Thursday, September 30, 2010

"It's just going to be a small baby"

Appointment went as it typically does, which is good to report. Weigh in, 2 pounds heavier than the last two weeks. I am extremely good at gaining one pound a week! Blood pressure good. Measuring at 31cm. Ha, I seriously thought it would read closer to 34 because I feel like these last two weeks were huge for me. Guess not. Maybe just a lot of water. Who knows, but he isn't worried. He continues to tell us, "It's just going to be a small baby." Ha. He estimated 5-6 pounds. He did a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby was head down because I guess he couldn't feel it. He pressed a bit on my stomach to get a feel for things but couldn't figure it out. I was thinking "Really, you can't figure this out! Legs are in these ribs, he high-fives me here, and butt is well here!" Oh well! Baby is in correct position, just pray it stays! Remember when the ultrasound tech at 18 weeks told me my baby was breech in a worrisome tone. My baby is ready to go. Not sure why, but he did check me. Nothing. Nothing to report. Which is what we figured. I mean I'm only 34 weeks! However, I have now made the once a week club. Looks like every Thursday morning we will be busy! I mean, how is this suppose to help my anxiety of wanting the baby now! This will only make it worse! Ha. Still different to us, so very exciting.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

34 Weeks (6 weeks MAX left)-I've decided :)

Getting closer! Really, just around the corner. I have been organizing most everything. But not nesting. I still have no desire to have the house spotless. . . yet. I mean the babies room is ready to go :) Everything is in place, washed, and ready for use, but no need to clean entire house, label, and organize yet. Strange. I thought I'd start this around 20 weeks! HA.

I have however, had strange cravings, like hot chocolate. The best part was that I wanted this LAST week when it was still 90 degrees! But if you really know me, you know I can't even drink coffee in the summer time b/c it's just too hot! Strange. So as we speak, I am on my second cup of hot chocolate and it is delicious :) Also been craving any food in general. BOY. I read that you tend to eat more if you're carrying a boy. The only problem is that I get completely stuffed early on but still...any food sounds great! Can't wait for Thanksgiving, hope I can go back to stuffing my face. Sigh. I mean, I still do this, but I never felt this awful afterwards.

Still getting kicked but after the last few updates and posting that this kid is nuts, I think he understands and has chilled now. Just kidding, he's not that understanding, but I threatened to stop eating sweets so we've compromised. Still wakes me up in the morning and in the middle of the night last night but hopefully during class I won't need to shout out during lecture :)

Oh and finally...I mean 34 weeks later. . . Rachel and I went to Breadco (I got the creamy tomato soup) and the lady who checked me out asked when I was due!!!! This is the first time a stranger has EVER said anything pregnancy/baby related to me! Really, the first time. THEN my mom and I went to the Mills Mall a few days later and were in the Carter store and the lady asked when I was due! Two times in two days! Finally...I look pregnant :) It actually shocked me b/c I have received NO comments until now from a stranger that is. Perhaps, now I have "popped?" Haha.

Tradition (or at least we're starting one) that my mom and daughter go to store and pick out a take-home outfit for the first baby. My mom did this with Stacie but now it was my turn :) Haha, it was hilarious. When I got home and showed John the two outfits he comments, "Well, I hope it's a girl..." Ha. Guess he's not too fond of my boy outfit.

I like the boy outfit! He got socks and shoes because his outfit didn't come with booties connected. Okay, maybe a little dorkish but hey, it's his first outfit. John can come home and dress him in the Mizzou apparel!

I'm getting huge! Okay, for me huge! What do you think? I spiced up the pictures this week because I was lighting my Pumpkin Spice candle (YUM) and thought "spice" I need that in my life. So here goes :) Yea, my normal picture spot may have to be changed. The sun's rays were not quite agreeing with my picture. Oh well, still turned out :)

Holy soccer ball batman! Or rather basketball! I like this one! My belly looks SO round and strangely, being that it's my pregnant body, I don't get to see this pose too often.

