Tuesday, April 27, 2010

12 Weeks

Officially 12 weeks today! I finally feel like I've made it to a milestone, even if "what to expect" does not consider 12 weeks the second trimester. And I don't either I guess, but what this means is if I really really feel like it, tomorrow (officially 12 weeks), I can say I'm in my 13th week. Thus making me sound like I'm in the second trimester. Complicated I know. But regardless, no dreams lately. No strong feelings of gender, etc. Well maybe, boy.

27 Weeks left! Still looking forward to having a belly in my two piece swim suit. Haha. Can't wait for Florida in June. I believe I'll be around 18-19 weeks so it'll be fabulous.

Baby Update:
Peachy. Our baby is nearing the size of peach now. Love peaches! Although our baby looks more like an alien than anything, her bones, intestines and vocal cords are under construction! Aww, and because she can move her arms and legs in a jerky fashion, she may be able to get her thumb into her mouth. Aww.

Symptoms: The newest symptom to join the team is dizziness. I was cleaning the house, specifically toilet, the other day and all sudden got real dizzy. Proceeded to finish the bathroom (first mistake) then had to lay down on the couch and listen to John vacuum. Ugh it was awful. Did this at work also. Slight dizziness is annoying. Besides that, the typical symptoms are present. I suppose I could say that I feel awful if I don't get up and eat IMMEDIATELY. For example, went to Mandarin Garden last night (again I know, maybe my baby will be Chinese...) and then brought left overs home. LOVE dinner food for breakfast so I decided to get right up and shower before eating. Then enjoy a nice hot cooked meal for breakfast. (I know you do this too don't act like I'm a nut!!) Well felt awful after about ten minutes of getting up. And by awful, let me be more graphic. My stomach all sudden knows I'm up and not feeding it then goes in survival mode of making myself gag and nearly vomit...Awful. That's what I mean every time I say "I feel awful." I like to think something is showing. I constantly still feel fat so I think there's something there...you know a slight fat bump. Not cute b/c it's just fat looking but sooooon!

1. Honestly, I'm just too lazy to add any of me. I look as I did in the surprise 11.4 photo. LOL. But I will add this: the valence. SOO cute. Went out and bought it so the art teacher at the school I work at can paint the animals on the wall. It's adorable I love it. I'll try to take another tonight when the lighting will be better...so dark.

For Fun: According to Chinese Calendar

Gender Prediction
Get your own gender prediction!

Boy: Aloysius John Meyer
Girl: I like Helene or Stella John seems to hate every name I say and like the most common popular names, Emma. Ugh. Poor girl, hope we have a boy so we don't argue what we'll name it if it's a girl. UGH.

Doctor Update:
12 Week Update April 28, 2010 at 2:00pm. Pointless. Well I shouldn't say that. Arrived at 2 sharp, peed in cup, waited 45 minutes, talk to doctor for about 5 minutes then scheduled another appointment. We did hear baby tumbling around just a bit and a fast heartbeat. 170 he thought. Very cute. Adorable baby. He also approved me to take gummy vitamins instead of the awful horse pills I've been gagging over! YUM! Excited about that.

Your Favorite Family of Four
J, K, Fetus, and Uma.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

SURPRISE KC update 11.4 weeks

1. Fetus's first road trip! What a weekend! The best part was definitely explaining to Sarah that I can not eat a lot but rather I need to eat every hour. So the entire weekend it was "Ahh little baby bites, baby Kate, bird food, etc." Highly entertaining. I think I finally showed her hockey husband that I could when I devoured the brownie, gelato, whipped cream dessert :) Does that not look amazing. There were five of us that shared it: John (so he had what, half a bite), Sarah, Jesse, Me, and Fetus. The menu read "Ideal for 6 people." Ha, 6. . .try 3 of us. No problem!

2. Aww dad's smallest fan. And by smallest I mean literally, the small fan he has. In fact, I wrote "biggest" on my belly then felt it'd be more appropriate to change it to smallest. But regardless, the fetus was with me freezing in the stands watching the boys play ice hockey. I can't lie, Sarah and I may have gone shopping one game, then to Ihop another so we may have missed just a few minutes of the games, but we were there! P.S. do I look fat? I must say, that's a nice 11.4 week belly picture...looks more like a -11.4 week but geez I look good.

