Wednesday, July 28, 2010

25 Weeks!

25 Weeks!?! Where has the time gone? Well lots to update today!

Thanks to the help of Aunt Jan and John's grandpa, we have baseboards! Well, half of them at least! Thanks for the help! Here's some proof!

I am so pleased with the choice we made! We just love it! It's really beautiful and goes great with all the different wood we have at our house! Can't wait to finish up the baseboards and be done with this never-ending project!! Also thanks to my parents who gave us their rugs because I am too cheap to go out and spend more money! And, I sorta just loaded them in my car one day. . . They are SO pretty! We've actually already gotten compliments from them! No, you can't have them back :)

July 23, 2010 Robert Joseph Reardon V made his way into the world! What a cutie pie! Of course, big sisters Ellie and Claire were ready to welcome him home Sunday! What an awesome experience! He weighed 7lbs 8 oz and has dark hair! Can't quite figure out who he looks like yet but what a cutie. Of course, we are all soooo happy it's a boy! I suppose the pressure is on now for John and I. . . we'd prefer a boy to be best friends with Joey, but not saying we won't love a little girl also. I keep telling Stacie and Rob though, "two girls (Ellie and Claire) and then our new two boys (Joey and Lou)." Maybe I am right! Ahh 105 more days to find out!!

Isn't he adorable! Finally, a bit of blue in that house!!

And finally, we received our last piece of furniture on Monday! WOW, big piece. I need Becky to come into town and rearrange all three pieces with me for an hour. So Becky, let me know when you are free to do that :) But it's very pretty. So now, just waiting on the changing table topper.

I am unsure what our next project is...maybe bricks in the backyard but I'm trying to convince John we should do that in September, you know when I will be completely worthless and only be able to shout orders from the lounge chair, while drinking frozen lemonade! Haha. Thank goodness John laughs at this. What a great guy!

Ha, so other random things. My stomach has never been more comfortable! Odd isn't it. I sleep great on it! And every-time I roll over, I think, "Am I smashing the fetus?" I guess he'd tell me. And the other night, he did. I rolled over, must have woke him up, and he punched me a few times on my stomach to the point where I was creeped out and rolled back over! It was such a strange, odd, creepy feeling! Fetus must be getting BIG because I am starting to feel these movements that are HUGE. Almost to the point where I believe "that was a head or butt or foot" no doubt. John felt it last night too! Ask him! They are HUGE! Fetus is taking over my body! I think he'll be bigger than everyone thinks. But as always, LOVE feeling it move and also think or say "Hi baby, good morning to you!" Such a cutie.

Went back to work last Friday. Okay, had my first sub job. It was great! I love that school and miss it! Everyone is so nice! I have another job lined up next week then a bunch after that! I tell you, this is the best job! I can pick my days, work Mon-Friday or none, make decent money, and the best part, everyday the job is different! I love it!

Baby Update:
Well, before the fetus update, I have to say, I was wrong. I think I said by the end of July my belly button would be popped out completely. It's still just odd looking, half out. Not all the way out yet. Still looking forward to that day!
Holy Cow! Baby is now a full two pounds and measures nine-plus inches. So this weight gain. . . I can now subtract 2 pounds of baby! Ha! This week, little Lou or Stella, is opening its eyes! Not much to see, but baby can respond to what it sees inside. So when John and I have a huge party with loud music, fetus may get mad at me! Just kidding.

Weight: Oh my. . .I keep getting fatter and fatter. LOL. I guess it doesn't help what I bought at the grocery store yesterday... Regardless I hit an ultimate high last night. I weighed in at about 9 pm at 119.8! OMG 120! I keep forgetting that the scale will read 120 and most likely 130! SO HIGH! As of the 25th week, whattoexpect says I should have gained 13-19 pounds. 19 seems a bit high doesn't it? I think I'm at about a 9 pound gain. So I have an extra 4 pounds to eat today! Hmm, hello donuts! Although this morning, 116.5. It's wrong! But I'll take it!!

Well, do you like the new ticker I found. The fetus floating around strangely. I noticed that my fetus LOVES to ultize his space, and I do not blame him! He can usually be found right around my belly button! Just a few times now, he's hit me high in the ribs. Thank goodness, still too tiny to hurt but definately a different sensation! Haha, odd I know! You can click on the numbers on the clicker and it'll tell you how far along I am in weeks and days and how long I have left in days and weeks! Cool huh? You know for people like me who get confused counting backwards...Ha also, this week, well next week really, I will be finishing up my summer class! Thus another class down! Only 3 left!!! I am sooo excited. This is the longest program ever. Love it, but such a great feeling to say "another class down." Can't wait until next Thursday to say that! Then I have two full weeks off until the fall semester starts! Just taking one then!