Oh and also, after our talk, fetus and I had a great class on Monday. It was funny too, perfect strangers in my class asked how the baby was, whether it was kicking me or not :) Ha, I told them I compromised a deal with the fetus and he is behaving!

Well, not my feet, hands, ankles, legs, but rather, my face is getting swollen! Actually in these pictures I look good...but somedays I look awful :( It's sad. I mean something bad had to happen right? Oh well, hopefully less than 6 weeks and I'll just deal with it by dressing up with a mask on and claiming I'm prepping for Halloween. That will most likely work!

Baby update:
20 inches long and 5.5 lbs! Yikes. Maybe close to 5 lbs because I can't imagine this fetus being 5.5! Maybe it is! Baby is now packing on the fat! Making those skinny arms and legs now plump! So cute. I love the fat babies with rolls! Soo cute!

Well besides being forgetful, I wish all these "symptoms" meant I would go into labor around 38ish weeks and not 40! Maybeeee but I doubt it. Sigh. Braxton Hicks come with my every move, Rachel and I tried to count them when we did our mall-walking but I got too annoyed so stopped, ha. I believe I know now what heartburn is. A fire-vomit burp? Yes? Not that bad really, I deal but yea I guess that's part of heartburn? Oh and I have been meaning to write this (for my sake really) that I would say around 30-31 weeks, I stopped sleeping on my stomach completly. Sad night but it's over. Looking forward to resuming position after baby :) Umm on another note, I really think fetus is in the right position. I have been feeling the hiccups in my be-hind, meaning its chest and face are facing down, etc. Sooo although it's quite the strange sensation now, I think this is potentially a good sign! So I'm determined to walk this child out of me! I may be mall-walking when my water breaks, while burping fire-vomit, but don't worry, it'll be great! Ha.

Doctor appointment Thursday, if I could only coordinate these with my Wednesdays updates to make my life easier. Ha, who am I kidding. Gives me something to do on Wed. and Thurs! HA.

Cheers, look forward to the doctor appt update...

Your family fam of four
J,K,Fetus, and Umadog

Ugh and also, remember how I found a few pregnancy shirts at Target on sale?? Well, if I haven't told you, I found out they are NOT pregnancy shirts. Apparently, Target puts the clearance items in the maternity section. Regardless, my favorite Non-Maternity shirt but shirt that I wear as Maternity got two small holes in it:( I suppose that's what I get for A buying the shirt for $2.50 and B wearing it as a maternity shirt. Sad day. I wonder if I can go back and find another, similar one for $2.50. If you find it for me, you can have first baby holding rights!!!

Oh and John and I have a special surprise for you next week! I am beyond myself with excitement with this! I can't wait!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I think I like the shirt best in gray!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

33 Weeks!

Funny I got that ultrasound, I honestly think I caught up already. Definitely just had a growth spurt. I mean, I'm huge! Overnight! Huge! It's great. My belly is so cute :) Starting to love it. Even if it now gets in the way, etc. It's cute :) And as of right now, very pretty. Can't imagine it staying this cute and plump without stretch marks, but we'll see. Ha, my two aunts from my mom's side came into town and I drilled them about whether they had stretch marks or not. NONE! (My mom doesn't either). So hoping but prepping myself that I'll most likely get them. However, I'm to the point now, where I really just don't care! Funny, I was mall walking with my friend Rachel (she is 3 weeks ahead of me with a baby boy!)and I told her, in the beginning I could only hope and pray our child got my eyes, John's ears, etc. And now, I could care less what this baby looks like :) Well, I mean, preferably, a bit like us and um not completely random (harhar) but you know, it can look 100% like John and it'll be adorable. Or 100% like me and umm, poor kid. Or 50/50. Just doesn't matter.