3. The "Black" team. They all wore black shirts... of course my love must be color blind for I think his is blue! The one in the middle...I bet our fetus looks just like him now..I can feel it. (Black team came in second overall)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

11 Weeks

Officially 11 weeks today. I told you. I knew this would happen. Totally jinxed myself. Before with the pimples...ha. Those have picked up. Not that I really care but just to keep you posted with every detail of the baby. Anddddd, the whole "not really get sick thing." Rough rough rough day at work on Tuesday. Ended up leaving to be in the comfort of my own toilet, you understand. I like to attribute this to me stupidly taking my PNV in the AM and not PM. (Many people have warned me, take it at night or you'll get sick...) But what's odd is that I have taken it in the AM before and not felt THIS bad...But Tuesday went home early and slept thinking I'd wake up great. Nope, woke up wanting to be next to my own clean toilet again. Odd. I thought this whole "morning/afternoon/night sickness" was suppose to subside by the second trimester. Well I'm pretty darn close (2 more weeks!!!) and yet this is the worst I have felt ever! Odd...

28 weeks left! Can't wait to say I'm in the second trimester. So exciting to me. I suppose when I'm "officially 13 weeks" I will declare I am in the second. Looking forward to having a belly, being in my swimsuit, and feeling great! Woohoo second tri and summer!

Baby Update:
Slightly more than two inches long now and weighing about a third of an ounce, our fetus is definitely growing fast! Our baby's ratio is currently 1:1...soo smart ha. Hair follicles are forming. I wonder if this baby will have light brown hair. You know a mixture of my gorgeous head of brunette with John's blond. Yep, John thinks he's a blond. Fetus can now stretch, do somersaults, and forward rolls. Who needs gymnastics or baby gym! Mine's practicing pre-baby. Way to be a step above your cousins! Lol, just kidding :)

Weight: According to moving scale (you know the fancy real ones at the doctors office) 109. Dropped a pound. Not sure how! I feel as though all I do is sit on the couch and eat...Ugh. Home scale: 107. Therefore, no change yet but gotta be soon! I'm getting up there with weeks!! Lol.
Symptoms: I feel soo fat. I hate this. For the last 11 weeks, okay more like 5 weeks, I just feel like I look pregnant. Like I have a belly already. This is easily my least favorite symptom! I don't think this will end either! I eat a grape, yes a single grape, and I feel huge. What a horrible feeling. Other than that, I am slimming the amount and frequency of eating. Instead of eating every hour I can now go longer, which is great! I don't have to constantly find something appetizing to eat. Craving lots of fruit lately. Eat a banana daily and my brother seems to think that if you eat bananas and cereal daily, you will have a boy. I told him, "Good news! I do!" Then my sister informed us that that is pre-pregnancy. Hmm. Still not sure what I'm having, obviously. But stronger feelings of a boy. In fact, I have completely rewired my brain and now want a boy. I just think it'd be so easy and think about it, don't you think we'd make such a cute little boy! Aww. I can! :) But regardless I told John I'll be balling my eyes at regardless of what the gender and just so excited to finally see our baby...healthy.

Photos: (In case you didn't figure this out already, you can click on the picture to get a larger view...you know, in case you want to really search my belly to see if anything is there. Lol).
1. Me...
2. Me...
3. Uma-as you know in the SURPRISE update, I was so excited about our first baby buy, well so is Umadog. She grabbed this off the table one day and seem to think it was a gift for her. . . isn't she cute though:)

Names of week:
Boy: Aloysius (I don't want to jinx it, so clearly I will right now, but John loves it as do I, so I think this is a pretty solid, set name...) I mean, you know me, one week I want a girl or I'll die the next, a boy, so odds are this may change. But I am excited we have a name we both love. Strong, solid family name. In case you don't know me very well, this is my grandpas name. He was such a great person and my favorite and I like to think I was his favorite "grandchild." Middle name John after my wonderful, caring, kind, sweet hubby. Will you clean the house Thursday?
Girl: I still like Helene, but John is indifferent. He's so cute he says like "well I need to keep saying it because it hasn't grown on me yet Kate." lol. I totally understand where he is coming from. I am so out there with names but at least he's considering them all. If not Helene, possibly Stella. I like it. Very cute.