1. Much difference from last week? I can't tell!
2. I look so fat in this all black!
3. Aww I told Uma she'd make this week! Isn't she adorable! Since she hates the floor she only lays on the rug and this case, the pillow! Silly dog! Surprised she fit!

***Let's compare this week with the last week! On the left is LAST WEEK (24 weeks) and on the right is THIS WEEK (25 weeks).***

Hmm, I don't really notice a "size" change, but I notice a uterus moving! As you know, it gets higher and higher each week! This week it reaches 2 inches above my belly button and I can definately see that in the pictures! No wonder Lou/Stella is always kicking around my belly button! Cool huh?

Well I'm off to do my stay-at-home duties today! Grass cutting before it's 110 outside!

Your Favorite Family of Four

Monday, July 19, 2010

24 Weeks!

Doctors Appt Update:
So we went to the doctor last Friday as mentioned (July 16). Everything is great! Baby's heartbeat is at 145-150 right now. Measuring at 23 cm which I wish was more but oh well, right on. Weight at 117 lbs as I expected. So far up 2 in the first trimester I believe, and 5 in the second so far. I can't believe there's not much left in the second trimester! So really it was a fast, five minute appointment once again! Also did the umm blood sugar test or whatever that's called. Results came back normal for everything! Glad to hear! So here's a chart I go by. It's great really! So I am a full 24 weeks! That means if you ask me how many weeks I am, I will most likely say 25 because I'm in the 25th week and b/c it sounds more accomplished than 24. Apparently a lot of pregnant women do it this way. So then I guess you could say I am either 6 months (24 weeks) or 6.5 months (25 weeks). I do not usually cheat on this though, I'll wait until next Wednesday to claim 6.5 months :)

Man, I really am thankful, so far at least! Of course I'm an active member of the What to Expect website where ladies post questions, comments, stories, etc. about their pregnancies. And I have to say "WOW"...some of these women really struggle with day to day activities :( I can honestly say I can not relate to a lot of their "concerns" -in a good way! No hip pain, baby kicking low or high, baby keeping me up at night, swollen feet, headaches (anymore!), hair loss, cramping, problem shaving my legs (haha-yet) etc. I mean man, this could get ugly! LOL. I hate to mention I'm only up 7 lbs, sleeping on my stomach still, no stretch marks (yet), still cutting grass and moving around as though I'm not pregnant, full head of gorgeous locks, enjoying all the kicks I feel, and could still hide the baby bump if I want! I'm sure my time will come, but for now, enjoying what I have :)

Recently, my mom and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond where we were approached by the sales associate, "Are you planning for college??" Hmm, okay I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, I was wearing a Mizzou t shirt (like always), but it was still funny! Of course, then my mom chimed in "Yes! And I'm in high school!" (She was wearing a FHC track shirt! Ha.)

We have floor! It is the prettiest of all the pretty floors also! We love it and couldn't be happier. Uma could-she strongly dislikes the hardwood and finds a need to go into our room or the nursery to sleep, chew on bones, etc. Sad. I believe this weekend we are going to finish it up and put the baseboards up. Sooo, still not 100% complete, but much better than living on plywood! I'll post pictures when it's done! Speaking of flooring, we get our second extra long dresser for the nursery Monday! Can't wait to place that and move the furniture 384 times until it's perfect! Yay.

I'm keeping busy, don't worry! Just finished up my summer babysitting with Helen and now moving on to subbing in Francis Howell. First job starting Friday! Can't wait to get back into the schools!

Baby Update:
Fetus is reaching nine inches in length and passing the pound and half mark! What a chunker! Baby's tiny nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open, and its vocal chords are getting ready to roar! I think I still have a few days until I thought my belly button would pop out. I'll keep you posted. Looks the same though.

~Ode to the Blank Pants~
I did it! My mom told me about yoga pants at Express so I went and bought both one pair for each of us! They are very comfy and more so lounging pants for me. I mean come on, I don't do Yoga! As my mom said, "They are perfect for our activity...sitting." Haha, I will post the pictures of me in them for the 24 week update! I am not completely sold though, on giving the other one back just yet...I just look so good in them...

