Friday, April 20, 2012

19 WEEKS!! Where has the time gone!?

19 week
Just about half way. Woah, that went fast. I can only imagine how fast these next 20 weeks will go. Had our doctor appointment and ultrasound today. Everything is perfect. Baby was very active at first and then got sleepy. She got everything she could measure in 70 minutes but one artery. Even had me get up and pee half way through to see if baby would shift. It did, but still sleepy. Sooo we have to go back in 4 weeks to get that artery shot. We told her in the beginning we did not want to know gender but asked if she could put pictures or even just write gender down and put in my yellow envelope. "Sure, no problem." Here comes the end, and the lazy babe is sleeping cross legged and won't move, or so she told us. So there ya go! A shy baby. She said "sorry I have no idea what to tell you." Oh well, it's not like we really need to know or wanted to look at envelope. Ha. After all, Jude's just sat in the doctor office for the last 20 weeks. Baby measured at 9 oz and 19w3d or pretty much right on. Exactly where it should be at this time. Then we had my doctor appointment. Measured still at 110lbs, belly at 18 cm, and heartbeat around 150-160 he said. So well go back in mid May. Here's our cute, adorable, but yet scary fetus at this time.
Here's a good 3d of fetus.  Face on left side. See forehead, nose, eyes, lips.
Head of left side, arm up by nose, body.

 You're doing what today!?
Not sick, just hot baby. Cuddle time. He was so funny and just crawled on up! So sweet. Laid with me for a few minutes.
His favorite race track!

Race Car Track! Zooooom!
Well, someone did not have a good nap, so we turned on Rio and "laid down"...meaning jumped up to dance to songs.
Oh poor child. Yep two strollers on either side and our new tv stand above his head. Good thing we only went a few miles.
Uma's been CHALKED!

THIS perfectly displays Jude. A great love for EVERYONE. This is beautiful Hannah cuddling with Jude. Yes, they have only met about 3 times :)

Maybe he does love me. After only getting to spend the car ride to my moms together, I finally picked him up later in the afternoon and we had a great night (work day). He would NOT stop jabbering and then busting up with laughter. THIS isn't enough close to the real conversation we had :) He talked to me for another 20 minutes before I realized he's not going to stop, I might as well try and videotape him! He was being so goofy! Love this monster!


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