Friday, April 27, 2012

20 Weeks Baked

Baked.  Makes me think of sweets, makes me think GIRL b/c I'm not sweet.  Never really was though.  But really, girl.  Dreams=girl.  Thoughts=girl.  Okay, this is subject to change next week.

I googled 20 weeks pregnant and found all these pictures of huge pregnant bellies, gender reveals, baby names, nursery's, what they are craving, what they are not craving, what they can't do, what they want to do, etc.  I know with Jude's pregnancy I started reporting weight, craving, etc, but let's be honest, that did NOT last long.  Life goes on.  You get a bigger belly each week, you live life.  I have no cravings, turn offs, nursery to report, limitations, or things I want to do.  I will tell you this intern can not end soon enough because I hate leaving Jude and let's be more honest, it's stupid.  I'm fully capable of counseling a 13 year old.  When the time comes, I'll rock it.

Speaking of intern.  My class is going to a BAR for our last class.  A BAR!  Really?!  Ugh.  So I have complied a list of excuses, which do you think is best :

A: I'm a recovering, pregnant alcoholic and do not feel that would be the best environment for my situation; see my nicotine patch...
B: My child has an ear infection? (Works every time right?)
C: I am not comfortable being around second hand smoke b/c of the fetus.
D: I hate alcohol, smoke, and bars.  Three strikes, I'm out.
E: I have made NO effort to know anyone in the class so I'd only be the outcast at the bar.
F: 11's a crowd, 10's is much better.
G: I don't eat dinner or drink foundation sodas.
H: At my very first course at Umsl, the professor invited us to Chevy's for the last class....I skipped that.
I feel as though for my very last course at Umsl, I need to skip the last class (at the bar) because it's the same concept. 

Yea, she's bound to understand one.  I'm not sure which is best at this point. Mu ah ah ah.

Or maybe I'm just really sad with work.  Here I am making up excuses for myself evil self.  Ha.  I really got to know and love this 8th grader.  Well the counselor I work with texted me last night saying his cancer is back :( He has had treatment, been in remission and now, one step back.  I feel so badly for him and his family.  He came in on Tuesday though (Just found out Monday about it returning) and his spirit is so uplifting.  He is one of the strongest 13 year old I've ever met.  Love this kid.  Makes me feel as though I take too much granted.  I should be so happy with what I have. 

Jude has become a parrot overnight.  Crazy.  He tried or says everything that comes out of my mouth.  It's amazing and so cute!  Good thing another is on the way, this one is growing up too fast. 

                                    Yea man! Yes, we wear skeleton jammies in April.  Don't you?
                                                  Totally cheesy right!  You know I love cheese! 

                                               20 weeks. is growing in my butt. 
               Woah, ignore my scary corked head pose.  I was just trying to give you the full package :)
                                                Go go go!  So big, no need for help anymore!

            Oh man...Looks like a bad traffic jam.                     Ready, set, GO!!!!!! Says this 24/7.

Woah, these all just sorta loaded next to eachother!  So the first, he's such a big boy going down the slide all by himself!  The next one is from our nature hike with the scary "Ducks!"  Third one, Jude saying "beep beep!" Fourth one Jude saying "Bubble bath!" Such a smart child! I wouldn't expect anything less though. 


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