1. 24 weeks! Growing...Yes! No, that is NOT the belly band thing I bought...those are the new Yoga pants! What do you think? They have a nice gray band for style! Haha. Disregard my crazy hair, I know, I never do this! But I just cut the grass and this was the first time I got my hair in a pony forever! I'm headed to my mom's to go swimming now!

Your Favorite Family of Four

Saturday, July 17, 2010

~Maternity Shopping Purchases and Experiences~

July 16, 2010. As previously mentioned in my blog, I have decided to venture out into the world of "fat pants" shopping as I call it. What an experience! I met my confident Becky at South County Mall where we first could not find the store, and then felt highly overwhelmed with the clothes there! We walked in the store to be greeted by a lady who asked which one of us was pregnant. To me, this is CLEARLY obvious! Not only because of my pouch protruding now out of my shirt, but also because of my shirt labeled "Pregnant, not Fat". Okay, only kidding, I do not own that shirt. . . yet. And Becky and I are short and may have been hiding behind a rack to avoid conversations. But man, does Becky look great! She's one of those little stick people with NO stomach or anything! NO clue what this lady was thinking! But she directed us to the belly bands, dresses, fat shirts, tank-tops, etc. WOW what a selection really! Becky is the most adorable person ever! Everything she wanted me to buy but I secretly think she'd wear all of them herself!!!! She convinced me to try on a dress, that I am currently wearing (more later on that,) and it is cute. She's going to borrow it NON-pregnant which made me feel better! But I just could not do it. I don't feel fat, I mean pregnant enough, to go crazy and buy pants, shirts, etc. It was all just too much for me! I had no clue I'd be so reserved at buying these clothes. I suppose I figured I will just use the belly-band thing and then wear this dress for the entirety of the pregnancy! HA. Every intention of stretching out my normal shirts as mentioned previously. BUT I will say, this dress is highly adorable and comfortable...but it makes me look pregnant! More so than I am! I look at least 7 months! Not 6! Ugh. John had a valid point though, "Maternity dresses won't make you look're pregnant." I guess he's right. Ha. So here I am today (Saturday). If I have a "nicer-outing" to attend, this is what I'll be wearing! Maybe it's my butt that makes me look 7 months and not 6...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pudding Pool Day! 23w1d

Pudding Pool Day for the little girls! Ha, I came up with this great idea to paint our bodies with pudding then you get to lick it off. Well Helen and I were really the only ones to get the idea. Regardless, here's some fun we had today!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

23 Weeks down! 6 Months!

Well we have reached the 6th month mark. How exciting! I was a bit overwhelmed the other day thinking "only 3 more months YIKES!" then I was talking to Rob, brother in law, and listening to him "only 3 more weeks!" YIKES. More so YIKES for him than me! But all so exciting! Can't wait to find out what we are having and them!


Well, Tuesday July 13, 2010, I went to put on my nicely washed, cleaned pants, and what do you know. A bit tight! And so by tight I mean, I could have buttoned them, but thought it'd be best if I stretched them out first with a day of wearing. Sooooo, I did it. I did the classic rubber-band around the button! It was either that or pop that button off. But honestly, the rubber-band is doing little good. So I'm hoping I'll stretch them out a bit then go back to buttoning them but I also realize that I am most likely dreaming. I am getting fatter!

What else is new? Oh just the usual, John and I have no flooring. We drastically decided that we wanted hardwood floor, and when John and I get crazy ideas in our head, we usually just like to go with them! No holding back. So last weekend, with the help of family (thank you again!!!) we tore up the entry-way, hallway, family room, and kitchen. All ready to lay wood now! Okay, I can't take any credit. Because Rob was here, I felt as though my services would be put to greater use by hanging out with my sister (due in 3 weeks!!!) and her two girls. So we went swimming, played ponies, etc. The usual things you do with little girls :) But we are floor-less until this Friday when it will be installed or whatever you call! Then the project is only halfway done. I suppose we also need to buy and put on new baseboards, etc. Because of this disaster zone in the house, I did not have to clean this week! That's a plus. But we also have to wear shoes 24/7 and hand-wash our dishes.

Baby Update:
Baby is about 8.5 inches long and weighs one and a half pounds! Gaining steadily at a rate of six ounces per week! By now, that fabulous face is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair! How sweet huh? According to what to expect, almost every expectant mom's pregnant belly button pops at some point as her swelling uterus pushing everything in its path. I really think my belly button is starting to look funny. I mean, I can only imagine what it will look like as an outie, simply by pulling it out, but I can't wait to see it "really" an outie.