My pregnancy brain is going strong. Forgetting things left and right. BUT I will tell you not a minute passes without thinking about baby and what we'll call it, what gender it is, whether it'll have hair at birth, how the first night home will go, what labor will be like, and just how crazy about it will I be? Sigh. These next 6 weeks can NOT go by faster. I am more than ready. Ha, I'm even researching full moons (Oct 23) and wondering if I'll be a lucky one to have that gravitational pull, pull me to the hospital. After all, I'll be "full term" right around there. I'm just so excited. Excited is such a silly word too because it truly doesn't describe how I feel. I'm not sure there is a word that can.

Just cut the grass. My mom asked if I'll make the whole season. I will sure try, but man those small inclines in the back are getting rough! HA. And it doesn't help that I have Braxton Hicks the entire time I cut. Sigh. But I love it. It's relaxing, great exercise, and my mind wonders...generally to baby related things but still. Oh man though, Rachel and I did about 1.5-2 hour walk around the mall and then this grass cutting and OUCH my feet hurt. I either need the lucky hubby to umm (hint hint) rub my feet or I need to consider getting my toes done every other week. I'd be okay with either. So John, would you rather have me drop 20 bucks every 2 weeks, or rub my feet, and no I don't want a "John rub" I need a real one! Your choice. Let me know :)

I gave in, I just can't wear that gray shirt everyday! It's not even a maternity! Although, I tried for a week :) I went to Target and bought 3 maternity shirts (same shirt, in 3 different colors). Sooo for the next 6 weeks, I'll be wearing the same shirt but alternating colors! See if you can figure out my pattern :) We also found a pack n' play on sale there that we bought with our Target baby gift cards! Cross that off! Just a few more things we need! (Seriously, can you read into my excitement?)

Well I thought I'd model some of my favorite things. I'll only post a few...I can't post everything I received, granted I'd love to. But here goes some goofy pictures for your entertainment!

-Me. In my maternity top. Thought I'd spice things up and add a picture with clothes on!

-John modeling my diaper bag. Okay, he seemed against it but all I needed was a shoulder for a sec! Ha.

-Close up of diaper bag. Okay, you got me, It's not a diaper bag by any means. It's a Vera Bradley messenger bag I found on clearance and fell in love with. Little owls! My sister uses the same thing, different pattern, and so I figure I'll get by doing the same :) LOVE it!

-Gender neutral, but stylish car-seat. I practice with baby's first Teddy. He's much more cooperative than a real baby I'm sure.

-So what do you get when you have a pregnant lady, diaper bag, and car-seat?? Your mall walker/exerciser ready to go! Okay, in a few weeks, this will be me, but hopefully outside of the house without a belly protruding, and even maybe a baby (not fetus) in the car-seat! :)

Oh man, funny moment of the last week. So I had the worst Monday ever. The fetus and I nearly had a fist to fist (if this would only be possible). No matter how I laid down, sat up, walked, smashed, etc. the little thing was MAD at me. Would NOT stop moving and hurting me. I mean, you know it's bad when I'm sitting in my night class of 35 individuals listening to my professor lecture and abruptly jerk, throw my hand on my ribs, and moan aloud. Sigh. I think I scared my neighbor seats! Painful! I need to get fatter so this baby will have more room. It was non-stop for the entire 3 hour class. Sigh. Then I found myself thinking, "I just wish there was a way to get back at it..." WOW what a bad mother I am!! Already trying to plot how to get back at my unborn child for painful things. Haha. I have a lot to learn I suppose.

Holy Cow, I'm getting off topic. Baby Update:
Baby could be 20 inches right now and 5 pounds. However, we all know that we have a pumpkin head with little legs. So probably right around 4-4 1/2 lbs and umm not 20 inches long :0 Oh awe, baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertip. I think I feel this nightly. Sometimes, I wonder if baby is clawing out. Ouch.

Okay, this may be enough. Meeting at my sisters house to take girls to mall to play! Haha, "may be enough" you're probably thinking, "geez be done with this week!" Ha.

