, and organizing basement stuff. 9 weeks later! Bout time, so ready for a basement playroom!Other than that, just working on growing... you know.

Commencement: GRADUATION
Yep :)
Good thing there's another on the way, look at this boy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1st Grass Cut of Season!

We did it! Fetus and I did the first grass cut of the season and what a perfect day to do it! So breezy, nice out.

I keep thinking I feel flutters also....

Jude was so funny last night. I left him for class, then walked in the door, opened my arms and he came running, laughing, squealing with excitement to see me!!! I thought "He actually did miss me!!!!!!" Twenty minutes later, my dad walked in the door, opened his arms and Jude went running, laughing, squealing with excitement to see him!!! Ha. Guess he missed him too.....? Just as much....? :( Haha. Crazy kid loves everyone.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

14 Weeks!

Am I done yet? I recall this time with Jude; ticking by soooooooo, incredibly slooooooooow with Jude's pregnancy. I can only imagine the 3rd I'll probably find out I'm pregnant about 25 weeks along. Ha. The only symptom that I have had for a while, cause remember I use to write those all down (ha), is bloat. Took me to be pregnant to truly feel what this means. Ugh. So annoying. I asked my fake friends for relief and they said 27 more weeks :( Ugh! I've felt this way since day 1. I'm ready for it to subside! But other than that, I really can't complain. I felt pretty bad with Jude until around 16 weeks. This one, I'd say after I recovered from the flu so 10 weeks, great!!! Minus the bloat. Anyways, I don't have much to say, for the first time this week, but here's our FUN outside! Oh and spring break is AMAZING. I forgot how nice it is to NOT work. Really ready for May now. Going to be super hard, especially with Jude "sleeping in" these days. But can't wait for first week in May then summer for the rest of my life :)

I see Great Grandma Rita in Jude, yep, for sure.
Yep. Good dog.
Sharing a popsicle on a HOT day.
Decided to NOT share this day.
Of course I put him in this awesome, preppy outfit and the toy he goes for, golf caddy.
Random out of order...BUT 14 Weeks. Then vs. Now (Jude on left/fetus on right)...Looks pretty identical to me. BOY!
We did this forever the other day! Water play!

Cheers. The fetus and I are off to have some one on one quiet time :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Warm weather! and Mother's Morning Out!

Apparently, I have a lot to say lately. :0 This weather is SO nice. Jude looks outside and whines to go out. Around 8am!! I finally gave in at 9 am this morning, a bit chilly, but doesn't stop him from exploring the outside. I can't wait for this weather daily. So nice! Of course, once you're outside, you have to be prepared to stay out ALL day. Or else it's a giant meltdown because let's face it, there isn't mud, Uma, water, grass or sunshine inside. I don't blame the kid.

Well the purpose of this is not the weather...but to share that we have signed Jude up for a Mother's Morning Program! Crazy, my baby is old enough for this, but I know Jude will just LOVE being around all those little friends! I found First Baptist Church of Wentzville's Program from the Wentzville Mommy Group that I was kicked out of. HA. I actually spent about a month searching high and low for the perfect program. To my surprise, there were not many, within our price range or distance that I loved. But another mother highly recommended this church and sends her son. I mean after all, personal references are the best.

But here's a sneak peak of the program Jude will be part of! There will be 8 children all turning 2 within August-January. So his peers will be the same age. There are two teachers for the 8 children.

9am- Welcome and Free Play
9:20-9:40-Chapel time
9:40-10:30-Snack and Recess
10:30-12-Circle Time and Learning Activities
12:30-2 Rest Time
2-Pick Up!

Chapel Time is where the entire school comes together and does the Pledge of Allegiance, Patriotic Songs, Counting, Silly/Fun Songs, Bibles Verses, and Bible Stores.