I mean look at it. It's nearly "popping out" on top. I think I'll be the only pregnant person I know with an actual outie like this!

Which leads me to my next point. "Oh she really popped out." For so long I have been confused on what "popping out" means. Did I miss it? Have I popped? What is going on with me? Will I ever pop? I love blow pops! Well, after reviewing my weekly updates :) I have decided it is safe to say "I HAVE POPPED OUT!" this week. What do you think? Am I not adorable? I mean come on, cutest pregnant person ever! (You have to agree with me...that's the rule...John follows should too :)

This is also the month where my weight gain should rocket!! Love it...okay not really but all worth it. Just weird to me! So this morning I weighed about 116-117 lbs. I actually forgot which one (ha-forgetfulness is part of being pregnant apparently) but some huge number like that! I'll obviously update on Friday the baby status and weight gain, cause you can never trust a home scale. I go to the doctor on Friday, so what do you know, there will most likely be an update Friday! I have the glucose test that morning. Can't eat or drink after midnight. Going to be hard! I love food. But after we're done, John and I are going to Crackle Barrel to stuff my face with pancakes :) LOVE that place!!!

Also, feeling baby move constantly. Rarely quits! Lou is either playing hockey in my stomach or Stella is rocking the ballet floor! Regardless going to be one active baby! I only hope it's during the day that its most active :) I can't wait to meet it in November. Hoping it comes a week early so A we could potentially have a Halloween baby, B I just can't wait to see what it'll look like and be! Red hair? Brown? No hair? My eyes? John's nose? Chubby? Regardless, it'll be perfect to John and I.

Also, I think it's time I give in. Becky and I are off to the mall Friday to buy some fat clothes. I think I'll slowly ease myself into this. Starting with the belly band thing so I can just undo my button and zipper, then as I grow, progress to official fat pants. We will see. Wish us luck!

Your Favorite Family of Four
J, K, Fetus, Uma

I just realized Uma did not make the blog this week! Oh poor dog. I knew she was acting weird around me today. Next week she'll have a special showing!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Our baby at 23 weeks. Okay this isn't actually "our baby" as you can tell. But what it looks like :) I think this picture is perfect too b/c I fell like he constantly sits/hits my bladder! Oh Lou...

All my friends who are having babies, or just recently have, have kept track of their belly button-popping out progress. Well I don't recall any of these actually popping but rather just stretching (looking normal). I would like to place bets. I think mine will pop out by July 24th. That is two weeks! Two weeks max! I mean it's just starting to look funny. It's bound to happen, since I can pop it out non-pregnant!!! So this will be interesting! Place your bets now! Winner receives complimentary belly rubs and poking whenever they choose!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fetus Movement Captured on Video!

I have a lot of video with the fetus moving! However, he's really active right now so I thought I'd try to take a shorter one that I can actually upload for you to see! Although this is only a few seconds long, he moves twice in it! Look to the right of my belly button, he moves, then I put my hand right where he moved, then does it once more. No, it's not what you think. There isn't a visible foot that goes across. . .yet. It's more like a jiggle throughout my right side. Put the video on full screen (easier to see). You can see if you look closely! Isn't that awesome!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

22 Weeks! 5.5 months along! Nearing 6 months! Woohoo

Feel like I have "ground" under me now. 5 and a half months is impressive you know. Not like "oh just 3 months" but 5!!!! So I know what you want to ask me. And I'm here to answer all your questions! How do I sleep at night? Right, right, fairly good actually. Besides being a bit warmer than before, I sleep on my right side, back, left side, and stomach. YES! Stomach. It's like the baby goes up or moves to my butt when I'm on my stomach. It's great. I wonder how long this will last...? I'm guessing I will be comfortable and able to sleep on my stomach until 25weeks. Any guesses? Do I wear a bikini? Of course I do. I am rocking my small, getting smaller, two piece with style! What am I wearing? I am currently wearing the same clothes I have always had. Although, I think in the next month or so, I will have to venture out and go to "motherhood" or some funny name store like that. But until then, I have every intention of stretching out my shirts! Lol. I still just feel fat...I can't wait for that nice, round looking belly that everyone wants to touch and says "Ohh, how far along are you?" Counting down until those days.

The scale keeps getting higher and higher. I swear each week I gain a pound or two. Come to think of it, that is perfectly on track though. Hmm. So jumped on this morning and it read 113. But by the end of the day, it'll read 115.

