Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Warm weather! and Mother's Morning Out!

Apparently, I have a lot to say lately. :0 This weather is SO nice. Jude looks outside and whines to go out. Around 8am!! I finally gave in at 9 am this morning, a bit chilly, but doesn't stop him from exploring the outside. I can't wait for this weather daily. So nice! Of course, once you're outside, you have to be prepared to stay out ALL day. Or else it's a giant meltdown because let's face it, there isn't mud, Uma, water, grass or sunshine inside. I don't blame the kid.

Well the purpose of this is not the weather...but to share that we have signed Jude up for a Mother's Morning Program! Crazy, my baby is old enough for this, but I know Jude will just LOVE being around all those little friends! I found First Baptist Church of Wentzville's Program from the Wentzville Mommy Group that I was kicked out of. HA. I actually spent about a month searching high and low for the perfect program. To my surprise, there were not many, within our price range or distance that I loved. But another mother highly recommended this church and sends her son. I mean after all, personal references are the best.

But here's a sneak peak of the program Jude will be part of! There will be 8 children all turning 2 within August-January. So his peers will be the same age. There are two teachers for the 8 children.

9am- Welcome and Free Play
9:20-9:40-Chapel time
9:40-10:30-Snack and Recess
10:30-12-Circle Time and Learning Activities
12:30-2 Rest Time
2-Pick Up!

Chapel Time is where the entire school comes together and does the Pledge of Allegiance, Patriotic Songs, Counting, Silly/Fun Songs, Bibles Verses, and Bible Stores.

So what's the point of this? Well...obviously I have worked with little kids, in a daycare and elementary school. It can be very frustrating to help a 5 year old who doesn't know how to "line up" multiple times or "sharing"...I find these values that kids need to know, and yet, I feel as though I can only teach Jude so much at home. Yes we read, do art, play outside, have snack, nap, etc. BUT kids learn from other kids! I think Jude learning to sit when asked (by another adult) in a circle is needed, social lunchtime (where he'll learn it's inappropriate to throw food and that he can't sit and eat for however long he likes), lining up, playing nicely with others, and honestly the fact the I'm not there will be good. Our biggest debate was one day or two. Yes, clearly I've done the research on this :) After touring the church preschool program, right I was that mom that did it, the director talked me into two days. For multiple reasons really. One, Jude will adjust better to two days than one. It's not a random "Hey Jude school day!" I specifically chose Tuesdays and Thursdays because I didn't want him coming off from a busy weekend to "school" Monday morning. I intend to make a weekly calendar we will look at to anticipate "school days." Two, he's going to love it. Look at my child. Loves everything! Loves being with others, outside, you name it! Three, 9-2 time frame sounds long, but it'll fly. The director had a good point, "Well, go do your errands on Tuesday, then snuggle with your newborn on Thursdays." Yes, I may have told her I'm expecting no 2 in Sept. That's a great point. I'll definitely want some one on one time with the new one. And Jude will be such a "big boy" by having his own activities! And let's face it, they will only help to add a more religious backbone for him! So ultimately, I am thrilled for him. If he didn't have the personality he has, I may feel differently, not even consider this yet, but that's not Jude. He will truly embrace every minute there and I know not want to leave.

This was a big decision for us. I have talked with numerous mothers, friends, even a dad, and teachers. They were all on the same lines and most sent their child to a Mothers Morning Out even around 18 months! So, I got suckered in. And let's face it, I will have some downtime which will be real nice in September...:) Then in August when he starts, I can go crazy with nesting and have a spotless house :) Ha. Wow, okay got all that? I can't wait for him to start! He'll be so cute with a book bag, and lunch box going to school!!

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