So what's the point of this? Well...obviously I have worked with little kids, in a daycare and elementary school. It can be very frustrating to help a 5 year old who doesn't know how to "line up" multiple times or "sharing"...I find these values that kids need to know, and yet, I feel as though I can only teach Jude so much at home. Yes we read, do art, play outside, have snack, nap, etc. BUT kids learn from other kids! I think Jude learning to sit when asked (by another adult) in a circle is needed, social lunchtime (where he'll learn it's inappropriate to throw food and that he can't sit and eat for however long he likes), lining up, playing nicely with others, and honestly the fact the I'm not there will be good. Our biggest debate was one day or two. Yes, clearly I've done the research on this :) After touring the church preschool program, right I was that mom that did it, the director talked me into two days. For multiple reasons really. One, Jude will adjust better to two days than one. It's not a random "Hey Jude school day!" I specifically chose Tuesdays and Thursdays because I didn't want him coming off from a busy weekend to "school" Monday morning. I intend to make a weekly calendar we will look at to anticipate "school days." Two, he's going to love it. Look at my child. Loves everything! Loves being with others, outside, you name it! Three, 9-2 time frame sounds long, but it'll fly. The director had a good point, "Well, go do your errands on Tuesday, then snuggle with your newborn on Thursdays." Yes, I may have told her I'm expecting no 2 in Sept. That's a great point. I'll definitely want some one on one time with the new one. And Jude will be such a "big boy" by having his own activities! And let's face it, they will only help to add a more religious backbone for him! So ultimately, I am thrilled for him. If he didn't have the personality he has, I may feel differently, not even consider this yet, but that's not Jude. He will truly embrace every minute there and I know not want to leave.

This was a big decision for us. I have talked with numerous mothers, friends, even a dad, and teachers. They were all on the same lines and most sent their child to a Mothers Morning Out even around 18 months! So, I got suckered in. And let's face it, I will have some downtime which will be real nice in September...:) Then in August when he starts, I can go crazy with nesting and have a spotless house :) Ha. Wow, okay got all that? I can't wait for him to start! He'll be so cute with a book bag, and lunch box going to school!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Jude's First Babysitting Gig!

Well we went 16 months without a babysitter. Jude had his first real babysitting gig. It went great! As I expected. Kid loves everyone. I had a work meeting which is interesting because I don't even "work." So yep. Family was busy so I thought to myself, "who can I ask..." After thinking and thinking, I resorted to the little kids (who aren't little anymore) that I used to watch and they were free and excited! Brought back so many memories. Just blew my mind that the girls I used to watch were going to watch MY baby!! I still see myself as the fun, outgoing, crazy, lovable babysitter to them but nope, I'm the MOM! When did this happen!? Where has the time gone!? Holy cow! I found myself asking the girls questions their mom used to ask me! "So are you dating anyone?...Looking into colleges?" It was so unbelievable. I know, I'm making a huge deal of this! But it's big to me. Jude had a blast, they acted like they did, so it's good to know that in the future, if we need a sitter, they can be trusted! Such sweet girls. I remember when they was three, doing their hair, playing silly games, and wanting to go back to play with them. I used to go when I was bored for fun! No wonder I found a career with kids :) Okay maybe I prefer middle school kids but you get the picture. Thank goodness I have such an easy going boy and some sweet, responsible high school students to rely on!

Yep I documented this :) Oh and Uma was loved also. Aren't they adorable though!

Oh and for the record, I only text John twice to see how things were going :0

Yea, that's window paint...

Do you hear that!? The car talks!
Yep he runs and kicks. Amazing.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Second Trimester-Already!

Well of course I should have figured this one would fly with chasing Jude :) Friendly reminder when Rachel text me "Happy 2nd Trimester" this morning :) So wow, this is where I look and feel great right! I think I'll treat myself to Mandarian Garden tonight for accomplishing the first trimester. Well here's the best part, the belly. Getting huger each day. Ugh. So pudgy.

Cheers, I welcome you 2nd Trimester.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Okay, with Jude I did the Intelligender test. THIS time, a friend of mine sent me the Gendermaker test. Interesting. It detects the gender of your baby as early as 6 weeks by using urine. I mean really? Come on? If pee holds the answers to everything, don't you think my doctor would say, "Okay you weigh x, blood pressure is x, pee sample can out clean and good, oh and you're having a x." But regardless, to poke fun, because clearly around 10-13 weeks I get obsessed with gender, with both, I took it. It turns either blue or pink. Boy=blue, Girl=pink. Mine=PURPLE. I mean really? Purple! What does that mean!!! Another hermaphrodite I guess! Jude was suppose to be also. But I guess, the far end of the pink has a bit of purple to it. So maybe because I took it at 13 weeks it's REALLY a girl. As opposed to taking at the 6 weeks when you first can, and it turning actually pink? It's like "oh man you waited so long you get the darkest girl result"....regardless, I give this test about a 50% accuracy rate. Here ya go!

Soooo time will tell. Our next appointment I will be 16 weeks and at that time we schedule the big scan. Will we find out? Nope. Do we want to? I DO!! Does John? No. So I guess we'll just wait another 20 weeks and find out the fun old fashioned way. Which is more fun I'd imagine anyways. So I'm okay with it. But it would be nice to know whether I should wash all Jude's clothes, or just the yellow stuff :0