John has finally felt the baby move! On July 3rd he finally sat still for a few minutes to feel the baby. Yes, John sat still. He only gives Al about 1 minute to move and if he doesn't, he moves on. Ha. Movement. So I think right at around 20 weeks the little critter has picked up speed! I generally get up by 8 am and then he gets up with me. By 9:30 he's moving everywhere, noticeably. Then it trails off after 30 minutes or so. I feel him randomly throughout the day often but at 9:30 AM and PM you can see him move from the outside and if you put your hand on my stomach, there would be great odds you'd feel him move a couple of times. Very awesome. I'll admit it, I may stare at my stomach for an extended amount of time waiting for him to move :) It's just the coolest thing! Love fetus so much!

17 weeks left! Omg, I love posting that weekly because it just gets closer and closer. (Phew, deal with me now, highly emotional) I just love these updates, seeing my belly come along, sharing the doctors appointments and pictures, and talking about this pregnancy. It's my new found passion! I could talk about myself and the pregnancy for hours (you know what I mean). I often do with my buddy Becky :) Good thing she loves me and fetus! But only 17 weeks left! Potentially 15! My sister was pretty much right on track with her two kiddos so I'm assuming I'll have the whole 40 weeks to look forward to. None of this 38 weeks stuff that every pregnant person dreams of. Oh well, right now, Al (or Stella) is just fine and I'll deal with anything they throw at me.

Baby Update: Our baby is now doll-sized! What? LOL. Wasn't it always doll sized. Oh what to expect is loony. Baby's saggy skin will start to fit his frame as fat deposits fill things out. Oh good, beginning this week, he'll start to pack on the pounds, as will I. By the end of the month he'll double the weight he is now (thank goodness I won't). He is just a bit over a pound so by the end of July he'll be 2 pounds! As for me this week, I may suddenly be sporting a dark line down the middle of my tummy called linea nigra. EWWW GROSS WHAT! Just kidding, it happens. But thank goodness I have a nice golden tan to hide that line as long as possible :)

Photos: (a bit different this week :)
1. She tried so hard to sleep in this little lounger. Just a bit too big.
2. Uma prefers to swim with just herself...she doesn't need this added crap but put it on for the picture.
3. New angle! Bump from the flat, laying downness.
4. Side view-in bikini obviously. After this picture I did a perfect dive. Okay kidding. I walked to the shallow end to take the next picture.
5. Kid's whale flotation device still fits over baby bump. Phew.

ENJOY! Your favorite Family of Four
J, K, Fetus, and Uma

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Meyer Nursery-In the Making!

Well personally, I think our nursery is coming along far better than I expected!! Do you recall the picture I uploaded of the pottery barn kids Jungle Theme Nursery? Well I'll re-post it, then we can compare and then agree that our nursery is far cuter! Pottery Barn Nursery: Yes it IS adorable. However, here are the pictures of ours. Keep in mind that we do not have the bedding yet, extra large dresser, glider, curtains, etc. We simply have a crib, small dresser, valence and painted animals now!!! Here goes! Meyer Barn Nursery :) Don't forget you can zoom in to the pictures by clicking on them to get bigger! What do you think? Far cuter than P barn isn't it? I know. I agree. Turned out great. Also, the walls are a light hazy yellow...not that tan color they appear on here! You'll just have to admire it yourself in person! Call to set up a time :) Can't wait to put baby in there!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Surprise Update!

I thought I should record my dream. Here goes. So the other night I had a dream I went to my doctor and he said I can either deliver RIGHT NOW or wait until AFTER Thanksgiving to have the baby! I was said, "OH man, I do not want to wait that much longer to have my baby. I want to see it now!" Then he said ok! The next thing I know I'm in the delivery room and out pops Little Al. He was adorable :) And 2 weeks early so I was soo happy I didn't have to wait till 40 weeks. So boy dreams are up by about what? 3-4 now. It's a boy. There's prof. Also getting more and more excited if that's possibly to find out what my sister is having! She's due Aug 5 but says she's got the biggest one yet. I can't wait to see if she'll have 3 girls or 2 and a boy! I'm personally hoping for the boy because I know mine is...Okay Chinese gender calendar is wrong I say! I just know these things... Cheers!

Photo: See, after I eat...usually a lot, I look pregnant! Isn't that hippo adorable! This is in the room but don't worry I'll do an entire entry for the room later :)