Your favorite family of four
J,K,Fetus, Umadog

Thursday, September 16, 2010

32w1d Doc Update

Well, as you know, we had a doctor appointment again just 2 weeks out because I was measuring just a bit small last time. 29cm instead of 31cm. So then today, walked in, played some wheel-of-fortune on John's phone before being calling in! According to doctor scale, gained one pound since the last two weeks! HA. Maybe I should keep my diet to unhealthy but delicious shower foods and cake!?! I'm considering! Blood pressure checked out, then he measured me. 30cm...Only up one from the last two weeks. Generally, it's common to see one cm growth each week. Soooo....He said "yea you're small...we can do ultrasound to ease your worries or just wait until next time (2 weeks)and see what you measure again." After asking a few hundred questions and looking at my record, I have measured small all along pretty much! But we opted for the ultrasound...not that he really had to pull my arm! To my surprise, I was a bit anxious about it...but once she put the goo on my belly, she said "measuring small? Nah, this baby is right on, fine!" Phew. So then she did all the measurements and we found out baby is head down (ready to go!!!!) with a giant pumpkin head and small arms/legs. Haha, no really. Our babies head must be full of brains because the head due date measured at October 20 while the arms/legs measured at December 20! Haha. Sooo...pumpkin head with short legs! And we're just fine with that! But it was sooo sweet! We saw the leg that is in my ribs kicking me constantly, the butt that moves, the arm that I videoed moving across my stomach, etc. We saw a cute little chin, nose, and juicy, big, plump lips! No clue where those came from! But what a cute face. We did get some pictures but nothing really good. We'll just have to wait for the real thing in a few weeks! Oh and baby is measuring in the 32 percentile. SOOO NOT a big baby. Anything less than 10% is worrisome, but 32% is just fine. Just a bit smaller than other babies at 32 weeks. Baby is right at 4 pounds now also! (Give or take 10 oz)...which is a lot but this is mostly based on the head measurement and the tech got great head measurements because the little one was in position, and steady! So I'm truly thinking, baby is right around 4 pounds.

So after telling my family this, my sister thinks it's a girl. "I'm too small to have a boy.." And I think the majority of John's family thinks girl now. Who knows! I guess I still think boy or girl. I mean it could be either! Alright, more to come next Wednesday at 33 weeks!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

32 Weeks

32 weeks! Doctor appointment early tomorrow. Can't wait to check up on this little person! I had two fabulous showers this last weekend! John, fetus, and I have the best family. We are so blessed in that we had wonderful showers! They were both perfect and beyond what I imagined! So sweet. This picture pretty much shows my excitement for the showers! I mean minus the pearly white teeth, giant mouth, and blond hair, I looked exactly like this :) The decorations, cake, family, friends, food, just made the days so perfect! Thank you everyone!! Unfortunately, I didn't get too many pictures, but I will grab my mom's and post some next week! I did get great things for baby, making the nursery complete, adorable, and perfect! Here's some pictures of it. Personally, I think it's better than the pottery barn kids one in the catalog. They may want to consider paying me and taking pictures of ours because it's far cuter! :)

It is soo much sweeter in person also! Funny though, I go back to these pictures myself and look at them constantly. Then I realize, hello...I have the real room to go in and look at! Therefore, I am currently writing the update in the room, on the comfy glider :) Now that the room is done for the most part, I am totally ready and want this baby NOW! Okay, maybe in a 5 weeks. Then I'll be technically "full term." Crazy exciting to think! But besides that, John and I just have a few items needed to get before baby, then we're ready for the worst. And by worst, I mean best thing in life to come!! Haha.

So what has happened this week? Hmm besides the great showers, it was really low key. Which is good. I love Wednesdays, recently they have been showing up quickly :)

I think I have put on about 5 pounds last week. I will let you know after doctors. I mean, between the great food and the cake... OH the cake. I have to rant. I have such a sweet tooth! I love anything with sugary goodness. John knows, donuts, cakes, cupcakes, anything sweet I eat and want more of. But Mama Cook Cook brought in this fabulous cake from Susie G's. TO. DIE. FOR. If I did not eat it all that day and morning after for breakfast, I'd go get another piece now. Ahh. I am like a dog. Writing about food makes my mouth salivate. I will post a picture when I borrow my mom's camera later. IT was not only adorable, but delicious. Thanks again Cook! You know how to win my heart! <3 Hmm, no wonder I get those crazy fetus movement videos. Haha. Ha, funny, on Tuesday Carol asked how John liked the cake. Funny, I did not even think to offer him a piece or let alone a bite...

