Tuesday, April 20, 2010

11 Weeks

Officially 11 weeks today. I told you. I knew this would happen. Totally jinxed myself. Before with the pimples...ha. Those have picked up. Not that I really care but just to keep you posted with every detail of the baby. Anddddd, the whole "not really get sick thing." Rough rough rough day at work on Tuesday. Ended up leaving to be in the comfort of my own toilet, you understand. I like to attribute this to me stupidly taking my PNV in the AM and not PM. (Many people have warned me, take it at night or you'll get sick...) But what's odd is that I have taken it in the AM before and not felt THIS bad...But Tuesday went home early and slept thinking I'd wake up great. Nope, woke up wanting to be next to my own clean toilet again. Odd. I thought this whole "morning/afternoon/night sickness" was suppose to subside by the second trimester. Well I'm pretty darn close (2 more weeks!!!) and yet this is the worst I have felt ever! Odd...

28 weeks left! Can't wait to say I'm in the second trimester. So exciting to me. I suppose when I'm "officially 13 weeks" I will declare I am in the second. Looking forward to having a belly, being in my swimsuit, and feeling great! Woohoo second tri and summer!

Baby Update:
Slightly more than two inches long now and weighing about a third of an ounce, our fetus is definitely growing fast! Our baby's ratio is currently 1:1...soo smart ha. Hair follicles are forming. I wonder if this baby will have light brown hair. You know a mixture of my gorgeous head of brunette with John's blond. Yep, John thinks he's a blond. Fetus can now stretch, do somersaults, and forward rolls. Who needs gymnastics or baby gym! Mine's practicing pre-baby. Way to be a step above your cousins! Lol, just kidding :)

Weight: According to moving scale (you know the fancy real ones at the doctors office) 109. Dropped a pound. Not sure how! I feel as though all I do is sit on the couch and eat...Ugh. Home scale: 107. Therefore, no change yet but gotta be soon! I'm getting up there with weeks!! Lol.
Symptoms: I feel soo fat. I hate this. For the last 11 weeks, okay more like 5 weeks, I just feel like I look pregnant. Like I have a belly already. This is easily my least favorite symptom! I don't think this will end either! I eat a grape, yes a single grape, and I feel huge. What a horrible feeling. Other than that, I am slimming the amount and frequency of eating. Instead of eating every hour I can now go longer, which is great! I don't have to constantly find something appetizing to eat. Craving lots of fruit lately. Eat a banana daily and my brother seems to think that if you eat bananas and cereal daily, you will have a boy. I told him, "Good news! I do!" Then my sister informed us that that is pre-pregnancy. Hmm. Still not sure what I'm having, obviously. But stronger feelings of a boy. In fact, I have completely rewired my brain and now want a boy. I just think it'd be so easy and think about it, don't you think we'd make such a cute little boy! Aww. I can! :) But regardless I told John I'll be balling my eyes at regardless of what the gender and just so excited to finally see our baby...healthy.

Photos: (In case you didn't figure this out already, you can click on the picture to get a larger view...you know, in case you want to really search my belly to see if anything is there. Lol).
1. Me...
2. Me...
3. Uma-as you know in the SURPRISE update, I was so excited about our first baby buy, well so is Umadog. She grabbed this off the table one day and seem to think it was a gift for her. . . isn't she cute though:)

Names of week:
Boy: Aloysius (I don't want to jinx it, so clearly I will right now, but John loves it as do I, so I think this is a pretty solid, set name...) I mean, you know me, one week I want a girl or I'll die the next, a boy, so odds are this may change. But I am excited we have a name we both love. Strong, solid family name. In case you don't know me very well, this is my grandpas name. He was such a great person and my favorite and I like to think I was his favorite "grandchild." Middle name John after my wonderful, caring, kind, sweet hubby. Will you clean the house Thursday?
Girl: I still like Helene, but John is indifferent. He's so cute he says like "well I need to keep saying it because it hasn't grown on me yet Kate." lol. I totally understand where he is coming from. I am so out there with names but at least he's considering them all. If not Helene, possibly Stella. I like it. Very cute.

Had another dream last night. Strange, I had twins and they were one of each gender. Does this mean Boys: 3 Girls: 2...? Complicated ya know. A dream of having one of each. I was so happy. Lol. I think ultimately, I'd love to have one of each :)
Baby's first road trip to KC is this weekend! I just hope it's not too rainy so Sarah, fetus, and I can get some walking and shopping in! Haven't been there for a year and it's so fun to me! And I don't have to bring stroller this time! I act as the stroller. I'm such a multi-purpose being.

J and K and Fetus and Uma
Your Family of Four

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