Had another dream last night. Strange, I had twins and they were one of each gender. Does this mean Boys: 3 Girls: 2...? Complicated ya know. A dream of having one of each. I was so happy. Lol. I think ultimately, I'd love to have one of each :)
Baby's first road trip to KC is this weekend! I just hope it's not too rainy so Sarah, fetus, and I can get some walking and shopping in! Haven't been there for a year and it's so fun to me! And I don't have to bring stroller this time! I act as the stroller. I'm such a multi-purpose being.

J and K and Fetus and Uma
Your Family of Four

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Isn't he adorable!? Soo cute I know! Story behind (obviously, everything has a fabulous story)...So John left me to go to the lake and pack his grandparents up this weekend. I chose to stay back and write papers, watch Uma, etc. Well then I got hold of Natasha, dear friend :) and we decide that Target, Lowe's, and Coldstone sound far better than writing a paper. So off we go to Target. As were walking up and down every isle, looking for something I "need", we come across this adorable giraffe. I say, "You know, a lot of people have bought small things for our baby but John and I haven't bought anything!" The next thing we know, were debating whether to get the giraffe or elephant. Soooo cute. Baby's first gift from mommy. <3 Awww. Many more to come. Then we gather the necessities: 1$ potted plants, stone art, slip on shoes, foam hammer, and about $15 of dog bones. The best part was is that as we were unpacking, Natasha turned the giraffe on (plays a lullaby) and noticed that "It moves!! Added bonus!! I feel very confident in my first baby purchase now. I have a feeling John will never go to the lake again without me. . . Gets better, we go to Coldstone where we spend $20. Lol. I know, "How do you spend 20 dollars on a 'like it' ice cream Kate!" Well after we tasted ours, we decided we wanted the entire quart for when our craving comes back. Therefore, there is now an entire quart of Coldstone (Shock-Cone favor) in my freezer and a bit of my "like it" also. I will share. Don't worry! Then to Lowes that turned into Home Depot. I have a new love for Home Depot versus Lowes. Great selection, etc. So I buy my flowers and we come across this awesome hanging plant! I have to have it. It's the coolest looking plant ever! Although I have no idea how to take care of it, I will do everything in my power to keep this awesome hanging plant alive. This flower is sorta like a baby. . . I'll keep you posted on the life of the awesome hanging plant :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

10 Weeks

I see man approaching door. I call John, "John doors for you hurry!" John replies (in the kitchen) "I don't have a shirt on NOT IT." I'm annoyed and walk to the door to answer this man selling Thomas stuff..."Hi" I say. "Umm, is your mom home?" He asks. I pause, and quickly respond, "No, they are both not home yet." Walk inside laughing thinking little does he know I'm going to be a mom in 7 months! Success I still pass for a 17 year old that is not pregnant!!

WOW Week 10! 1/4 of the way through! Feels like just yesterday I was jumping for joy with the take home test! Haha. Sooo officially 10 weeks today! What a day, what a feeling. Ha. Well just a few more weeks till I can say I'm out of my first trimester and in the second. . . my problem now is trying to figure out when the first trimester ends!! I have been researching and found that it either ends on the 12th, 13th, 14th, or 15th week. Ugh really. Come on, someone just say 12 to make me feel better! I guess I'll round and go with 13. I know John, this isn't my best math ability. You know I know better but 13 sounds much better than 15!

Baby Update:
Well besides constantly being asked if I can see the baby (and I usually reply "well I don't see the doc for another few weeks..." but know exactly what they are asking, "Are you fat? Have you put on weight?") things are good. The baby is the size of a prune...gross right? 1.5 inches long! Crazy here's a visual


That long. Pretty long! I know what you're thinking! Where does that fit in you!? Well I'm not really sure, but I assure you this, it's there. Also the the baby's arms and elbows are already working. Can't wait to feel those. And the baby's teeth are forming under the gums. Yuck! Not looking forward to those. The stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine (EWWW), and if its a boy, he is producing testosterone. Yikes. Speaking of boys, had another dream the other night. SCORE UPDATE (on dreams) Boys: 2 Girls: 1....Here's the dream:

Was with my family and my sister and I just popped our children out right away. Then lost all my baby weight, looked great, and went to a party. Later that night, I called John's family to let them know it was a boy and we did name him Aloysius. Interpretation: The night I had this dream I was talking to a friend of mine who just gave birth. I was asking her all the details so obviously had baby birth on mind. Baby birth, not animal, etc. Also, she just had a sweet little boy. Makes sense I suppose. But Boy Dreams are up by 1. I think it'll be interesting to see how many I have. John and I were talking and said just wait it'll be like 37:33. Haha. Looking forward to more.

30 weeks left! Looking forward to November 8. I think I'll deliver that day. So when the baby pool comes up, vote that day! I can feel it and sense it. Before we knew the due date, I picked that day...strange huh?

Weight: 107.6 according to my scale. Typical. Although I have not put on weight (according to my scale), I still feel fat. I know I know, bloatedness is a symptom but I think I look like I have a beer belly. Sad really. I never did. And now I'm experiencing something I could have had. And now I know, I will do everything in my power to get rid of this beer belly (that does not exist but may very soon) when I'm not pregnant. Lol.
Symptoms: Besides the beer belly, I feel as though I have had at least every symptom once! So: fatigue, lack of energy, sleepiness (I go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 7), frequent urination, nausea (without vomiting), bloatingness, food aversions, cravings, headaches, and dizziness. I'll leave out the other personal ones! I mean come on. Now you know why I'm wondering when the first trimester ends! Another interesting pregnancy thing I noticed within myself: pimples. I know, both the doctor and myself told myself (I do this to prep myself) that I will break out potentially really bad for awhile. It will remind me and possibly look like I was 14 again. HOWEVER, to my surprise the breakout is not nearly as bad as I imagined. I, in fact, find the pimples to be different from 14 yr old pimples. Pregnancy pimples, for me, seem to come and go quite quickly. It's strange really. So I can not complain about my face...just yet at least ;) Apparently this should all lighten by then (2nd trimester)! Can't wait. Once again, I love this beautiful weather and watching it on my couch. NOT. BUT today, I have decided, I am going for a run later when it cools off (Tuesday night). I feel great and have no excuse this time! Off I go to get back to running! I'll let you know how it goes :) Well it went great. Already out of shape from taking the last few weeks off :( But I did great, nice, slow, and steady. My theory, who cares how hard, fast, or long you run. Give yourself credit because you are indeed running. Therefore I'll tell ya this much, it was an awfully slow run but quite enjoyable and now I'm ready for more! I know it was a successful run because of that.
Cravings: Oh you know, donuts, breakfast foods (biscuits and gravy, sausage, hash browns, toast eggs -does that not sounds great?), sweets (ice cream, w whipped cream) and fruit. Good news, I have not indulged in this yet. Okay, yes I have with the fruit but John won't get up early enough to join me for breakfast and I don't go out myself or make it for one...and I just refuse to buy the unhealthy things I mentioned. Mainly because I know I'll devourer all them myself and because when I visit my parents on the weekend, they have it :) Lol Just kidding! I need a buddy to get breakfast with me though just once...it'd make sweat pea happy.

1. Traditional. Simplistic. You love it. I need to find a new spot where its better lit.
2. Same.
4. Gifts Soo cute :)
5. Gifts
6. Uma dog...She also feels pregnant and bloated. She still sleeps on the "nap couch" with me on occasion. Going to get tight here in a bit with the 3 of us.

Names of the week:
Boy: Aloysius (Lewis...we're starting to like Aloysius and considering not using Lewis).
Girl: Helene (I still love) Stella...I know sorta ugly but I like it. Love the old old names that no one has anymore. Suggestions? John was funny the other day he goes, "I really have to warm up to your names you pick such strange ugly names..." Haha, I mean I can't argue, he's absolutely right. However, because I work in a school, I associate all names with kids which I hate. With the exception of a few cuties that I love...