My brain is becoming more and more pregnant these days. I forget the stupidest things and say the stupidest things. Ugh. I have to write everything down or I immediately forget. Sometimes, I go to write things down and forget what I'm suppose to be writing down :( Onward!

Baby Update:
Third-trimester insomnia strikes more than 75% of expectant moms-I really hate to be a statistic. Oh well. Well anyways, this week baby is anywhere from 17-19 inches in length and weighs more than 4-4.5 lbs. Umm I doubt my fetus weighs 4.5lbs, maybe but nah. The level of amniotic fluid in my uterus has reached its maximum this week! Making it likely that I have more baby than fluid now. Baby has also developed his/her immune system that will be able to provide from mild infections. Go fetus!

Well have a good week :)
J,K,Fetus, and Uma

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sleepless Nights

I'm mainly updating this, yes I know I just updated yesterday (I think), for my sake. As you know, this acts as my pregnancy diary so frequent updates may be in the near future. WOW. Fetus. I feel as though once I hit that 3rd trimester mark (28 weeks), there has not been more than a handful of great sleeps at night or decent ones even. Sigh. Last night, I seriously think fetus moved from head-down, to head in ribs, to head under belly button, back to head-down. WOW. I wish I would have had the energy to videotape it! My stomach was ALL over bumpy! It's so funny. John will put his hand there, feel the hiccups, nudge at it for a few minutes, then roll over and go to sleep, leaving me with a wound-up crazy fetus! What did I eat? It didn't end. Until about 2 am. By that time I relocated myself to other room, so John could sleep, and then got up at 7am. Sigh. I only wish the fetus would do those acrobatic moves during the day! Oh many more weeks?

Caught the fetus playing around during the day! The movements at night are TWICE as nuts as this captured one! Watch all 40 seconds!!31w1d

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

31 Weeks

Last Thursdays doctor's appointment: Well if I haven't already told you, things went good. Got there at 8:15am (too early), sat there awhile, weighed in (121!), blood pressure, measured, left. This is the first time in my life I have made it over 120. Or 115 for that matter. What an eventful day! Hah! My doctor wanted me to measure at 31cm and I was at 29cm. Although this is okay and normal to be -2 or +2 of the number of weeks you are, he wants me back in two weeks. So I'll go back next week. He said he wasn't worried but I measured behind at the last doctor's appointment also. Sooo, just to make sure everything is good to go, I'll go back and hopefully measure at 33cm by then. If not, there could be a potential ultrasound in the future to make sure Baby Meyer is growing adequately. I don't see how this fetus could not be growing adequately because all I do is feel it kick, move, all day long! Big kicks too! So in the mean-time, I am eating up to grow my uterus. Not sure it quite works that way, but I'll it my best try :)

31 weeks! Fetus has been hiccuping like crazy! Not the best at swallowing yet :) Well I told my doctor about the BH and he indeed agreed. He actually said the ones with pain I've been having are mild contractions. Nothing to worry about but just deal with them. Ha. Said I can feel them b/c I'm small and they will get only get worse :) Something to look forward too :)

Baby Update:
Fetus is nearly 4 pounds now and 19 inches long! Hopefully baby has settled into the head-down position, bottoms-ups! Well honestly, this is all the website said that happens this week. Ha, boring week but good! Develop away fetus, can't wait to meet you! Around Halloween would be great but not too soon!

