Monday, March 12, 2012

Jude's First Babysitting Gig!

Well we went 16 months without a babysitter. Jude had his first real babysitting gig. It went great! As I expected. Kid loves everyone. I had a work meeting which is interesting because I don't even "work." So yep. Family was busy so I thought to myself, "who can I ask..." After thinking and thinking, I resorted to the little kids (who aren't little anymore) that I used to watch and they were free and excited! Brought back so many memories. Just blew my mind that the girls I used to watch were going to watch MY baby!! I still see myself as the fun, outgoing, crazy, lovable babysitter to them but nope, I'm the MOM! When did this happen!? Where has the time gone!? Holy cow! I found myself asking the girls questions their mom used to ask me! "So are you dating anyone?...Looking into colleges?" It was so unbelievable. I know, I'm making a huge deal of this! But it's big to me. Jude had a blast, they acted like they did, so it's good to know that in the future, if we need a sitter, they can be trusted! Such sweet girls. I remember when they was three, doing their hair, playing silly games, and wanting to go back to play with them. I used to go when I was bored for fun! No wonder I found a career with kids :) Okay maybe I prefer middle school kids but you get the picture. Thank goodness I have such an easy going boy and some sweet, responsible high school students to rely on!

Yep I documented this :) Oh and Uma was loved also. Aren't they adorable though!

Oh and for the record, I only text John twice to see how things were going :0

Yea, that's window paint...

Do you hear that!? The car talks!
Yep he runs and kicks. Amazing.


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