Friday, April 27, 2012

Spoiled, Liquid Gold-my breastfeeding post

I can't believe this day has finally come.  20 weeks pregnant has brought on a new, improved Kate.  I am nesting like no woman ever should.  I just tackled the Deep Freezer.  Do recall my previous Liquid Gold Post; much earlier, Jude was around 3 months.  At that time, I had a decent stash.  And by decent, I mean a stash no woman would ever need to use.  See for yourself :

                                                  641.75 ounces stored at the age of 3 months.

And then here's the progression to May:

                      All in the new deep freezer!  Not sure on ounce increment here...A LOT?

And crap, I can't believe I didn't take a current one!  Well, I will tell you this, after about 1100 ounces, I stopped counting.  So then there's today.  The big 20 week mark and I spent my time cleaning out that deep freezer.  What an emotional time.  All the hours, pump pieces, baggies, bottles, and pain.  All down the drain.  My liquid gold is now spoiled rotten gold.  I have trashed 1000 ounces...Bare with me, I did take a great amount of picture that is clearly not needed.

                                              It's NOT true what they say about "Hefty" bags.

I will say it was very sad to trash all that; however, on a brighter note, I managed to pump in Sept/Oct and therefore have 95 ounces that will be technically "good" for new baby!  Can you believe it!  What a start! :)

                                                                95 ounces of GOLD

 So where do I stand with new baby?!  I thought I'd do a little experiment and try a fully, formula fed baby.  Don't you think it'll be interesting to see the developmental and intellectual differences between Jude and Baby!?  HA. I can't even type that without smiling.  No, I have every intention of doing exactly what I did for Jude.  Pumping extra during that 4 am feeding to ensure baby will get the best.  Without having to do an intern, go to class, and let's face it, I won't be a mall walking mama with two, I plan to pump and then each month donate.  I would have done this last time BUT I failed to write the time, date, year, etc on every freezer bag.  They are VERY particular of donations, makes sense.  But I guess time will tell what happens.  It'd also be great to not pump at all....hmmm.

On a side note, our 20 week celebration of half baked has been outstanding!  Nice early rise, visit from Great Grandma and Grandma, AND as I was writing this, fetus gave me a giant kick.  To which I actually SAW from outside.  Oh let the good times begins! 

Why do I smell like ice-cream!?!?

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