Fun facts:
Baby is taking its first road trip next weekend! We are joining Jesse (I appreciate you becoming a follower!!) and Sarah in Kansas City for a hockey tournament. Meaning, Sarah and I will be shopping all day while the boys play ice hockey! May even include a photo of baby in KC! Then, in May we are traveling to Chicago to see my cousins, aunt and uncle. Staying with them to see a Cards vs. Cubs game and tour the city! I haven't been since I last visited my cousins and A and U when I was in third grade! Photo of baby at first Cards vs. Cubs game will be included in that week update. Stay tuned. THEN in June, off to Florida with some friends and John's hockey buddies. I think it's 5 couples going! How fun! We can't wait. I mainly can't wait to wear my two piece and hopefully have something to show then that is more baby related than beer belly.

J and K and Fetus and Uma.
Your Family of Four

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Baby thought of the day:

As I was scrubbing the outside of the siding with soap and water, and John was power-washing after me, I asked him "How many weeks are we". . . He replied "9". Then a sigh of relief came over me and I realized "OMG we're already 9 weeks...that is soo far..." Pretty much immediately after I said this I realized how ridiculous I sounded. I suppose it's all so surreal to me. I have been waiting for a baby of my own (and husband of course) for as long as I can remember. I have always wanted to be a "mom" and just never really thought my time would come. Granted here we are today, scrubbing the outside of our house with a mop (not an ordinary mop, the fully extended kind), soapy water bucket, and hollering at each other about the water spraying everywhere. Lol. And then again, I can't help but think, "Our poor child. She'll be right there with us in the carseat laughing with us (or at us) as we power-wash our house with a mop next year..." Maybe tomorrow we won't look so strange to the neighbors as we lay bricks. Granted, we're simply strange to begin with so this may be inevitable...Cheers!

Monday, April 5, 2010

9 Weeks

Officially 9 weeks today! This is huge I'm telling you! I don't think we have ever made it to 9 weeks! Meaning, since we got pushed back a week, etc. So I am not re-living 9 weeks but rather just living the first real 9 week! Wow. Well last weekend (Friday-Monday) I had the joy of showing John just what I would be doing as a stay-at-mom. Friday: cut grass at 9 am then meet Carol to get our toes done followed by lunch. (hmm I remind John I work full time now so I can get by doing this :) Ha. Then came back and helped John with the back. Lawn looks great! Time to do it again. Oh then, I made John a fabulous dinner of mushroom chicken, garlic roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables, all of which after I made I did not want to eat. So off we went to McDonald's to rent a red box and get fries. . . What a well balanced dinner! I swear I don't do this often! (I'll leave off the part about taco bell, then dierbergs for gummie bunnies...). Saturday, okay, I'm really ruining this for myself. I think Friday was really the only "stay-at-home mom" work day. Saturday didn't feel so hot so we watched Dexter together all day. Followed by Mandrian Garden! (Please hold!) I was a bit worried though about eating in the restaurant. See a week ago, John and I went to El Mag because I refused to cook but once we got our food, I had to leave. I don't know what it was. But I will tell you this, I will not have Mexican for the next 7 months, guaranteed. Poor John. Good news, he got to take his home and eat it and mine! lol. So we carried out Mandrian Garden because I refuse to dislike the best chinese food ever! It worked, seemed to taste pretty good. Phew. Well onward!

Baby Update:
My roommate is nearly an entire inch long! She's the size of a grape! The embryonic "tail" is completely gone...darn. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks, granted we have 7 months to wait. But overall, she's looking more like a human. Hmm Diane Sanford, a clinical psychologist encourages women to set aside time each day, 5-10 minutes, to think about their baby, blah blah blah. Well maybe I'm the exception, but I would say I think about my baby at least every 10 seconds. Maybe even every 7 seconds. Seriously, some only give their baby 5-10 minutes a day? Ugh. We are slightly obsessed with ours. Talk about it, think about it, etc. You know it, I have already thought of it! :)Oh fetus you are <3 Loved <3

31 weeks left. Wooohoooo.