I chose the dress almost everyone picked. The black, v neck. Felt highly unattractive but oh well!! On a different note, I think my belly button will develop stretch marks around it in the near future...mentioned this to John and he said "Kate, I don't'll look great with them." Okay or something like this. Phew. Thank god for a good guy:) Should have worn my hair completely down. OH well, it was a beautiful, fun wedding!!

Here are your pictures for the week!!

Umadog giving fetus kisses already! She loves fetus! I know, don't I look huge! I swear I'm huge when I'm doing anything but laying down or standing up real nice and straight in the "traditional weekly" picture. Really! Bending over is actually getting challenging ;) I can however, still see my feet, but see myself feet-less in the next few weeks! 31 weeks, wow I actually look pretty good in this one! I must have not retained much water (or got rid of that possible? Lol)in the last week! Haha. OH I almost forgot the symptoms! Ha, funny. I know, this is all be jumbled in one section-not like me. BUT John knows, I totally have "pregnancy" brain. I have to ask John hundreds of time what we talked about. I'm awful but funny. I really try but forget everything! Sleep...where are you!? My body is def prepping for baby time. I mean, I do NOT sleep. It's awful. But somehow, still manageable. And sometimes the fetus does sleep me sleep on my stomach for a bit without kicking me. Such a nice guy :) Nice to stretch out. I miss being able to stretch and bend however I want. ITCHY! No, my skin is NOT dry. Not after my routine: Bath wash with soap made for itchy skin, followed by a good lathering with a half a bottle of heavy duty lotion...then wake up multiple times in night to reapply. Ugh! Sorry John, I know I have spent like 100 dollars on lotion.

Well I have a great day ahead of me: Laundry, cleaning (Delana coming to stay!!!!), shopping at Target!, homework, staying home, and enjoying this weather. No, really. I got up early to start enjoying my day! :) And I just may visit my new fur-niece Francine! She's an adorable Boston Terrier that my brother Brett and favorite SIL Jess bought! :)

Have a fabulous week friends and family!!
Your favorite family of four

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

30 Weeks!

Here's my word:

30 weeks. I LOVE IT. Fun updates this last week!
August 30 around 11 pm I felt baby's first hiccups. Okay, maybe they weren't the first but the first I noticed to be hiccups! I went to bed around 10:30 and was just laying there playing with Lou. You know, he is SO active all night. So then I kept getting this odd sensation that I haven't felt before. I put my hand there to feel him move but there was no movement. It was a bump, bump, bump, bump that occurred rhythmically for a few minutes. I thought nothing of it and closed my eyes. Well, after a few minutes when it didn't stop, I abruptly opened my eyes and realized that the fetus may have had the hiccups! It melted my heart. Then stopped...haha. I even debated whether to wake John up, but he was so sleepy I let him be. It was quite the thing though. It was in my lower left area. Which is also good! Means (I think), that the little person is actually laying in the right position: head down, chest where I felt them, then the kicks in the ribs!!! Woohoo, that's my fetus :)

John, Uma, and I were laying on Uma's rug (Debbie I promise it'll be baby's rug once he/she arrives!!!) and John made the comment that I don't look pregnant laying down :( So, I just thought to take a picture today (29w5d). So here is a picture of me flat, on my bed, of my pregnant belly :)

You can most definitely tell where my fetus is laying! More recently he has been utilizing the space up high. So I would say I look pregnant laying down, or that I ate too much :)

I tell everyone about my Braxton Hicks that I have been having since week 20 pretty much, but I don't think everyone believes me! Everyone asks if it's gas, or fetus movement or ligament stretching! NO, trust me, although I'm a first timer, I am well educated on this and can DEFINITELY tell when these occur. Here's a picture of a pretty strong one: note the ROCK hard stomach. This one only went up to my belly button, sometimes I get them where they go past it. I swear this is not fetus!! It stayed like this long enough for me a get a couple pictures. Okay, you know how I am, I got about 20 pictures. This being the best one :)
Now I have another video for you! I call it: "Knock, Knock" fetus answers "Whose there?"

