Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mall brat, grass season, and HOLY COW I'm PREGNANT!

Mall brat:

I met Becky at the mall on Saturday. After the rain cleared up, it really tuned into a nice day. We started at the kids play place thing because I obsess over Jude and feel the need to make every activity I do as kid friendly as possible. He started with a huge smile, which is what every mother wants to see. Then more and more hoodlums come to "play." I'm sorry but I have decided that A: If your child is over 5 there is NO need to be in this very-small kid friendly "playground" (if you've ever seen it it's stuff for them to climb on, a car to turn the steering wheel, and a mini slide), B: If you're over the age of 8 I should be allowed to kick you out, C: IF and WHEN you run into MY son, you DO NOT run past without acknowledging your much intended shove through him. I then comforted Jude and yes I thought this, "If she does it again, pull those crazy, untamed pigtails of hers Jude." Needless to say, I will NOT be visiting the mall on a weekend and taking him to the "playplace" which I now will refer to as "hoodlum headquarters."

This all leads to me to think it's a girl. Usually I'd just brush this off and see it as a teaching time. "Oh Jude, you're okay, things happen." Nah, I am evil. Pure evil that day. Isn't another old wives tale that a girl will take all your "sweetness" away. Let's hope that the case and I haven't turned for good. Ha.

Grass cutting is bittersweet.

Sweet because that counts as my exercise, it's was so nice outside today (the fresh air, sun, never gets old), and just relaxing. It's nice to feel those braxton hicks and chug water. Bitter because I look in the door to see a screaming, banging Jude :( Oh my it broke my heart. Then they came outside. I thought that may calm him. Distract with toys and yet he can be closer to me. Nope. Screaming at my feet. Bitter. Needless to say, him and John had to go to the basement to play until I was done. Sad.

Holy cow, I'm pregnant.

Here I am this morning.


Comparable to a small calf? Here are my list of excuses. Well, I did eat cupcakes yesterday, I have been exceptionally lazy while Jude naps, this is the second baby, and etc. I mean, sigh I'm just not ready to actually look pregnant. I don't mind being pregnant right now. BUT I'd like a few more weeks. Or maybe I'm just carrying differently? Different genders carry different?! OH yes, let's go with that. I look of now at least. Jude's pic is much lower. I guess you really do show sooner than with your first. I like to think I look more "athletic" this time around though. A bit wimpy with Jude. Or maybe it's going to be a really fat, chubby baby! You know, maybe next week I'll take it from further away. This is a close up ya know, think I can look a bit smaller then?! Ha! Yep, there he or she is. Ready to break through!!

Have I mentioned this FRIDAY is our scan. Pray everything goes well and that the fetus looks amazing! Thanks in advance. Nothing like seeing that fetus for 60 minutes! I can't wait!!! We're so excited. I was tossing around the idea of finding out this time around, HOWEVER, we have decided against it. So you and I will have to wait 20 more weeks to see what this trouble maker is!


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