Sunday, April 25, 2010

SURPRISE KC update 11.4 weeks

1. Fetus's first road trip! What a weekend! The best part was definitely explaining to Sarah that I can not eat a lot but rather I need to eat every hour. So the entire weekend it was "Ahh little baby bites, baby Kate, bird food, etc." Highly entertaining. I think I finally showed her hockey husband that I could when I devoured the brownie, gelato, whipped cream dessert :) Does that not look amazing. There were five of us that shared it: John (so he had what, half a bite), Sarah, Jesse, Me, and Fetus. The menu read "Ideal for 6 people." Ha, 6. . .try 3 of us. No problem!

2. Aww dad's smallest fan. And by smallest I mean literally, the small fan he has. In fact, I wrote "biggest" on my belly then felt it'd be more appropriate to change it to smallest. But regardless, the fetus was with me freezing in the stands watching the boys play ice hockey. I can't lie, Sarah and I may have gone shopping one game, then to Ihop another so we may have missed just a few minutes of the games, but we were there! P.S. do I look fat? I must say, that's a nice 11.4 week belly picture...looks more like a -11.4 week but geez I look good.

3. The "Black" team. They all wore black shirts... of course my love must be color blind for I think his is blue! The one in the middle...I bet our fetus looks just like him now..I can feel it. (Black team came in second overall)

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