Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poor sick baby

Well, out of no where Jude got a fever yesterday.  He reminds me so much of John.  He was so sad, cuddly, whiny and pathetic.   He did not want to do his normal things: go get the mail with me, take a bath, or even watch Barney, his new best friend.  He just wanted to whine :( But don't worry after some Advil kicked in, he bounced back last night.  Even said two new words.  Went to bed, no problems!

He woke up okay this morning.  A little sad really.  Broke my heart.  So we went to Walgreens and bought a better thermometer, tylenol, and a toy car.  I couldn't resist.  He was making car sounds as I put him in carseat so he's not that sick :)

I remember when I was sick one time my mom went out and bought me this mini, plaid backpack. I think I still have it....It made me feel better.  So thank you mom for those great memories!  Granted I was about 10, not 18 months, but oh well.  He was excited and has been playing with it all day. 

His fever was also a great excuse to turn on the air :)  Oh I had every intention of making pancakes this am too, but to my surprise, we have no milk, so we also got some hot cakes from McDonald's which he loves.  He's napping now.  I'm nesting and updating you.  Hope he wakes up well rested! 

                        There's just nothing worse than a sick baby.  Wish I could have the fever.
                                                      He's actually asleep like this on me...

Well better get moving before he starts to stir. 

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