Weight: Ugh put on 5.6 pounds since last Wednesday. Can you tell? JUST KIDDING! No gain. Sorry.
Symptoms: Well, as mentioned before, I am feeling the baby. Not literally, but man I feel awful! Inside of enjoying these beautiful days outside, running, walking the dog, picking every weed within a mile radius, I am sitting, curled up on the love couch daily and nightly. John and I have begun the Dexter series (again) and that is my life now. It's awful. I feel so guilty for not going to the gym or playing with Umadog, or moving much. If you know me, you know I like to be on the move. Rarely watch tv however by 9:30, I feel at my worst and head to bed. Constant headaches and have a sore throat now. And today (Tuesday) I did not eat every hour at work...I know what you're thinking! "What?! Seriously?! Can't be!" But I think this sore throat cold thing has hit me hard. I just have to figure out how to work and go to class afterwards without falling asleep! Ugh.
Craving: Nothing again. I know, no fun right!

Photos: Way too lazy to do this this week. But I promise you, I look the same as last week photos :) As does Uma and John. I did upload one from Jan. though for your entertainment ;0

Names of the week:
Boy: Aloysius (call him Lewis)
Girl: Helene Lorelei or Lorelei Helene...We'll probably have a tomboy who hates this name. Not set on this obviously, and currently, as typing, don't really like the Lorelei anymore ha, that's how I work.

More to come! Stay tuned next week! Or for a random surprise update :)

J and K and Fetus and Uma.
Your Family of Four <3

Oh and also, thanks to Carol at work, she found this fabulous bedding set that John and I both love! Check it out and tell me what you think!


Don't worry, it was under the "unisex bedding" section :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Recent Dreams:

April 4
So I hear if you are pregnant you tend to have vivid, strange dreams during each trimester. Considering I'm only in the first, it wouldn't be surprising to have dreams of water or water symbols (according to babycenter). Well last night I had a vivid, strange dream! What's strange about my dreams is the amount of details I remember!
Regardless, here goes, I was finally in labor and I was about 36 weeks pregnant. My doctor did not seem alarmed at all. I went in and was not very far along. My doctor woke me up at 6 am after I slept great for a few hours to check me again. I was excited to find out if I had progressed but I started crying. He asked "What's wrong Kate?" I said "Nothing, I have just waited 9 months and I finally get to find out who is inside me!" After that, my doctor immediately wanted to put me on pitocin to speed things up. I refused and asked if I could walk around for about an hour to see if that didn't work before we did the pitocin and stuff. He OK-ed it. Well I found myself and John walking around a pool. We went to the locker room, saw the families, and were excited. By that time I was sitting in the stands with my family. The doctor came over and said "it's time Kate." Before I knew it, I had the IV in me (which was painless) and I was in a large swimming pool in the corner. Gross right yea. Well ten seconds later, I told my family, "don't worry, I'll be like my mom and sister and push this baby out in ten minutes." Ten minutes later, John and I had a baby boy that weighed 5.8 lbs and we named him Sawyer. I then swam over to my sister where she was in some type of aerobics class with her new baby. She had a baby girl and was dunking her! She told me to do the same with Sawyer. I did. And that was that. The end.


If you know me, you know I have to figure out where I get these crazy things in my dream from!! Let's start with the beginning! 36 weeks in labor, my friend recently just had a baby at 38 weeks and I have been thinking that I would have no problem if my baby chose to come a bit earlier than later :) As fun as it is to not know what we are having, John and I think about it constantly. I am wondering what am I going to do with a ---------! But I think that also shows my excitement in that I truly can not wait for this day to come! (in reference to crying about waiting 9 months). Now, with the whole pitocin stuff, just recently I went to lunch with my work mom Carol and we were talking about labor, etc. I told her I'd like to stay at home as long as I can because it's more comfortable and I won't be hooked up to the Iv's and stuff. I think I secretly have a fear that the Iv will hurt also. The swimming pool. I love water, love summer, love swimming and have been joking to my mom that if we had a pool, I'd be there swimming! She does have a pool...I want to be there! Now, I have no clue about my sister in the aerobics class...I know my mom and I did that! Remember that mom? We were the youngest by 45 years! Lol. We made friends named Brenda, Sally, Eleanor, etc. Haha, good times. The whole dunking my baby thing makes sense to me. We went to the Easter Vigil mass last night where individuals were baptized. There ya go!! Now I wonder how much of this will actually occur?