Tuesday, April 13, 2010

10 Weeks

I see man approaching door. I call John, "John doors for you hurry!" John replies (in the kitchen) "I don't have a shirt on NOT IT." I'm annoyed and walk to the door to answer this man selling Thomas stuff..."Hi" I say. "Umm, is your mom home?" He asks. I pause, and quickly respond, "No, they are both not home yet." Walk inside laughing thinking little does he know I'm going to be a mom in 7 months! Success I still pass for a 17 year old that is not pregnant!!

WOW Week 10! 1/4 of the way through! Feels like just yesterday I was jumping for joy with the take home test! Haha. Sooo officially 10 weeks today! What a day, what a feeling. Ha. Well just a few more weeks till I can say I'm out of my first trimester and in the second. . . my problem now is trying to figure out when the first trimester ends!! I have been researching and found that it either ends on the 12th, 13th, 14th, or 15th week. Ugh really. Come on, someone just say 12 to make me feel better! I guess I'll round and go with 13. I know John, this isn't my best math ability. You know I know better but 13 sounds much better than 15!

Baby Update:
Well besides constantly being asked if I can see the baby (and I usually reply "well I don't see the doc for another few weeks..." but know exactly what they are asking, "Are you fat? Have you put on weight?") things are good. The baby is the size of a prune...gross right? 1.5 inches long! Crazy here's a visual


That long. Pretty long! I know what you're thinking! Where does that fit in you!? Well I'm not really sure, but I assure you this, it's there. Also the the baby's arms and elbows are already working. Can't wait to feel those. And the baby's teeth are forming under the gums. Yuck! Not looking forward to those. The stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine (EWWW), and if its a boy, he is producing testosterone. Yikes. Speaking of boys, had another dream the other night. SCORE UPDATE (on dreams) Boys: 2 Girls: 1....Here's the dream:

Was with my family and my sister and I just popped our children out right away. Then lost all my baby weight, looked great, and went to a party. Later that night, I called John's family to let them know it was a boy and we did name him Aloysius. Interpretation: The night I had this dream I was talking to a friend of mine who just gave birth. I was asking her all the details so obviously had baby birth on mind. Baby birth, not animal, etc. Also, she just had a sweet little boy. Makes sense I suppose. But Boy Dreams are up by 1. I think it'll be interesting to see how many I have. John and I were talking and said just wait it'll be like 37:33. Haha. Looking forward to more.

30 weeks left! Looking forward to November 8. I think I'll deliver that day. So when the baby pool comes up, vote that day! I can feel it and sense it. Before we knew the due date, I picked that day...strange huh?

Weight: 107.6 according to my scale. Typical. Although I have not put on weight (according to my scale), I still feel fat. I know I know, bloatedness is a symptom but I think I look like I have a beer belly. Sad really. I never did. And now I'm experiencing something I could have had. And now I know, I will do everything in my power to get rid of this beer belly (that does not exist but may very soon) when I'm not pregnant. Lol.
Symptoms: Besides the beer belly, I feel as though I have had at least every symptom once! So: fatigue, lack of energy, sleepiness (I go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 7), frequent urination, nausea (without vomiting), bloatingness, food aversions, cravings, headaches, and dizziness. I'll leave out the other personal ones! I mean come on. Now you know why I'm wondering when the first trimester ends! Another interesting pregnancy thing I noticed within myself: pimples. I know, both the doctor and myself told myself (I do this to prep myself) that I will break out potentially really bad for awhile. It will remind me and possibly look like I was 14 again. HOWEVER, to my surprise the breakout is not nearly as bad as I imagined. I, in fact, find the pimples to be different from 14 yr old pimples. Pregnancy pimples, for me, seem to come and go quite quickly. It's strange really. So I can not complain about my face...just yet at least ;) Apparently this should all lighten by then (2nd trimester)! Can't wait. Once again, I love this beautiful weather and watching it on my couch. NOT. BUT today, I have decided, I am going for a run later when it cools off (Tuesday night). I feel great and have no excuse this time! Off I go to get back to running! I'll let you know how it goes :) Well it went great. Already out of shape from taking the last few weeks off :( But I did great, nice, slow, and steady. My theory, who cares how hard, fast, or long you run. Give yourself credit because you are indeed running. Therefore I'll tell ya this much, it was an awfully slow run but quite enjoyable and now I'm ready for more! I know it was a successful run because of that.
Cravings: Oh you know, donuts, breakfast foods (biscuits and gravy, sausage, hash browns, toast eggs -does that not sounds great?), sweets (ice cream, w whipped cream) and fruit. Good news, I have not indulged in this yet. Okay, yes I have with the fruit but John won't get up early enough to join me for breakfast and I don't go out myself or make it for one...and I just refuse to buy the unhealthy things I mentioned. Mainly because I know I'll devourer all them myself and because when I visit my parents on the weekend, they have it :) Lol Just kidding! I need a buddy to get breakfast with me though just once...it'd make sweat pea happy.

1. Traditional. Simplistic. You love it. I need to find a new spot where its better lit.
2. Same.
4. Gifts Soo cute :)
5. Gifts
6. Uma dog...She also feels pregnant and bloated. She still sleeps on the "nap couch" with me on occasion. Going to get tight here in a bit with the 3 of us.

Names of the week:
Boy: Aloysius (Lewis...we're starting to like Aloysius and considering not using Lewis).
Girl: Helene (I still love) Stella...I know sorta ugly but I like it. Love the old old names that no one has anymore. Suggestions? John was funny the other day he goes, "I really have to warm up to your names you pick such strange ugly names..." Haha, I mean I can't argue, he's absolutely right. However, because I work in a school, I associate all names with kids which I hate. With the exception of a few cuties that I love...

Fun facts:
Baby is taking its first road trip next weekend! We are joining Jesse (I appreciate you becoming a follower!!) and Sarah in Kansas City for a hockey tournament. Meaning, Sarah and I will be shopping all day while the boys play ice hockey! May even include a photo of baby in KC! Then, in May we are traveling to Chicago to see my cousins, aunt and uncle. Staying with them to see a Cards vs. Cubs game and tour the city! I haven't been since I last visited my cousins and A and U when I was in third grade! Photo of baby at first Cards vs. Cubs game will be included in that week update. Stay tuned. THEN in June, off to Florida with some friends and John's hockey buddies. I think it's 5 couples going! How fun! We can't wait. I mainly can't wait to wear my two piece and hopefully have something to show then that is more baby related than beer belly.

J and K and Fetus and Uma.
Your Family of Four

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