So now you know, when you ask "Kate, what do you do as a stay-at-home-minus-the-mom-but-brewing-to-be-a-mom" you have the answer! Play games with my fetus :) And of course, keep you happy with Wednesday updates. You know you'd be lost without these and you know you love this hump day pick me up :) I think in the next 9 weeks it'll get real good too!! Doctors appointment Thursday!

Well...Uma is a great dog. Sorta trained I like to think. Sometimes, just gets overly excited. BUT recently...I have gotten really picky with her. Because she is such a great dog, I have decided to pick on all flaws. Her biggest, most annoying one, is that she sleeps on the couch then we leave her out during the day/night. I can't stand this. My blanket on the couch gets all messed up and the cushions get hairy. Ugh. Then I have to vacuum the couch, wash the blanket (again), etc. Well I researched how to prevent this. So here goes!

Viola! Instance doggie proof couch! I know, funny looking and ridiculous but guess what?! It works! She does not jump up, move them, eat them (yet). John thinks she will eat them...but good news too: the purple one I bought at Walmart like 9 years ago for 5 dollars, the green polka-dot one I found at MU under a desk a few years ago, and the red one I must have stolen! So regardless, even if she eats them, they are old, free, and stolen!

Alright onward to more "baby-related" things!
Baby update: Movin' on up! Uterus is now 4 inches above belly button! Should be measuring at 30 now! I will update on Thursday after appt. Apparently, my stomach should feel like its in my chest...I feel like my stomach is the size of a pea. I eat a stupid yogurt cup and OMG laying down, near death of being full. UGH! Baby is now more than 3 pounds and measuring at 18 inches long! Holy cow! Baby can now perceive information from all five senses too. In the meantime, fetus is keeping busy daily by making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with little hands and feet, and sucking thumb! Some babies suck their thumbs so vigorously while in the womb that they're born with a callus on their thumb! I'm totally looking for this immediately after birth! :)

Well, we have a wedding Sunday! Yay (Congratulations!) Stephanie and Link! BUT being pregnant for this wedding is sad in a few ways. One, I can't wear my favorite dress, two I feel fat in a dress, three I can't drink :( Soo I can not decide which dress to wear. I just feel frumpy in all these. So I will leave it up to you to pick the best one! So let me know before Sunday which is best for me!! Really, honest opinions! I'm so pregnancy brain and hate them all. . .

** Don't forget you can click on the picture and it'll get larger, so that you can truly judge.**

The first one:
1. Not actually a maternity dress (John will like this! I can return the others!)
2. Most comfortable
3. Look a bit frumpy, not quite form fitting

The second one:
1. From Target, bought for 6 dollars!!
2. I look the thinnest in this one-not that this matters, I am PREGNANT.
3. Need to pin the top part so I don't flash the world...
4. It does have cute pleats in the front, ties in the back.

The third one:
1. This ones gray! If you know me, you know I only wear black!
2. Cute sequence thing on sleeves
3. It's different...not sure I'm confident enough to pull this one off!
4. Most expensive, NOT on sale at Target.
5. Look "biggest" in this one

I didn't tell John and nearly held this off, but we were watching some stupid movie, Dreamer, and I was nearly in tears at the end. If you know me, I DO NOT CRY. But ahh brought a tear to my eye. I think I'm getting more watch what you tell me!! Haha. But really, getting so excited to finally meet this little person! I know, I'm nuts. But every hour that I get up to pee in the night, I honestly think "Yea, I'm awake enough I could do a feeding now..." really, pathetic yes and I'm sure I won't feel this way after 2 days of it...ha. Was on this kick to make our own laundry detergent recently. Well after going to Walmart, Target, and Lowes, I have been told Arm and Hammer Washing Soda does NOT exist. As a stay at home mom, I WILL find this key ingredient if it's the last thing I do! Funny, also making pepper jack meatloaf tonight for dinner, I DON'T even like meatloaf, HA! Must be pregnant!

WOW, long enough.
Your Favorite Family of Four
K,J,Fetus, UMA